
shēnɡ fù
  • biological (or natural) father;biological (or natural) parent;one's own father
生父 [shēng fù]
  • [natural father] 生育己身的父亲

  1. 陈美参赛的姓氏Vanakorn来自她的生父。她在第一轮比赛中的成绩为1分44秒86,比领先的蒂娜・梅兹(TinaMaze)落后了26秒98。

    Mae , competing under her biological father 's name Vanakorn , finished the first run in one minute 44.86 seconds , a lengthy 26.98 seconds behind race leader Tina Maze .

  2. 我该怎么做啊难道就径直走到他面前问你是我生父吗

    What am I supposed to do ? Do I just ... confront him and say , " Are you my biological father ? "

  3. 他的生父在17年前不辞而别,自那以后他母亲就改嫁了。

    His real father had gone AWOL about 17 years earlier , and after that his mother had remarried .

  4. 史蒂夫•乔布斯称生父生母只是自己的“精子和卵子库”【美联社(AssociatedPress)】

    Steve Jobs refers to his biological parents as his " sperm and egg bank " ( Associated Press )

  5. 联合国已悄无声息地开始为“维和宝宝”提供DNA亲子鉴定,帮助他们寻找生父。

    The UN has quietly started to offer DNA testing to help prove paternity claims for the " peacekeeper babies . "

  6. 我们找到了生父,Dalehelm先生。

    We have located the biological father , Mr. Dale Helm .

  7. 这项针对再婚的法条本意是为了防止搞不清楚离婚后出生的子女的生父是谁而产生的纠纷——在遗产继承利害攸关的明治时代,这一点至关重要,但随着DNA亲子鉴定技术的出现,其重要性已经降低。

    The law on remarriage is supposed to prevent disputes about who fathered children - of vital importance in the Meiji era when inheritances were at stake but less relevant with the advent of DNA paternity tests .

  8. 欧普拉八岁时,妈妈把她送到了田纳西州的那斯维尔(Nashville)的生父和继母那里。

    When Oprah was eight , Vernita sent her to live her fatherandstepmother in Nashville , Tennessee .

  9. 从八岁开始,他在Connecticut由母亲和继父抚养,但在军校放在生父那里度假。

    From the age of eight he was raised in Connecticut by his mother and a stepfather , but spent time with his father during vacations from military school .

  10. 我的理解是&有三名妇女说她们的孩子是LUGO的,其中有一个还对他发起了确认生父的诉讼。

    And one of the three women who claim that he fathered their children filed a ( third ) paternity suit against him .

  11. 不我不想把结局给毁了你们得自己看才会有意思想想当你们发现Bella的生父是谁时会有多惊喜

    No , I don 't wanna ruin the ending . It 's always better when you 're surprised . It 's just like , how surprised you 're gonna be when you find out who Bella 's real father is

  12. 那样即使他找不到生父。

    So that even if he never finds his real father .

  13. 再告诉他我是他的生父。

    I 'd tell him I was his real dad .

  14. 直到我们从她生父那里得到直接回答。

    Until we can get a straight answer from e birth father .

  15. 好像你的生父还在教生物学一样。

    Sounds like your biological dad is still teaching biology .

  16. 你告诉你妹妹一个关于她生父的童话。

    You tell your sister a fairy tale about her real father .

  17. 在晚餐中揭露夏洛特生父之秘吗

    to reveal Charlotte 's paternity at that dinner anyway ?

  18. 她希望找到生父,但不知道从何找起。

    She wants to find her donor father but does not know how .

  19. 只是想弄清楚谁是我的生父。

    Because I 'm trying to figure out who my real father is .

  20. 但是你说他不是孩子的生父。

    But you said he 's not the father .

  21. 他的生父在喜马拉雅山失踪了。

    His real father was lost in the himalayas .

  22. 这是我生父给我的讯息。

    It 's a message from my biological father .

  23. 18世纪法国的法理、习俗与法律鼓励生父搜索。

    The eighteenth century jurisprudence , customs and laws even encouraged paternity searches .

  24. 生父鉴定结果还没出来

    Oh , the results of the paternity test aren 't in yet .

  25. 因为你的生父已经和你断绝关系了

    because your earthly father is finished with you !

  26. 也许我会很像我生父。

    Then I might look like my real dad .

  27. 你博学的父亲不是你生父

    that your read dad is not really your dad

  28. 最终却和他的生父一样,抛弃了他。

    and like his biological father , he would end up abandoning him .

  29. 我是他的生父

    of whom I am the biological father ,

  30. 虽然他不是你的生父

    Just because he 's not really your dad