
  1. 花滑世界的年度压轴大戏-世界锦标赛已迫在眉睫,各路高手正厉兵秣马,进入最后两周倒计时。

    With the World Championships , the premier event of the skating season , right around the corner , all of the world 's elite skaters are in their last couple weeks of preparation .

  2. 出席他们周六晚婚礼的可不是什么泛泛之辈。不少花滑界世界顶尖高手将齐聚北京亲自表演,为这对新人送上礼物。

    It won 't be just any ordinary friends in attendance on Saturday evening . Taking part in the couple 's wedding will be some of the world 's best skating stars who have flown into Beijing to perform as their gift to the couple .

  3. 令人无法接受的是,在这个发明互联网的国家,我们宽带数量的排名却滑到了世界第十五位。

    It is unacceptable that here , in the country that invented the Internet , we fell to fifteenth in the world in broadband deployment .