
  • 网络State transition equation;state transfer equation;equation of state;equation of state transition;State transformation function
  1. 通过条件概率分析,计算出了动态规划状态转移方程和最优期望代价方程,并得到了关联规则发现的决策策略。

    The equation of state and optimal value function used to achieve the optimal strategy is figured out through the analysis of conditional probability of the process .

  2. 根据GEO卫星的线性化状态转移方程,通过设定地面跟踪网坐标和卫星星下点经度计算叠加矩阵,由观测弧长和采样间隔直接计算定轨精度评定公式中的主要部分。

    The superposition matrix was computed by setting coordinate of ground tracking net and satellite ground longitude according to the linear state transfer equation of GEO satellite . The main part of the evaluation equation for orbit determination accuracy was calculated by observation arc and sampling interval .

  3. 主要利用网络的状态转移方程和定义能量函数的方法对非对称离散Hopfield神经网络在并行演化方式的动力学行为进行了研究。

    In this paper , the dynamic behavior of asymmetric discrete hopfield neural network in synchronous mode is mainly studied by using the state transition equation and defining energy function .

  4. 主要利用状态转移方程和定义能量函数的方法对具有时延的离散Hopfield神经网络的动力学行为进行了研究,并且获得了若干稳定性结果。

    The dynamic behavior of discrete Hopfield neural networks with delay is mainly studied by the use of the state transition equation and the energy function , and some results on stability are given .

  5. 在建立保护配合的Petri网模型的基础上,用状态转移方程分析模型的动态特性,从中获取所有故障群-征兆群对子。

    The protection schemes are described as Petri net models , and all couples of fault masses and symptom masses are obtained in the process of analyzing the dynamic characteristics of the models with the help of the transferring state equation .

  6. 该文利用相对轨道要素法推导了包含J2项摄动和大气阻力摄动参考轨道为椭圆的卫星编队相对运动较精确的状态转移方程。

    The state transition equation for the relative motion that includes the effects caused by the drag and J_2 is developed using the geometry method .

  7. 利用网络的状态转移方程和能量函数来研究带有延迟项的离散Hopfield神经网络动力学行为,给出了非对称的延迟离散Hopfield神经网络异步收敛的几个充分条件。

    In this paper , the dynamic behavior of discrete Hopfield neural networks with delay is studied by the use of the state transition equation and the energy function . Several sufficient conditions for the asymmetric networks with delay being convergent to stable points are presented .

  8. 摄动椭圆参考轨道的相对运动状态转移方程

    State Transition Equation of Relative Motion for the Perturbed Noncircular Reference Orbit

  9. 在提取企业个体特征的基础上,分析了网状式集群企业网络中企业间知识共享关系演化的动态特征,建立了企业间知识共享关系状态转移方程;

    After individual characters of the enterprises were abstracted , the dynamic characteristics of the relation evolution of knowledge-sharing among networked clusters of enterprises were examined ;

  10. 采用补充变量法,首先建立了系统稳态下的状态转移方程,通过求解得到了稳态下系统队长的概率母函数,进而计算出稳态下系统的平均队长。

    A supplementary variable technique is used to obtain the steady-state function and the steady-state probability generation function of the number of customers in the system .

  11. 基于卫星相对运动状态转移方程,推导出了星座双脉冲式变轨的理论解,即所要施加的脉冲控制量的解析式;

    Based on relative motion equation of satellite state transferring , analytic solution of two impulse orbit transfer of constellation is derived , which is analytic equation of impulse control variable .

  12. 第五章首先基于马尔科夫链的状态转移方程,建立多技能人力需求的计算模型。其次,对数据、约束条件和目标函数进行分析,建立了一个完整系统的人员排班模型。

    Chapter 5 introduces the method to calculate staff demand which is based on state transfer equations of Markov process and sets up a new staff scheduling model by analyzing data construction , constraints and objectives .

  13. 为了分析大气阻力摄动对卫星编队队形的影响,利用相对轨道根数法推导了包含大气阻力摄动的卫星编队相对运动的状态转移方程。

    In order to analyze the effects of drag perturbation on the satellite formation flying , using relative orbit elements method a state transition function for the relative motion that includes the effects caused by drag perturbation is proposed .

  14. 首先考虑带有两个优先权的M/M/s排队模型,通过对两个队列的状态转移方程的分析,给出了通信系统输入输出线上的稳态队长。

    We first consider the M / M / s queueing model with two priorities . Through the analysis of state transition-rate equations of two priorities , the average queue length at the input or output of communications systems is derived .

  15. 其求解多阶段决策过程包括:定义阶段、决策及状态变量,确定状态转移方程,求解指标函数及目标最优值函数。

    The solving multi-phase decision includes defining , decision-making , state variable , ensuring state transfer equation , solving index function and target optimal function .

  16. 建立了新模式演化发展阶段状态模型和模式系统状态转移方程。

    The transformation equation of pattern system and model of evolvement are constructed .

  17. 本文以时段末和时段初水库库存量作为水库运行状态,推导了马氏入流过程供水水库运行的状态概率转移方程。

    This paper defines the end reserved water and the initial reserved water of an interval as the operation states of the reservoir and presents a transfer equation of the state probability of the water supply reservoir operation with Marker inflow prccess .