
  • 网络ram
  1. C轴的静压导向套设置于滑枕的前部。

    The hydrostatically guide C-axis sleeve is located at the front of the ram .

  2. 大型龙门铣床主轴滑枕结构有限元分析

    Structural Finite Element Analysis of Spindle Ram for Large-Scale Milling Planer

  3. 针对SKODA铣镗床主轴箱的特点&镗杆、滑枕共用一台电动机驱动,在数控改造中,应用SIE-MENS840D设定点交换功能实现两个数控轴Z/W的切换功能。

    According to the characteristic of SKODA boring machine boring bar ram are driven by one motor , while in CNC reforming of the machine , the axis Z / W exchange function is realized by the set point exchange function of SIEMENS 840D .

  4. 数控铣镗床滑枕下垂补偿系统

    Droop Compensation System for the Ram of A CNC Boring-milling Machine

  5. 大型落地铣镗床方滑枕精度变形补偿措施

    Deformation Compensation to the Square Ram of Large Floor Type Boring-milling Machine

  6. 立式车床滑枕滑座接触刚度的三维罚有限元分析

    The Three-dimensional Penalty Finite Element Analysis on the sliding contact Rigidity of Vertical Lathes

  7. 立车滑枕、滑座接触刚度有限元分析

    Finite element analysis for the contact stiffness between slide pairs of a vertical lathe

  8. 机床立滑枕液力平衡装置设计理论与实践

    Theory and practice of design of fluid-force balance device for vertical ram in machine tools

  9. 其中,滑枕内孔表面粗糙度在线测量是该镗床设计研发中的重要环节。

    Measurement of surface roughness of ram inner bore is important links to improve research and development of the Coordinate boring machine .

  10. 方滑枕的静动态特性直接影响整个机床的精度、加工性能和产品质量。

    The static and dynamic properties of square ram influence the precision and processability of the whole machine tool and products ' quality directly .

  11. 本文用罚有限元法对立车滑枕、滑座模拟实验装置进行了三维接触分析,并利用有限元超收敛理论使计算精度得以提高。

    This paper have made a three-dimensional contact analysis on the simulative test device of vertical lathe sliding pedestal by means of the penalty finite element method .

  12. 在此基础上,模拟了机床滑枕的低头现象实施了在机检测实验,获得了与工厂理论值相符的检测结果。

    On this basis , simulate the phenomenon of machine ram bow and implement this method in machine detection experiments , the obtained test results match with the theoretical value of factory .

  13. 方滑枕结构广泛应用在数控铣镗机床中,是完成加工的主要部件之一,也是直接承受载荷的部件。

    The structure of the square ram is widely used in NC boring and milling machine . It is one of major parts of completing processing and it is the part that directly receives loads .

  14. 因此,方滑枕的上部纵向装有两条拉杆,拉杆的一端固定在方滑枕的前端,拉杆的后端经油缸拉向滑枕后端面。

    Therefore , the square ram with two upper longitudinal rod , bar one end fixed on the square ram the front of the bar 's pull-back by the fuel tank after the ram face .

  15. 针对螺母前端滑枕部分热变形,研制补偿装置,实验证明数控机床能够准确接收补偿装置发送的控制脉冲。

    A compensating device is developed for the deformation of the ram in the fore-end of the nut . The experiment demonstrates that the NC machine can accurately receive the control pulse sent by the compensating device .

  16. 牛头滑枕部件是大型双牛头电火花机床关键承载构件,其结构的静、动态性能是直接影响该机床加工精度的关键因素。

    Ngau-Tau ram component is the key bearing structure of large-size double Ngau-Tau-stype EDM machine , where the static and dynamic performance of the structure is the key factor that directly affects the machining accuracy of the machine .

  17. 并以龙门式加工中心的滑枕为例进行分析,研究了滑枕的静动态特性,并对滑枕的结构进行改进。

    Taking the ram of a gantry typed machining center as an example carried out an analysis ; the static and dynamic characteristics of ram were studied , and an improvement on the structure of ram was conducted .

  18. 重型精密数控机床是装备制造业发展的趋势,其关键部件滑枕孔的加工是制造技术难题。

    The heavy precision CNC machine tools is the trend of the development of the equipment manufacturing industry , key components of the ram is the deep hole , the machining of which is a manufacturing technical problem .

  19. 本文通过对滑枕一刀夹系统的静刚度对比分析,介绍了立式车床立刀架的静刚度及对整机的影响,并论述了滑枕截面的合理选择。

    The article compares and analyzes the statical stiffness of slide ram-tool carrier system , deducing the tool carrier stiffness effect on the whole machine , and discusses the selection of feasible cross section of the slide ram .

  20. 本文主要针对重型数控落地铣镗床的滑枕组件进行热分析,提出解决方案并进行相关实验论证。

    This thesis is aimed at a thermal analysis of the ram components of NC heavy type milling-boring machine tool with adjustable stand . A scheme to solve the problem is proposed in this thesis and an experimental demonstration is provided .

  21. 对滑枕热变形检测方案和光栅尺安装改进方案进行有限元分析,验证方案的可行性与准确性。

    With the finite element method , the scheme to detect the thermal deformation of the ram and the scheme to install and improve the grating bar of the ram are analyzed to test the feasibility and accuracy of the scheme .

  22. 对补偿前后的滑枕进行了模态分析,分析结果显示补偿系统的安装不会破坏滑枕的结构强度。

    In additional , the modal analysis of the before and after compensated ram are accomplished , and the according to the results from these analysis , the compensated system installed in the ram can not destroy the strength of the ram .

  23. 介绍一种机械-电气-液压一体化的方滑枕自重变形补偿结构,以解决大型落地铣镗床系列产品的方滑枕伸出移动后低头的问题。

    This article introduces a compensation structure integrating mechanical , electric and hydraulic for self weight deformation of square ram , which can be used to resolve the problem of back tilting of the square ram when it goes out to move forward on the large floor type boring-milling machine .

  24. 在对力的控制中,如何提高压力平衡系统的动静态性能指标是当前研究的关键点,采用压力传感器的闭环控制来分别满足横梁、滑枕不同运动状态下的平衡要求。

    How to improve the dynamic and static performance indexes of the force loading system is the key research point to the control of the force , the balance requirements of the beam and ram under different motion states are satisfied with the closed loop control of the pressure sensor .