
  • 网络large envelope
  1. 建立一个档案或找一个大信封。

    Keep a file or large envelope .

  2. 可是有一天晚上,她的丈夫回家的时候手里拿着一个大信封,满脸得意之色。

    One evening her husband came home with an exultant air , holding a large envelope in his hand .

  3. 他打开抽屉拿出一个棕色的大信封。

    He opened the drawser and took out a large brown envelope .

  4. 发现有一个大信封上写着她的名字。

    She noticed her own name on one of the big envelopes .

  5. 你收到了个大信封!

    I have a big envelope for you !

  6. “以你的大信封开始:墙壁和地板,”卡特说。

    " You start with the big envelope : the walls and the floors ," Carter says .

  7. 他的手中拿着一个蓝色大信封,分明是个送信的人。

    He had a large blue envelope in his hand , and was evidently the bearer of a message .

  8. 他打开放在身边座位上的一个公文箱,拿出一个马尼拉纸的大信封。

    There was a briefcase on the seat beside him which he opened ; from it he removed a large manila envelope .

  9. 当我清理一只存放杂物的旧箱子时,我从里面取出一个大信封,并把它里面装的东西全部倒在地上。

    While I was cleaning out an old storage box I picked up a large envelope and emptied it onto the floor .

  10. 在我的办公室,钱都装进一个大信封,这样,你一般无法看到人们往里面放了多少钱,但如果你看看卡片上签名人数和集到的钱,就会发现钱看上去总是太少。

    At my office the money goes into a big envelope , and so you can 't usually see how much people are putting in , though if you look at the number of people who have signed the card and the amount collected it always seems low .

  11. 方法:108只SD大鼠信封法随机分成3组,用60Co单次照射大鼠脑,A组为空白对照组,B组为10Gy组,C组为30Gy组。

    METHODS : One hundred and eight rats were divided into 3 groups in random , Group A was control group , Group B was irradiated by 60Co at a single dose of 10 Gy on the encephalon of rats , Group C was 30 Gy .

  12. 不过我担心,能不能找到这么大的信封,也许得把我们这里所有的纸都连起来才行。我还担心,他们那里有没有那么大的信箱,来收我给他们寄的房子。

    However , I worried that we have to put together all the paper we have to make such a big envelop and there might not be so big mailbox for them to collect it .

  13. 他从口袋里掏出一个相当大的米色信封。

    He took a largish buff envelope from his pocket .

  14. 可以,但您得把它们放在大点的信封里。

    B : Yes , but you 'll have to put them in a large envelope .

  15. 大而方的信封,写满了大而方的字迹。

    A huge , square envelope , covered with a huge , square handwriting .

  16. 两小时后,人人都已知道有人见到范德卢顿太太社交季节乘坐兜风的C形弹簧大马车曾在明戈特太太的门前逗留,并递进去一个方形大信封。

    Two hours later , every one knew that the great C-spring barouche in which Mrs. van der Luyden took the air at all seasons had been seen at old Mrs. Mingott 's door , where a large square envelope was handed in ;