
  • ski suit;Skiwear;Ski Jacket;parka;anorak
  1. 只有穿过滑雪服的男人才懂得女人穿连体裤去卫生间是多么复杂的一件事。

    Only men who have worn a ski suit understand how complicated it is for a woman to go to the bathroom when she 's wearing a jumpsuit .

  2. 他们的主要产品有运动休闲服,如帽子,羊毛和CVC的产品,而且技术滑雪服,如3层滑雪服,护目镜和头盔。

    Their main products are sporty leisurewear such as beanies , fleece-and CVC products but also technical skiwear such as3-layer ski jackets , goggles and helmets .

  3. 他们全都身着滑雪服。

    They were all togged up in their skiing gear .

  4. LoroPiana的StormSystem夹克也进入了华尔街人士的衣橱,这款衣服由防风防水的羊绒制成,长至臀部,款式有些像滑雪服。

    Loro Piana 's Storm System jackets , which are made of wind-proof and waterproof cashmere and come in a hip-length , ski style have also made inroads into the wardrobes of Wall Street .

  5. 他说:“这件羽绒服改变了我那年冬天的穿衣方式。”LoroPiana的StormSystem夹克也进入了华尔街人士的衣橱,这款衣服由防风防水的羊绒制成,长至臀部,款式有些像滑雪服。

    It changed the way I dressed that winter , ' he said . Loro Piana 's Storm System jackets , which are made of wind-proof and waterproof cashmere and come in a hip-length , ski style have also made inroads into the wardrobes of Wall Street .

  6. 所以我穿上我的红色滑雪服和绿色的靴子。

    So I put on my red snowsuit and green boots .

  7. 无线电动工具医疗技术甚至滑雪服

    Cordless power tools , medical tech , and even ski wear .

  8. 针织或钩编的运动服、滑雪服及游泳服。

    Track suits , ski suits and swimwear , knitted or crocheted .

  9. 问题35.为什么工人要穿滑雪服到公司工作?

    Question 35 . Why did the workers in the firm wear ski-clothing to work ?

  10. 该市的服装市场增加了色彩鲜艳的滑雪服供冬季销售。

    Clothes markets in the city have added bright colored ski suits to their winter collections .

  11. 最后他们达成一致意见,第二天穿滑雪服上班。

    Finally , they all met and agreed to wear ski-clothing to work the next day .

  12. 两杯爱尔兰咖啡下肚,两位英国客人断定,今天不穿滑雪服也能玩儿。

    Two Irish coffees later the two English visitors judged that play would be possible without ski jackets .

  13. 所称“便服套装”,不包括品目61.12的运动服及滑雪服。

    The term " ensemble " does not apply to track suits or ski suits , of heading.No61.12 .

  14. 因为在这个国家没有几个人有滑雪服,滑雪场在出租雪杖雪板的同时也出租雪服。

    Since few in this country own ski clothes , the resort rents parkas along with poles and skis .

  15. 主要是门票,保险,租雪具和滑雪服还有吃饭的钱。

    It included the lift ticket , insurance , renting a board and a suit , and a meal .

  16. 麦克:下班后我想去买套滑雪服。这个周末我也想去滑雪。

    Mike : I want to get some skiwear after work . I 'm going skiing this weekend , too .

  17. 佛山市天雅贸易有限公司是一家集设计、制造、销售于一体的滑雪服、风衣等服装的专业公司。

    Is a design , manufacturing , sales in one of the ski clothes , windbreaker , and other professional clothing company .

  18. 请为本课程准备你自己的带启发性的分析,并提出10种风格滑雪服的首期产品计划。

    In preparation for class , think about what kind of heuristic you might suggest , and develop a first period production plan for the10 styles .

  19. 吴淑珍看起来很虚弱,身着一件厚厚的、粉白色的滑雪服,除了打呵欠、咳嗽或按摩前额以外,她几乎一动不动。

    Ms Wu , looking frail and clad in a thick pink-and-white padded jacket , barely moved except to yawn , cough or massage her forehead .

  20. 如,男女式衬衫、夹克、风衣、棉衣、羽绒服、滑雪服、冲锋服、雨衣等。

    For example , men and women blouses , jackets , coats , cotton-padded clothes , down jackets , ski suits , Emergency clothes and raincoats .

  21. 为培养分析的灵感,本案例以香港生产的10种风格滑雪服为例,提出了一个简化的问题模式。

    To give you a feeling for the analysis , the case presents a simplified sample problem looking at10 styles , all of which are made in Hong Kong .

  22. 在这组照片中有两张全家福,照片中四人穿着时髦的滑雪服。另一张照片中,威廉抱着夏洛特,头上落着雪。

    Two photos show the entire family together , posing for the camera in their very stylish ski gear while another shows Wills holding Charlotte as the snow falls around them .

  23. 本课题以服装设计的最小语言&元素为切入点,以理论和实践并进的方式来研究滑雪服的设计。

    This topic take the minimum language unit of costume design & element as to correspond a point and research the design of skiing clothes with the way of integration between theory and practice .

  24. 目前国内滑雪服市场多被国外滑雪服品牌占领,国内滑雪服生产企业具有生产经验优势,但由于缺乏系统的设计方法而错失分享市场蛋糕的机会。

    Currently abroad skiing clothes brands take possession of the major local skiing clothes market . The domestic skiing clothes enterprises have advantages of production experience but they lose the opportunity of sharing market because of lacking the systematic design method .

  25. 深入与滑雪服相关的企业与市场,收集、整理滑雪服的实物资料,对滑雪服的款式、细部结构与工艺、色彩、材质等作了详细记录和分析。

    After getting into enterprises and markets related with skiing clothes and collecting and sorting real object data about skiing clothes , the style of skiing clothes , structure of minute part , craft , color and material and so on are recorded and analyzed in detail .

  26. 通过归纳总结日资公司某一品牌滑雪服19年间款式结构的变化以及国外著名设计师的滑雪服设计作品分析出人性化设计理念是指导滑雪服设计的主要思想。

    Through inducing and summarizing the variety of the style and structure of a certain skiing clothes brand in 19 years belonging to Japanese companies and skiing clothes design works of abroad well-known designer . I concluded that humanized design principle is primary thought instructing skiing clothes design .

  27. 丽丽:主要包括门票,保险,租雪橇、滑雪板和滑雪服,还有午餐。

    Lili : It includes the lift ticket , insurance , renting of sleds , skis and outer clothing , and lunch .

  28. 滑雪板、滑雪靴和滑雪服皆有出租。

    Hire of skis , boots and clothing , is all available .