
shēng xī
  • live;develop;exist;grow;propagate;bear interest;subsist;gain interest
生息 [shēng xī]
  • (1) [live; subsist]∶生活;生存

  • 湖里有许多珍禽在那里生息

  • (2) [propagate]∶人口繁殖

  • 休养生息

  • (3) [develop]∶使生长

  • 生息力量

  • (4) [gain interest]∶产生利息

生息[shēng xī]
  1. 试着去理解在这片土地上生息的人们。

    Try to get a feeling for the people who live here

  2. 夏季它们在高原上繁衍生息,

    In summer they live and breed out on the plateau ,

  3. 如果把钱存入储蓄账户,就会自然生息。

    Interest will accrue if you keep your money in a savings account .

  4. 如果28天之内不付款,就会自然生息。

    If you do not pay within 28 days , interest will accrue

  5. 自古以来,我们的祖先就劳动、生息、繁衍在这块土地上。

    From ancient times our forefathers have laboured , lived and multiplied on this land .

  6. 云南省是大象的生息地。

    Yunnan province is the home of elephants .

  7. 研究小组正通过DNA测序,以及计算突变率和模式的方法,来找出珊瑚礁寄居者们是如何存活下来、甚至大量繁衍生息的。

    A research team is investigating how the coral colonies are able to survive - and even thrive - by sequencing their DNA as well as calculating mutation rates and patterns .

  8. 目前这艘沉没的油轮夹在南部的罗本岛(RobbenIsland)与北部的达森岛(DassenIsland)之间。而这两个岛正是企鹅们繁衍生息的主要据点。

    Now , the ship sank between Robben Island to the south , and Dassen Island to the north -- two of the penguins ' main breeding islands .

  9. 只要给予这种濒危的老虎足够的栖息地和足够的猎物,它们就能繁衍生息下来,Sita就是活生生的证据。

    Sita is living proof that this endangered species can flourish if only given enough room and enough prey . "

  10. 在规模宏大的国家公园TamanNegara,大量野生生物繁衍生息。这个国家公园位于马来西亚半岛中心附近。

    The wildlife is especially thick in Taman Negara , a huge national park located near the centre of the peninsula .

  11. 但中国银监会(CBRC)表示,预计2007年全年销售总量将达1万亿元人民币,原因是有更多的理财产品面世,同时客户将资金从生息的定期存款中转出。

    But the China Banking Regulatory Commission ( CBRC ) said it expected that figure had jumped to Rmb1000bn by the end of the year as more products became available and customers shifted money out of interest-bearing time deposits .

  12. 在错误改正之前,他问SunTrust的一名代表,笔钱被银行追回之前,他可以把它转到生息帐户,把利息捐给慈善机构。

    Before the problem was fixed , he asked a SunTrust rep if he could move the money to an interest-bearing account until it was reclaimed and donate the interest to charity .

  13. 如你将钱存于银行,则自然生息。

    If you put money in the bank , interest accrues .

  14. 你们为安定地耕种生息而战。

    You fight for the right to grow crops in peace .

  15. 岩土环境是人类生息最重要的环境。

    The most important living environment of humanity is rock earth environment .

  16. 水资源是人类生息不可缺少的自然资源。

    Water resources are the lifeblood of all living beings .

  17. 存款会按7%的利率生息。

    Interest will accrue on the account at a rate of7 % .

  18. 这些银行目前把这些准备金作为放在美联储的生息存款。

    The banks now hold these as interest-bearing deposits at the Fed .

  19. 马克思生息资本理论的逻辑内涵及现代价值

    The Logical Connotation and Realistic Value of Marxian Theories on Interest-bearing Capital

  20. 在远古时代,就有人类在这里繁衍生息。

    There has been human habitation here since prehistoric times .

  21. 所以物种们现在要在太阳离去前繁衍生息。

    Now it 's a race to breed before the sun departs .

  22. 昆虫在脊椎动物之前生息在这块土地上。

    The insects colonised the land before the vertebrates .

  23. 我们把他们从世代生息的家园上赶走。

    We 've driven them from their ancestral homes .

  24. 后来他们找到他的时候,他仍然紧紧抱著她了无生息的躯体,哀恸得说不出话。

    They had found him still holding her body , silent with grief .

  25. 难道地球已不再繁衍生息?

    Has the earth ceased to yield its increase ?

  26. 现在回到这里繁衍生息

    and now , they 're returning to breed .

  27. 营业外利润对销售总额的比率实际生息[利润]率

    Ratio of non-operating profit to net sales actual yield

  28. 只有实现可持续发展,人类才能世代繁衍生息。

    Only the achievement of sustainable development , can humanity multiply their off-springs .

  29. 实际生息[利润]率利率风险:由于利率的差别而产生的风险。

    Actual yield interest rate risk : Risk due to difference in interest rates .

  30. 无法在当前生息的资金。

    Money that is not currently earning interest .