
  • 网络ditan park;Soil Temple Park
  1. 请问,你能告诉我从西单到地坛公园有多远吗?

    Excuse me , can you tell me how far it is from Xidan to Ditan park ?

  2. 昨天,影星刘烨与法国女友安娜伊斯在北京地坛公园北门外的乙十六号会所正式完婚。

    Li Ye and his France girlfriend Anais had a wedding in the sixteenth club , which is out the north gate of the Ditan Park Beijing .

  3. 在地坛公园举行的2010年春季书市在开幕日当天只吸引了少量访客,一方面是因为天气寒冷,另一方面是公众热情有所减退。

    The2010 Spring Book Fair in Ditan Park attracted only a modest group of visitors on its opening day , with nippy weather and a decline in public interest blamed .