
  • 网络Sliding door;sliding gate
  1. 滑动门在槽沟中移动。

    Sliding doors move in grooves .

  2. 用于制造滑动门和橱柜门。

    Application : For making sliding doors or closet doors .

  3. 用西门子PLC实现长钢轨群吊多吊集控运行将防喷器吊到滑动门上,接上隔水管。

    Realizing Multi-crane Center Control of Long Rail Crane with Siemens PLC ; Move the BOP to the moonpool door and attach the marine riser .

  4. 在两边有屋顶和滑动门。

    With roof and sliding doors in the sides .

  5. 滑动门和滑动窗都在凹槽中移动。

    Sliding doors and windows move in groove .

  6. 船用端部密封式气密滑动门

    Marine end-sealed airtight-sliding door

  7. 芬兰海乐福成立于1983年,专业生产品质卓越、价格合理的滑动门系统。

    Helaform Oy was founded in1983 for the purpose of manufacturing top quality sliding door systems at realistic prices .

  8. 设计师使用了大面积的榉木色门板的推拉滑动门,并配合了金属网格的门板使用。

    Designers used large beech color of push-pull sliding door , and with a metal grid to use the door .

  9. 系统采用了无间歇可调宽度滑动门计数器以动态记录信息。

    For the acquisition of dynamic information , the instrument adopts the non-intermittent counters to achieve the function of width-adjustable moving gate .

  10. 用防喷器吊车将防喷器组吊到滑动门上。

    Slip ram preventer stripper type preventer Use the BOP crane to pick up the BOP stack onto the beams of the moonpool .

  11. 城堡内部的房间都装饰有漂亮的壁画和金箔,配有传统的宣纸滑动门和榻榻米。

    The rooms inside are all beautifully decorated with paintings and gold leaf , and feature traditional rice paper sliding doors and tatami mats .

  12. 产品广泛用于衣柜滑动门、电视背墙、隔断等,是家庭、酒店、宾馆、娱乐场所等玻璃装饰的最佳选择。

    The products are widely used in chest sliding doors , TV parados , partition and so on , is the family , hotel , hotel , entertainment glass decoration the best choice .

  13. 该公司承诺会“忠实地重现”大堂里数个很受喜爱之处,包括壁毯、纸灯笼、滑动门、漆器家具,以及标记时区的地图。

    The company promised to " faithfully reproduce " several beloved artifacts in the lobby , including wall tapestries , paper lanterns and sliding doors , the lacquered furnishings and map of time zones .

  14. 每个滑动门宽可以从50μs变化到十几秒,相应地,根据预设门的数目,总测量时间跨度为几毫秒至几十秒。

    The width of the moving gate can be changed from 50 microseconds to about 10 seconds , and correspondingly the total temporal span of the measurement ranges from several milliseconds to tens seconds , depending on the preset gate number .

  15. 可以拒绝外物进入车内的摇动的或滑动的门。

    A swinging or sliding barrier that will close off access into a car .

  16. 她转过身,看见一头黑熊从滑动玻璃门走进了她家。

    She turned and saw a black bear walking through her home 's sliding glass doors .

  17. 思嘉无可奈何地瞧着媚兰,媚兰无计可施,绞着手里的手绢,悄悄走出去,把那两扇滑动的门轻轻拉上了。

    Scarlett cast a despairing glance at melly , who twisted her handkerchief helplessly and went out , softly pulling the sliding doors together .

  18. 仅仅几分钟之后,她看见一个男人不怀好意地走向滑动玻璃门。

    She had only been watching for a few minutes when she saw a man walking toward the sliding glass doors with deadly purpose .

  19. 使用欧洲标准高档五金,结构采用下轨滑动推门,开启灵活自如。

    This product is made with high standardized alloys of European levels and downward rails to slide and is able to open and close flexibly .

  20. 许多郊区的家庭都在自己的庭院滑动玻璃门,典雅,所以没有人可以撬开车门打开内置的钢筋。

    Many suburban families have sliding glass doors on their patios , with steel bars elegantly built in so no one can pry the doors open .

  21. 瓦格纳说,对于那些勇敢的人而言,他们所做出的调整通常很彻底,无论这是否意味着要添加卷帘百叶窗或滑动玻璃门。

    For those who brave it , Mr. Wagner says , adjustments are typically made down the line , whether that means adding roller blinds or sliding glass doors .

  22. 埃奇勒建造了廉价房屋,这些房屋的特点是:落地的玻璃墙、开放式的平面设计、无遮蔽的梁柱构造、混凝土地面以及大量的滑动玻璃门。

    Eichler built inexpensive houses that featured floor-to - ceiling glass walls , open floor plans , exposed post-and-beam construction , concrete slab floors , and lots of sliding glass doors .

  23. 我们厨房里装了那种可滑动开关的门。

    We 've got one of those doors in the kitchen that slide open .