
  • 网络Platform basement;basement of platform
  1. 上扬子地台基底演化探讨

    A discussion on the basement evolution of upper YANGZI PLATFORM

  2. 康定群的地质特征及其在扬子地台基底演化中的意义

    The characteristics of the Kangding group and its implication for the evolution of the Yangtze platform basement

  3. 研究表明四川盆地的形成演化曾经历了中-晚元古代扬子地台基底形成阶段;

    It has undergone a complicated development process divided into four stages as follows : ① the crystal basement of Yangtzc platform form stage since Meso-Proterozonic-Neo-Proterozonic ;

  4. 将基底结构分为两种类型,即种马场断裂以南为塔里木地台型基底,以北为海西期褶皱基底。

    The basement is of Tarim platform to the south of Zhongmachang fault and of Hercynian fold to the north .

  5. 对河口群的深入研究,有助于深化认识扬子地台西缘基底结构的特点及演化过程。

    Advanced study of Hekou Group would have important implications for understanding of the feature and evolution of the basement structure of Western Margin of Yangtze Terrane .

  6. 辽宁省位于华北地台北缘,其地质构造演化主要经历了地台基底形成(Ar-Pt1)、盖层沉积(Pt2-T2)、地台活化(T3以后)三个阶段。

    Liaoning province is located on the northern borderland of North China Platform , which has mainly experienced three stages : the forming of platform basement ( Ar-Pt 1 ), the depositing of cover ( Pt 2-T 2 ), and the activizing of platform ( after T 3 ) .