
  • 网络ground launch;Land Launch
  1. 发动机推力偏心对地面发射火箭弹射程的影响

    Effect of the Rocket Missiles ′ Range in Ground Launch Test Due to Rocket Thrust Eccentricity

  2. 从理论上分析了发动机推力偏心对地面发射火箭弹射程的影响,并编写了计算程序,给出了计算结果。

    An effect of the rocket missiles ′ range in ground launch test due to rocket thrust eccentricity is introduced in theory , and a computer program and the computing result are given .

  3. 从地面发射月球探测器的窗口选择

    Window selection for the lunar probe launched from the earth

  4. 他们不一定要从地面发射。

    They don 't necessarily have to launch from land , however .

  5. 长征系列火箭地面发射技术的成就与未来

    The Achievement and Future of Ground Launching Technology of Long March Launch Vehicle

  6. 大型运载火箭地面发射支持系统发展展望

    The Development and Prospect of the Large scale Launch Vehicle Ground Support System

  7. 不过,从地面发射火箭并不是把卫星送入太空的唯一方式。

    But ground-launched rockets are not the only way to get a satellite into space .

  8. 那是由地面发射的飞弹。

    That 's a ground-launched missile .

  9. 该条约导致欧洲地面发射的导弹数量大幅度减少。

    The treaty bas to a dramatic reduction in the number of land-based missiles in europe .

  10. 该系统相当于地面发射版本的霹雳12和霹雳9型导弹,可能只是供出口使用。

    The system equates to ground launched PL-12 and PL-9 missiles and may be for export only .

  11. 在轨运行的航天器出现故障时,如果能够从地面发射救援飞行器及时进行救援,则可能避免重大损失。

    If the spacecrafts in orbit can be rescued in time , heavy loss may be avoided .

  12. 根据运动学分析与推导,得到主弹在地面发射坐标系下的运动模型。

    According to the analysis and derivation , the dynamic model of the Leader Missile in Launch coordinate is built .

  13. 首先介绍了设计从地面发射月球探测器轨道典型的约束条件;

    In this paper , firstly , the typical constraint conditions of orbital design of lunar probe launched from the earth are introduced .

  14. 由无控固体探空火箭和地面发射设备组成的运载系统是固体火箭探空系统的一个组成部分。

    The carrier system that consists of an unguided solid sounding rocket and a set of launching facilities is a part of solid rocket sounding system .

  15. 天文台在接收测地卫星回波信号时经常有漏测的现象,即地面发射激光后,接收设备接收不到卫星反射的回波信号。我国局部网对近地测地卫星定轨精度的估计

    It often happens that the satellite echoes could not be received at our astronomical observatory . AN ESTIMATION OF POSSIBLE ACCURACIES IN DETERMINING LOW-ALTITUDE SATELLITE BY CHINESE NETWORK

  16. 通过箔条的地面发射试验,测量了两种不同长度的箔条在不同初速条件下的最远抛撒距离和最大宽度,得到了箔条阻力系数与雷诺数之间的线性关系。

    Based on chaff ground projectile test , the longest release distance and the biggest width under different initial velocity of two kinds length of chaff were measured .

  17. 该型号还在研制阶段,类似于以色列的“斯派德”系统,但使用的是美军“地面发射型先进中程空空导弹”系统的悍马车载形式。

    Still in the mock-up stage , this system can be likened to the Israeli Spyder system , but using a Hummer mount more reminiscent of the US SL-AMRAAM .

  18. 这是航天局第五次从地面发射航天飞机。燃料箱的传感器故障,美国宇航局星期五发射计划受挫。

    It will be the space agency 's fifth attempt to get the shuttle off the ground . A malfunctioning fuel tanks sensor foiled NASA 's plans for lift off on Friday .

  19. 简要介绍了某投放装置在做地面发射试验时发生粘着磨损的故障情况,通过受力计算和理化分析,确定了是由于锁制钩和承力轴发生粘着磨损所致,验证试验中故障复现。

    By mechanics calculating and physicochemical analyzing , the reason is found that it results from the cohesive wear between the detent hook and forced shaft , and reappears in validate test .

  20. 目前,固态功率放大器在遥测遥控地面发射系统已经得到广泛的应用,使对于线性固态功率放大器的研制显得极为重要。

    At present , solid state power amplifier has wide application in the remote control subsystem of the telemetry and remote control system which made most important in research in the solid-state linear Power Amplifier .

  21. 理论分析和数值计算显示,在发动机推力偏心客观存在的情况下,如果火箭弹地面发射时的仰角取得过小,将可能导致导弹提前坠地,达不到实验的目的。

    The theoretical ( analysis ) and numeric calculation show that in case of the thrust eccentricity , the rocket missile may fall to the ground for the small pitching angle in ground launch test .

  22. 针对磁悬浮助推水平起飞运载器这种新型发射概念,采用概念性分析方法,研究地面发射参数对可重复使用运载器性能的影响规律。

    For the new magnetic launch assist horizontal takeoff vehicle concept , according to a conceptual analysis method , the study was performed about effect of launch parameters on reusable launch vehicle ( RLV ) performance .

  23. 通过与常规地面发射火箭的比较,提出了空射火箭发射使用条件及环境要求,为空射火箭测试提供参考。

    Compared with ordinary rockets launched from the ground , requirements to the launching and the operation environments of the air-launched rocket are brought forward , which provide an reference to the tests of air-launched rockets .

  24. 空中发射火箭使用小型火箭而不用类似有地面发射台的,不需要启动昂贵的发射台发射站点,因为飞机可以从商业跑道起飞。

    Air-launching uses smaller rockets than those needed for similar ground-based flights , eliminates the need for expensive launch pads and opens options for launch sites , since the planes can take off from commercial runways .

  25. 但当然这个政权仍存有大量的重火力,包括坦克、迫击炮、大炮及地面发射火箭,这是其能力更为重要的一部分,”巴里解释道。

    But of course the regime still has lots of heavy firepower , including tanks , mortars , artillery and ground-launched rockets , which is a much more important part of its capability , " Barry explained .

  26. 为了提高武器引控系统地面发射监控设备的自动监测、推理判断和应变决策的能力,需要进一步提高其发射决策的智能化水平。

    In order to develop the abilities of auto-monitoring , inference and decision-making when meeting an emergency for the arm 's AFFS ground launching monitor equipment , it is necessary to improve intelligence level of the Launching Decision-making System .

  27. 论文从一种功能较全面的某型号引控系统地面发射监控设备入手,以其发射战术技术要求为背景,分析了其发射决策的原理和方法,总结并提取出专家知识。

    In this paper , the expert knowledge has been extracted , on a basis of the relevant technical requests , from the Launching Decision-making System for a certain model AFFS ground monitor equipment , of which functions were rather comprehensive .

  28. 结果表明,助推发射水平起飞运载器在降低初始推重比、推进剂和结构质量等方面具有优势,最后得出地面发射参数的一组优化值。

    The results showed that the horizontal takeoff vehicle with launch assist had some superiority on decreasing the ratio of thrust to initial weight , propellant and structure weight . Finally a group of optimal values of ground launch assist parameters were produced .

  29. 基于虚拟仪器技术的运载火箭模拟地面测量发射训练系统

    A Simulated Training System for Carrier Rocket Checkout Based on Virtual Instrument

  30. 由地面卫星发射站上行传送到卫星上的信号传输。

    Earth station transmitter used to send television signals from the earth to a satellite .