
dà fán
  • generally;in most cases
大凡 [dà fán]
  • [in most cases;generally] 用在句首,表示对某个范围的人或事物的总括,常在它后面用总、都相呼应

  • 大凡搞阴谋诡计的人,都没有好下场

大凡[dà fán]
  1. 大凡酒后开车的都易出车祸。

    Generally those who drink will cause traffic accidents .

  2. 大凡天下事,当局者迷,旁观者清。

    Generally , for matters under heaven , those closely involved cannot see as clearly as those outside .

  3. 大凡坚持锻炼的人,抵抗力都较强。

    Generally those who exercise regularly have high resistance to diseases .

  4. 大凡农活都有时间性。

    Most farming is seasonal .

  5. 大凡读过《冰与火之歌》(《权力的游戏》据此改编并搬上银幕)的人们都知晓琼恩·雪诺(JohnSnow)最后成为了守夜人的指挥官。

    Those who have read the books of A Song of Ice and Fire ( Game of Thrones is based on this ) know that Jon Snow eventually becomes Lord Commander of the Night 's Watch .

  6. 大凡有独立见解的人都不会盲目模仿外国的东西。

    No person of independent mind will copy blindly foreign things .

  7. 大凡成功者,无不相信全力以赴的力量。

    Individuals who succeed have a belief in the power of commitment .

  8. 大凡好剑都有自己的名讳。

    All the best swords have names , you know .

  9. 机智的顾问对大凡每一个难题都有解决的良方(策略)。

    The resourceful adviser has a solution for each and every problem .

  10. 大凡事物,听其自然就会每况愈下。

    Left to themselves , things tend to go from bad to worse .

  11. 大凡驻军总是喜欢干燥的高地,避开潮湿的洼地;重视向阳之处,避开阴暗之地;

    All armies prefer high ground to low and sunny places to dark .

  12. 大凡病害侵犯人体,必然侵犯到心脏。

    What attacks the body attacks the heart .

  13. 大凡善于托词辩解者,罕有善作其他事情之本事。

    He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else .

  14. 大凡事物,均应先知其常而后方能达其变。

    A thing , all should prophets its often then can reach its change .

  15. 大凡在下列两种情况下会引起诉讼。

    Lawsuits tend to arise in two situations .

  16. 大凡一个很出色的人,自然就有许多人恭维他,这种人惟有受恭维巴结才快活。

    Adulation ever follows the ambitious , for such alone receive most pleasure from flattery .

  17. 大凡现代文明的社会,皆为法治较为完善和发达的社会。

    All modern civilized societies are almost the ones that have the consummate and developed laws .

  18. 从国内外来看,大凡经营比较成功的企业集团,必然重视财务监控。

    At home and abroad a successful enterprise group must attach importance to the financial supervision .

  19. 大凡由年逾四十的汉子对女子持有的意见,均属无关重要。

    Any view is unimportant , if they are held about women by a man past forty .

  20. 大凡人死在热天,就会冒出这种白沫来,我见过。

    When people die in hot weather , they usually foam at the mouth just as he did .

  21. 大凡成功的人都会采取这种作法:从过去的错误中吸取经验教训,并为将来的行为作适当的调整。

    The successful person takes this approach : Learn from past mistakes and make adjustments in future behavior .

  22. 大凡人类对于一件事,研究当中的道理,最先发生思想;

    When men begin to study into the heart of a problem , an idea generally develops first ;

  23. 大凡交易热闹时进场,才有希望获得短期的差价收益。

    Trade generally lively when enter the arena , talent is promising achieve earnings of short-term price difference .

  24. 大凡一个国家援助另一个国家或集团,不会仅仅是因为同情而施予。

    Generally speaking , one country is not only because of mercy to give aid to another country or organization .

  25. 很奇怪,大凡伟人在他们所拥有的天分中都混杂着一些疯狂的成分。

    It is strange that all great men should have some little grain of madness mingled with whatever genius they possess .

  26. 大凡人在墙壁上写字的时候,很自然会写在和视线相片行的地方。

    When a man writes on a wall , his instinct leads him to write above the level of his own eyes .

  27. 如果说,大凡一个人爱上一个人,都是因为先有了感激之心,器重之意,那么,伊丽莎白这次感情的变化当然既合情理,又叫人无可非议。

    If gratitude and esteem are good foundations of affection , Elizabeth 's change of sentiment will be neither improbable nor faulty .

  28. 大凡坐办公室的人,都喜欢在办公桌上放置一个台历,我就是这样的人当中的一个。

    Almost all people who take office , have liked to place a desk calendar , I was one among such people .

  29. 第一份礼物以浪费画上句号(根本不愿意把自我唤醒)的时候,大凡灵感也会自然而然地停止脚步!

    When the1st Gift in life ends up a waste ( not willing to be self-awakened ), inspiration STOPS naturally in most cases !

  30. 大凡知道他品性的人,见他选好位置,拿稳战斧,知道俘虏这下可是凶多吉少。

    Those who knew His character , thought the captive in imminent danger , when he took His stand , and poised the tomahawk .