
  • partner
火家 [huǒ jiā]
  • [co-worker;partner] 伙计,伴当

  1. 你们用那死亡之火在家中、在地里烧饭。

    With that fire of death you cook your foods in your homes and in your fields .

  2. 这场火使这家工厂的生产延误达三个月之久。

    The fire in the factory put back production by three months .

  3. 确实挺出人意料的确实是个例外还没有那个剧能火到几家电视台同时在播

    You know , it 's an amazing thing . It 's a really exception.Nothing like syndication for a show .

  4. 两周后,我们将在北京最火的一家摇滚俱乐部里担纲主演,而且现在我们正同一家经纪公司预约有关参加外地音乐节演出的事宜。

    In two weeks we are headlining one of Beijing 's top rock clubs , and we 're talking to an agent about booking some out-of-town festivals .

  5. 一名政府工作人员表示,对火势的调查表明一些在工厂工作的人和这起事故有关,但并没有表明到底是谁放的火,这家工厂的拥有者将因忽视安全问题受到处罚。

    A government committee investigating the blaze says some people who worked at the factory might be involved in the sabotage . But it says no matter who set the fire , the factory owner must be punished for his negligence .

  6. 水母和火珊瑚是一家。

    Jellyfish and fire coral are cousins .

  7. 火是在自己家里烧起来的呢,还是在隔壁房里烧起来的呢?究竟是在甚么地方烧起来的呢?大家都陷入恐怖中。

    Was it in their house , or a neighbor 's ? No one could tell , for terror had seized upon all .