
  1. 覆盖开关在水中地震折射波法中的运用

    The application of overlay switch to underwater seismic refraction exploration

  2. 地震折射波法和高密度电法在隧道勘察中的应用

    The application of seismic refraction wave method and high-density resistivity method to tunnel investigation

  3. 地震折射波法在郑州市西区浅层勘探中的应用

    The application of refraction method to shallow exploration of Western Zhengzhou area west side story

  4. 浅层地震折射波法综述

    An overview of shallow seismic refraction methods

  5. 浅层工程地震折射波法是进行浅层工程地质勘察十分有效的方法。

    The shallow refraction seismic survey is a good method in shallow engineering geology sur - vey .

  6. 浅层地震折射波法配合电测深法在花岗岩地区找水

    Combination of shallow refraction seismic survey with electrical sounding method used for water research in the granite-covered area

  7. 介绍了浅层地震折射波法在铁路桥基础勘查中的应用。

    This paper describes the application of shallow seismic refraction wave method to the exploration of foundation for railway bridges .

  8. 浅层地震折射波法是在工程地质、水文地质及环境地质勘查中广泛应用的地震探测方法之一。

    The shallow seismic refraction method is one of the main methods of exploration for engineering , hydrogeological and environmental geology .

  9. 地震折射波法以其能够确定折射界面的速度而广泛用于工程地质勘察。

    The shallow refraction seismic is widely used in engineering geology exploration , because this method may ascertain the velocity of the refraction surface .

  10. 浅层地震折射波法在实际的铁路隧道勘察中解决了很多问题,为铁路选线提供了必要的参考资料,起到了较好的效果。

    Shallow seismic-refraction on actual railway tunnel investigation solved many problems , for railway route provided the necessary reference material , have a good effect .

  11. 分析结果也表明,重力反演得到的莫氏面深度同李昭兴等人用地震折射波法得到的莫氏面深度有较大的差别。

    But when analysing the results , we found that the Moho depth got by inverting gravity data was much greater than that got by interpreting seismic refraction data .

  12. 浅海及港湾中浅层工程地质勘察的有效方法&浅层工程地震折射波法近岸波浪折射-绕射-破波耗散联合模式的有限元数值研究

    A Method of Shallow Engineering Geology Survey Shallow Seismic First Break Pick Numerical Study with Finite Element Method for Combined Wave Model of Refraction - Diffraction Dissipation due to Wave Breaking

  13. 浅层地震折射波法自上世纪30年代提出以来,被广泛应用于工程地质调查中,无论在仪器野外采集、资料处理与解释还是在理论方法的基础研究方面都取得了巨大的进步。

    Shallow seismic refraction wave method is put forward from the 1930s , have been widely applied in engineering geology survey , whether in the field gathering , material handling equipment to explain or in theory of basic research method has a tremendous progress .

  14. 对于地下复杂的地质构造,地震反射波法比折射波法能够提供更多更详细的地下信息。

    The seismic reflection method can provide more detailed and more information about underground geological structure than refraction method .