
dì zhǐ ɡé shì
  • address format
  1. 尽管名称可以包含数字和点号,但是不能采用IP地址格式。

    Though names can have numbers and periods , they cannot be in the IP address format .

  2. 简要介绍了新因特网协议IPv6的诞生背景,分析了IPv6结构和地址格式,讨论了IPv6的安全问题以及如何在现有的网络上实现IPv6,并对其发展方向作了进一步的展望。

    Introduces the background of the next generation internet protocol IP version 6 briefly , analyzes the structure and address format of IPv6 ; and then discusses its security problem , and how to carry out IPv6 over present networks ; at last gives a progressive perspective of its future .

  3. IBMNotes电子邮件地址格式也被承认。

    IBM Notes email address formats are also recognized .

  4. 主要介绍了:因特网(Internet)组成;因特网的地址格式及分配;

    This paper mainly introduces the form of Internet , the address formats of Internet , the Internet 's TCP / IP protocol sets .

  5. SDH管理网中的网络地址格式解析

    Construe of address form in SDH manager network

  6. CISC处理器一般产生变长的指令,多种地址格式,并且仅仅有少量的通用寄存器。

    CISC processors generally feature variable-length instructions , multiple addressing formats , and contain only a small number of general-purpose registers .

  7. 本论文对IPv6组播地址格式中的标志位进行了扩展、增加了专用于云计算虚拟机组播地址的标志位,从而实现了让一个客户机得到多台云计算虚拟机服务的功能。

    This paper expands the flag of ipv6 multicast format , increased for Cloud Computing of virtual multicast address , so as to realize the sign a client can get more Cloud Computing virtual machine service .

  8. 提供不同的网页上,美国和欧洲地址格式。

    Provide different pages for US and Euro address format .

  9. 已经选定了导入筛选,但未指定地址格式。

    You have selected import filtering , but no address formats are specified .

  10. 电子邮件地址格式不正确。

    The e-mail address is not formatted correctly .

  11. 请注意,创建端点引用所需的地址格式是sca://

    Note that the form of the address needed for creating the endpoint reference is sca : / /

  12. 举例中化江苏进出口公司江苏国际商务大厦中国江苏省南京市中华路50号,210001英文地址格式

    Sinochem Jiangsu Import and Export Corporation Jiangsu International Business Mansion Nanjing 210001 P.R. China Building No. - Street - District / City - State / province - Post code -- Country

  13. 本文详细介绍了PLC寻址方式的种类、寻址过程和地址指针格式,并用例程对间接寻址进行了说明。

    The paper detailedly introduces kinds of addressing methods , addressing process and addressing pointer format of Programmable Logic Controller , indirect addressing is specified by example of programme .

  14. ARM体系结构继承了RISC结构的加载/存储体系结构、固定长32位指令和三地址指令格式等特性。

    ARM system structure inherits such characters of RISC ( Reduced Instruction Set Computer ) as load / store structure , fixed 32 bit instruction and format of three address instruction .

  15. 一加一地址指令格式

    One-plus-one address instruction format

  16. 您必须填写所有的字段,姓氏和名称不能为空或者有空格,而且电子邮件地址的格式必须正确。

    You must fill in all the fields , first name , last name can 't be empty or just spaces . your e-mail address must be properly formatted .

  17. IP地址支持IPv6格式

    IPv6 format for IP addresses support

  18. 电子邮件地址有多种格式,但是有一种标准格式。

    E-mail addresses can have several forms , even though there is a standard format .

  19. 对于前者,本文从IPv6的地址结构、首部格式和路由三个主要方面探讨了IPv6协议的特点。

    First language * The former is discussed upon three main aspects : addressing structure , header format and route .

  20. IPv6是下一代互联网的主导协议,在地址空间、报文格式、安全性等方面做了重大的改进。

    IPv6 protocol family are primary protocols for the next generation Internet , which has done a great improvement in address space , message format , security and others .

  21. 也就是说,解析URL的代码能够处理更长的(128位模式)IPv6地址(以及IPv4格式)。

    That is , the code that parses the connection URL can handle the longer ( 128-bit mode ) IPv6 addresses ( as well as IPv4 format ) . This IP address can be an IPv6 literal .

  22. 一种包括四个地址部分的指令格式。

    An instruction format containing four address parts .

  23. 如果outlook提供程序遇到电子邮件地址错误,请检查电子邮件地址的格式和拼写。

    If the outlook provider encounters an error that occurs with the e-mail address , check the format and spelling of the e-mail address .

  24. 由于IP地址资源有限,本文介绍IP地址的格式,并且说明怎样进行IP地址的分配和子网地址的划分。

    But the IP address have limited resource , this paper introduces the formers of IP address and sub-net address . It also describes how to assign IP address and sub-net address .

  25. 地址是表示街道、建筑或其它物理元素的位的的地址种类的自由格式字符串。

    Address is a free-form string indicating a street , building or other type of address for the physical element 's location .