
  • 网络funny;Funny People;Adam Sandler;Funny.People.Unrated
  1. 实际上,更大的权力属于一个神经兮兮的黑人滑稽人物。他叫作特雷西•乔丹(TracyJordan),聘请他的人是多纳吉。

    In practice , more power lies with an unhinged black comic called Tracy Jordan , who is hired by Donaghy .

  2. 在莎士比亚的福斯泰夫之后,匹克威克先生也许是英国文学中最伟大的滑稽人物了。

    Next to Shakespear 's Falstaff , Mr. Pickwick is perhaps the greatest comic figure in English literature .

  3. 在这场危机降临之前,人们的一般看法是,布朗是一位带悲剧色彩的滑稽人物:一心要当首相,却无望地证明他不适合这一职位。

    Until the crisis struck , the conventional wisdom was that Mr Brown was a tragic-comic figure : a man who had desperately wanted to be prime minister , but had proved hopelessly unfitted to the task .

  4. 他是个不怎么滑稽的人物,最害怕被人嘲笑。

    A faintly comic figure , he fears ridicule above all else .

  5. 他是个害怕被别人取笑的有点儿滑稽的人物。

    He is a faintly comical figure who fears being made fun of .

  6. 戴西是一个非常滑稽可笑的人物。

    Daisy is a pretty zany character .

  7. 西班牙著名作家塞万提斯笔下的唐吉诃德历来被认为是一个滑稽可笑的喜剧人物,他的性格既具有喜剧性又具有悲剧性因素。

    Doh Qvixote is a funny comic character created by famous Spaniard author Miguel de Cervantes Seavedra ( 1547-1616 ) . His character shares both comedy and tragedy .

  8. 从现代观点看来,《史记·滑稽列传》中的滑稽人物故事应被归入幽默。

    The huaji-ists'stories in Shi-ji Huaji Liezhuan should be categorized as humor from the modern viewpoint .