
  • 网络geomagnetic variation;geomagnetic change
  1. 甘肃省东部地区短周期地磁变化异常及其与地震的关系

    On the short period geomagnetic variation anomaly of the eastern Kansu Province

  2. 地磁变化场垂直分量低点位移及幅相法异常则显示出渤海地震前华北地区出现的小区域的短临地磁异常。

    The lowest point shift of vertical component of geomagnetic variation and the anomaly deter-mined by the amplitude-phase method show a short-imminent anomaly of geomagnetic varia-tion in small range in North China before the Bohai Sea earthquake .

  3. 短周期地磁变化参量时间变化的几个震例

    Several seismic examples of time changes in parameters of short & period geomagnetic variations

  4. 乌鲁木齐台短周期地磁变化的传递函数的时间变化与地震的关系

    The-relation between earthquake and transfer function anomaly of short cycle in geomagnetic staion in Urumqi

  5. 地球历史的开、合节律与古地磁变化

    Correlative rhythms of opening and closing and palaeomagnetic variations in the evolution of the earth

  6. 日本伊豆半岛东北部地区与地壳运动有关的地磁变化

    Geomagnetic changes correlated with crustal movement in the north-eastern part of the Izu Peninsula , Japan

  7. 应用磁测资料分析了北京地区地磁变化,研究了震磁前兆信息,对开展地震监测预报工作有一定的实际效果与积极作用。

    Based on the data , the geomagnetic changes in the Beijing area were analyzed , the seismomagnetic precursor information was researched . The work has some practice effect to earthquake monitoring and prediction .

  8. 根据IGRF计算1995~2000年中国及邻区地磁长期变化

    Geomagnetic secular variation over China and adjacent areas for 1995 ~ 2000 calculated from international geomagnetic reference field

  9. 为了使IGRF模式更好地拟合地磁长期变化处于转折时期的复杂地区的情况,看来时间间隔应更短些,例如5年为好,采用现在通用的方法是不适宜的。

    In order to fit the IGRF model better to the actual complex geomagnetic secular variations in the turning region , it seems that the time interval should be shorter , say five years , and other current methods might not be applicable in this case .

  10. 20世纪地磁长期变化场分析

    The analysis of the geomagnetic secular variation in the 20th century

  11. 地磁日变化异常与强震的关系

    Geomagnetic diurnal - variation anomalies and their relation to strong earthquakes

  12. 中国华北地区地磁长期变化的分析

    An analysis of the geomagnetic secular variation of North China

  13. 测区内未发现有局部地磁长期变化异常。

    No anomalous local secular geomagnetic variation has been found in the area .

  14. 1950&1985年中国地磁长期变化的模型和分析

    An analysis and the models of the geomagnetic secular variation in China for 1950-1985

  15. 近30年来东亚地区地磁长期变化分析

    Analysis of the geomagnetic secular variation in eastern Asia during the last 30 years

  16. 说明地磁异常变化是一种有希望的地震前兆现象。

    It indicated that the geomagnetic anomaly is a promising phenomenon in the studies of earthquake precursors .

  17. 特别是短周期的地磁异常变化与地震发生前后的地磁扰动密切相关。

    It is closely relationship between the short period geomagnetic anomalies and disturbance before and after the earthquake .

  18. 利用1990年以来的流磁资料,采用常规差值法和差值滑动滤波方法,分析了90年代发生在我省及邻近海域的地震与地磁异常变化的关系。

    Using the data observed since 1990 , the relationship between the earthquakes which occurred in the nineties in Fujian and offshore area , and geomagnetic anomalous variation by the methods of difference and smoothing mean are studied .

  19. 1980年2月16日日全食期间,在云南瑞丽进行了地磁场的正常与快速两种记录,分析了地磁日变化、小扰动和地磁脉动的变化。

    Normal and quick run ( H. D. ) records of the earth 's magnetic field were made at Ruili , Yunnan Province during Feb. 16 , 1980 , total solar eclipse . Daily variation , small disturbance and magnetic pulsation were analysed .

  20. 分析1900~2000年期间地磁长期变化和日长变化10年尺度波动的相关性,估算了核幔电磁耦合力矩,并与国外一些研究者的结果进行了对比。

    Using International Geomagnetic Reference Field ( IGRF ), correlation of geomagnetic secular variation and decadal timescale changes in the length of day ( LOD ) are calculated and analyzed for 1900 ~ 2000 . The torque of core-mantle electromagnetic coupling is calculated .

  21. 南极长城站冬季地磁Sq变化特征

    Winter characteristics of SQ variation of geomagnetic field at the Chinese Great Wall station , Antarctica

  22. 用Winch提出的地磁太阴日变化分析方法确定佘山地磁台的地磁太阴日变化的O1分量L(O1)。

    The O 1 component of geomagnetic lunar daily variation is analyzed by the generalized method of Winch .

  23. 结果表明,地磁偶极子磁矩变化率、功率谱变化率以及非偶极子磁场各阶球谐系数的平均漂移速率均存在60a左右的周期。

    The results indicate that there is a periodicity about 60 years for the change rates of geomagnetic parameters , including geomagnetic moment , the spatial power spectrum and the average drift rate of spherical harmonic coefficients with different orders of the non-dipole magnetic field .

  24. 所得结果表明,云南省地磁短周期变化存在着异常。

    Results obtained show that short-period geomagnetic variation anomaly does exist .

  25. 地磁短周期变化预报方法的研究

    Research on earthquake prediction method with geomagnetic short period variations

  26. 福建地区地磁短周期变化异常及其与地震活动性关系

    Anomalies of geomagnetic short-period variations in Fujian Province and its relation to seismicity

  27. 宁夏地区地磁转换函数变化及其与近震的关系

    Relationship between the geomagnetic transfer function and the local earthquakes in Ningxia area

  28. 唐山地震前后地磁短周期变化的分析

    Analysis on the changes of geomagnetic short-period variations before and after Tangshan earthquake

  29. 地磁短周期变化异常对中国中强地震的响应

    Response of anomalous short periodic geomagnetic variations to moderately strong earthquakes in China

  30. 南极地区地磁扰日变化SD场特征

    Geomagnetic disturbed daily variation s D field in Antarctica