
  • 网络slide body;slip mass;slide;landslide;sliding mass
  1. 滑坡体中大块岩体解小爆破设计

    Blasting design for fragmentizing large rock blocks in slide body

  2. 为监测豆芽棚滑坡体的整体稳定性及综合治理的效果,建立了豆芽棚滑坡治理自动监测系统。实现了在线实时自动化监测。

    In order to monitoring integral stability of slide body and to check the effect of comprehensive control of landslide in Douyapeng , the inline system an automatic monitoring system , was set up .

  3. 应用GPS定位技术监测滑坡体垂直形变研究

    The study of using GPS technology to monitor the slope vertical deformation

  4. 黄河小浪底工程滑坡体监测的GPS数据分析

    GPS Data Analysis of Landslide Monitoring in Xiaolangdi Project of the Yellow River

  5. 论文采用了有限差分程序FLAC~(3D)三维数值模拟分析与模型试验相结合的方法,对酸水湾隧道施工过程及滑坡体滑动过程进行了模拟。

    By using finite difference procedure of FLAC ~ ( 3D ) and model tests , construction simulation of Suan Shui Wan road tunnel and Landslide simulation is conducted .

  6. 根据对滑坡体、滑带采取的土样室内测试,结合滑坡变形状况,采用了反算,确定了滑带土的C、φ值。

    The C 、φ of slide zone soil are determined by inverse according to the laboratory test of soil sample with landslide , slip surface and combined with the deformation condition of landslide .

  7. 以清江杨家槽滑坡体为例进行研究,提出了将均匀设计、遗传算法与BP神经网络结合起来应用于滑坡体反分析的新方法。

    As an example , this article applied uniform design , genetic algorithm and BP neural network to back analysing the mechanical parameters of Yangjiachao landslide , Qingjiang River .

  8. 泥石流(debrisflows,通常也叫mudslides)是一种能够在沟谷深壑中快速流动的滑坡体。

    Debris flows , also known as mudslides , are a common type of fast-moving landslide that tends to flow in channels .

  9. 建立了滑坡体爆破动力响应分析模型,基于运动单元法得出了爆破地震系数Ad与边坡安全系数Kd的关系;

    Model of slope 's dynamic response to blasting is given . The relationship between blasting seismic coefficient and slope stability coefficient is established based on kinematics element analysis .

  10. 基于Sarma法的滑坡体稳定分析

    Analysis of Stability of Landslide Body Based on Sarma ' Computation Method

  11. 本文用块体系统非连续变形分析(DDA)方法,对岩石滑坡体进行动态稳定分析。

    This paper uses Discontinuous Deformation Analysis ( DDA ) to analyse the dynamic stability of a rock slope slide .

  12. 通过工程实例,就瞬变电磁方法(TEM)和可控源音频大地电磁法(CSAMT)在滑坡体快速探测中的应用问题进行了研究。

    Based on the experience in prospecting landslide at Baoquan pumped storage reservoir , the paper studies the feasible problem that the application of TEM and CSAMT to prospecting landslide rapidly .

  13. 据物探资料测算,滑坡体的基岩面埋深为7~27m。

    The burying depth of the bedrock surface of the landslide is 7m ~ 27m thick according to geophysical data .

  14. 双养子沟道右岸滑坡体H1是在强降雨情况下失稳滑入沟床,堵塞沟道,然后在洪水作用下溃决形成泥石流的;

    After the H1 landslide on the right bank of Shuangyangzi gully slided and blocked gully channel in case of heavy rainfall under the inducement of the flood , debris flow outburst .

  15. 根据某水电站库区滑坡体的变形实测资料,反演其非线性动力学模型,进而计算Lyapunov指数谱、Lyapunov信息维来判定边坡的稳定性及稳定程度。

    According to the slope observation data of a certain hydropower plant , a nonlinear dynamic model is developed by means of reversion and the Lyapunov exponent spectrum , and the Lyapunov information dimension are calculated for judgement of the stability of the slope .

  16. 通过系统研究,创造性地采用沿夹层布置近水平向的截面尺寸为2.5m×5.0m(长×宽)的混凝土阻滑键并辅以预应力锚固的工程治理方案使滑坡体达到了稳定要求。

    Through systematic research , the method setting concrete sliding resistant keys with section of 2.5 m × 5.0 m horizontally and prestressed anchors is adopted to keep the slope stable .

  17. 为了评价预测滑坡体在暴雨、前缘河道疏浚开挖影响下变形的发展趋势和稳定程度,采取了FLAC-3D方法对滑坡体的变形状况进行三维数值模拟分析。

    In order to get a better understanding to the deformation trend and stability state of the landslide debris under extraordinary rainstorm , FLAC ~ ( 3D ) is used to make a numerical simulation .

  18. 根据地质勘探和二维解译资料,运用NURBS-BRep混合数据结构建模方法快速、准确地重构滑坡体三维地质模型。

    According to the data of geological explanation and 2D interpretation , the method based on NURBS-BRep integrated data structure can rebuild the 3D slope geological model quickly and accurately .

  19. 将滑坡体开挖至770m高程后,滑坡体稳定性将大大提高,即使在Ⅶ度地震条件下仍将保持稳定。

    If the landslide body is cut down to 770m in height , the stability will be increased greatly . It will be stable even in the earthquake condition of intensity ⅶ degrees .

  20. 并取其中一个典型潜在滑坡体进行了锚固。

    And take one of the typical potential landslide as research .

  21. 大岩淌滑坡体抗滑桩支挡加固工程的施工

    Construction and reinforcement of anti-slide piles in large rock sliding mass

  22. 反射波拼接时间剖面在滑坡体勘查中的应用

    Application of splicing time profile of reflection wave in landslide investigation

  23. 运动的水对滑坡体产生的机械作用

    The Mechanical Action of the Moving Water on the Landslide body

  24. 某矿高陡滑坡体爆破动力响应及其主动控制

    Regulation and passive control of steep slope dyamic response to blasting

  25. 重庆库区滑坡体致滑概率研究&以万州区清泉路滑坡为例

    Study on probability of landslides along the bank of Chongqing Reservoir

  26. 库水浸泡后滑坡体中水分布的实验研究

    Experimental study on water distribution in Landslide with reservoir table changed

  27. 洪门滑坡体工程处理及渗流观测资料分析

    Treatment of Hong-Men Slide Mass and Analysis of Seepage Observation Data

  28. 某滑坡体的变形模式与形成机制探讨

    Analysis of a landslide 's forming mechanism and pattern of deformation

  29. 李子沟车站滑坡体治理研究

    On the Treatment of the Sliding Slope at the Lizigou Station

  30. 钻孔组合桩在某石油井场滑坡体抢险中的应用

    Application of Composite Pile with Caliber Bore-hole in Landslide Emergency Rescue