
  • 网络State complement;The complement of state
  1. 因此,状态补语本质上表示体范畴。

    So State complement belongs to aspect category in essence .

  2. 对外汉语教学中的可能补语与状态补语

    Probable Complement and State Complement as Seen from Perspective of Teaching of Chinese to Foreign Learners

  3. 试论状语与状态补语的区别

    Difference of Adverbial and Complement

  4. 厉害在得后可作程度补语和状态补语。

    The word " li hai " may serve as degree or state complement when it locates after " de " .

  5. 在对外汉语教学中,汉语述补结构一直是教学重点,其中可能补语对留学生来说尤其是难点。这主要是因为可能补语和状态补语在某些情况下会出现相同的形式。

    In the Teaching of Chinese Language to international learners , the focus has always been the narrative complement structure in grammar teaching .

  6. 本文从形式、语义、语用的角度区分“旱”作结果补语、状态补语、状语的异同。

    This paper attempts to discuss the similarities and differences of " zao " as complement of result , complement of stative and Adverbial .

  7. 我们还对叫喊类动词带补语的情况进行了分析,这类动词可以带数量补语、趋向补语、状态补语、结果补语等。

    We also analyzed the shouting verbs with complement , such verbs can take a number of complements , tend to complement status complement , the results complement .

  8. 虚化补语进一步分为虚化的结果补语和虚化的程度补语,实义补语进一步分为评价补语和状态补语;

    We further classify meaningless complement into meaningless result complement and meaningless degree complement . Meaningful complement is further classified into meaningful evaluation complement and meaningful state complement .

  9. 状态补语是描写动作行为对客体产生影响的状态,这种描写的前提是动作行为已经发生、完成或状态已经出现。

    State complement means the description of state of impact which act works on object . The prerequisites of the description is that the action has been done , finished or that the state has occurred .

  10. 趋向补语是由趋向词构成,放在动词之后表示一种趋向结果状态的补语。

    Complement is a trend of words which , on the verb indicates a trend result s state complement .