
huá jiànɡ
  • ski downhill;glide to a landing
  1. 另一方面将反馈脉冲耦合神经网络与滑降分割相结合,提出了一种新的MRI图像分割的特征提取算法。

    Secondly , combining the feedback pulse coupling neural network ( FPCNN ) with toboggan segmentation algorithm , this thesis presents a new MRI image segmentation feature extraction methods .

  2. 高山滑雪由滑降、小回转和大回转(障碍滑雪)组成。

    Alpine skiing consists of downhill , slalom and giant slalom .

  3. 来自爱达荷州23岁的选手在滑降比赛中获得第一名。

    The23-year-old from Idaho placed first in the downhill race .

  4. 雪足够的话我很快就可以滑降滑雪了。

    I 'm going downhill skiing as soon as there 's enough powder .

  5. 滑降滑雪可不是每个人都能玩的。

    Downhill skiing is not for everyone .

  6. 压容图,压力容积曲线图此原由是用图形曲线解释飞行速度与最佳滑降比之间关系。

    Pressure-volume diagram The target from the origin to the curve shows the speed for best glide .

  7. 其中,还会有一些别出心裁的火炬接力方式,比如骑马、蒸汽火车、甚至高空滑降。

    Some unusual methods of transport will be used , including horse , steam train and even zip wire .

  8. 也就是说,对滑降赛和超大回转滑雪等快速滑雪比赛来说,平滑的冰面是最理想的场地。

    That said , if the ice is smooth it makes for the ultimate piste condition for the speed skiing events of downhill and super-G.

  9. 除此之外,她还有其它几个“刺激”的爱好,比如滑降和滑伞。

    When she 's not sleeping out under the stars , she also has several other adrenalin-fueled interests , such as downhill racing and paragliding .

  10. 均质地层和定流量条件下均衡纵剖面的形成过程与最速滑降问题类似。

    In condition of uniform stratum and unchanged flow , the process of equilibrium profile forming is similar to a mathematic question-Toboggan slide with the least time .

  11. 高山滑雪是以滑雪板和滑雪杖为工具,在山坡专设的线路上进行快速回转和滑降的一种雪上竞技项目。

    Alpine Ski sport taking ski and stick as the tool is one of the snow athletic sports , which has speedy slalom and downwards-skiing on the special course of the hillsides .

  12. 在滑雪缆车开始运送滑雪者上山下滑之后,自由式滑雪者将雪上技巧带到了偏远山地之中,追求险石陡峰间的滑降腾跃和飞翔&这是运动演进的历程。

    Now , not long after lifts started carrying people up mountains , free skiers started to taking their trips in the backcountry , charging steep lines , and catching huge air .

  13. 现在,斜滑降时,用山上板的外刃,提起山下脚,并靠近接触山上脚,保持平衡,横穿雪道。

    Practice this until you can lift and touch the lower ski to uphill boot at least five times in the traverse , without losing your balance and without diminishing the grip ofthe uphill , little-toe edge .

  14. 此原由是用图形曲线解释飞行速度与最佳滑降比之间关系。虽原此系统并未针对拉曼光谱强化找出最佳参数,但结果显示其光谱显示相当快速。

    The target from the origin to the curve shows the speed for best glide . Although the system has not been optimized to maximize the Raman spectra , it is shown spectra can be obtained rapidly .