
  • 网络cucumber
  1. 保护地黄瓜对增施CO2的生理生态反应

    The Physiological and Biological Reactions of Cucumber tp CO_2 Application in Greenhouse

  2. 本文探讨了保护地黄瓜在增加CO2浓度条件下的生理生态反应。

    The effects of CO_2 application on the physiological and biological reactions of greenhouse cucumber was studied in greenhouse .

  3. 保护地黄瓜叶片光合作用温度特性的研究

    Studies on Photosynthetic Temperature Characteristic of Cucumber Leaves in Protective Field

  4. 保护地黄瓜主要数量性状相关遗传参数的研究

    Study on Correlation Genetic Parameters of Main Quantitative Characters in Protective Cucumber

  5. 1例保护地黄瓜施肥不当引起的病害的诊治

    A Case of Diagnosis in Cucumber Disease in Protective Land

  6. 保护地黄瓜低温生理病害的发生与防治

    The Cause and Prevention of Low Temperature Injury to Cucumber in Protected Field

  7. 保护地黄瓜新品种‘津绿3号’

    A New Cucumber Variety ' Jinl ü No.3 '

  8. 保护地黄瓜苗期性状遗传分析

    Genetic Analysis of Some Seedling Characters in Protected Cucumber

  9. 保护地黄瓜膜下滴灌及土壤中水分运行

    Drip Irrigation under Mulch and Water Movement in Soil of Cucumber in Protected Field

  10. 包膜控释尿素在陇东保护地黄瓜上的试验研究包膜控释尿素对高羊茅草坪建植期生长的影响

    Study on the effect of coated controlled-release urea on the growth of tall fescue

  11. 达拉特旗保护地黄瓜-西红柿复种技术要点和经济效益分析

    Technical aspects on cucumber-tomato multiple cropping and analysis of economic efficiency in reservation of Dalad banner

  12. 保护地黄瓜连作对土壤生物化学性质的影响

    Effect of the continuous cultivating cucumber on the bio-chemical properties of soil in the plastic greenhouse

  13. 保护地黄瓜生产中覆膜对滴灌措施应用效果的影响

    Influence of Film Mulching on Application Effect of Drip Irrigation Measures in Cucumber Production in Protected Field

  14. 微生物菌肥对保护地黄瓜生育及产量、品质的影响研究初报

    Primary report of the study on biological bacterial manure influencing the cucumber yield and quality in protective field

  15. 不同全价营养液浓度对次生盐碱地黄瓜高垄滴灌栽培的影响

    Effect of Different Concentration of Full Fertigation on Cucumber Planted by High Ridge and Dripping Irrigation in Saline-alkali Soil

  16. 不同施氮措施条件下,对保护地黄瓜生育期内氮素吸收利用效率、氮素淋洗损失进行了研究,同时也研究了不同处理对黄瓜产量及品质的影响。

    Effects of applying different nitrogen fertilizer on yield , quality and nitrate leaching in soil layer were studied during the cucumber growth period in greenhouse .

  17. 保护地黄瓜水、肥一体化高效栽培技术盐碱生荒地滴灌覆膜甜菜肥水效应的研究

    High-effective Culture Technique of Unopen Cucumber with Trickle Irrigation of Moisture and Fertilizer Integrated Study on Effects of Water and Fertilizer on Covering Film Sugarbeet in Salinization Wasteland Trickle Irrigation

  18. 该菌株能够极快地在黄瓜苗根部定殖,同时抑制R15的定殖,说明该菌株是在抑制病原菌生长的基础上防治立枯病的。

    Combinated with the separation result of fungi , it proved that T05-049 could establish rapidly in the rhizosphere of Cucumber seedling , while R15 was convers .

  19. 保护地逆境黄瓜苗期性状配合力分析

    Analysis on the Combining Ability of Characters of Cucumber in Seedling Stage under Adversity Stress on Protected Land

  20. 安泰生70%WP可有效地防治黄瓜霜霉病、大白菜霜霉病和番茄早疫病。

    Antracol70WP can effectively control downy mildew on cucumber and Chinese cabbage , and early blight on tomato .

  21. 本试验以保护地专用黄瓜品种津优1号为试材,分秋茬和春茬分别对其苗期、初花期和结果期三个不同的生育时期进行了土壤灌溉水分上限指标的研究。

    Soil irrigation maximum indexes of cucumber ( Jinyou No.1 ) were studied in greenhouse at the stage of seedling , initial bloom and fruit-bearing in autumn and spring .

  22. 本文从生理指标和分子生物学等方面对黄瓜耐热性进行了研究,以期更加深刻地理解黄瓜耐热机制,为黄瓜耐热育种打下基础。

    In this dissertation , the physiological mechanisms and molecular biology of heat tolerance were studied in cucumber , in order to deeply understand the mechanism of heat tolerance .

  23. 实验发现,机械应力刺激作为一种诱导因子可以有效地诱导黄瓜产生抗病性。

    According to the results , we found that the stress stimulus can act as a kind of elicitor which can efficiently induce the resistance of cucumber against fungal pathogen .

  24. 保护地条件下黄瓜对养分的吸收量是K>N>Ca>Mg>P。

    Under sheltered ground condition , the amount of nutrient absorbed by cucumber were considerable different in the order of K > N > Ca > Mg > P.

  25. 保护地番茄和黄瓜的营养特性及平衡施肥

    Nutritive character and fertilizer balance application of tomato and cucumber in protective field

  26. 我很惊讶地看到,黄瓜是爬藤的,而西红柿杆有一种特殊味道。

    I was surprised to see that cucumbers actually grow on the vine , and my tomatoes had a special kind of earthly smell .

  27. 为了让种在某人地里的黄瓜,西红柿或任何其他植物种子能拥有这样的信息,需要按以下步骤种植。

    In order for the seed of a cucumber , tomato or any other plant grown in one 's plot to have such information , the following steps are necessary .

  28. 专一性地促进离体黄瓜子叶的扩张。

    Benzyladenine ( BA ) specifically promotes the expansion of excisedcucumber cotyledons .

  29. 她想要吃可以慢慢嚼的青菜,我便一丝不苟地把一根黄瓜切得薄薄的,一片片列成半圆形,用华丽的瓷盘盛着。

    When she asked for some vegetables to nibble on , I fastidiously julienned a cucumber into thin slices , layering them atop one another in a semicircle on a florid porcelain plate .