
  • 网络firmware;firmware version;Version;firmware revision
  1. 还可以从您的固件版本的MessageReference文档中获得事件代码。

    You can also get the event code in the Message Reference document for your firmware release .

  2. 对于ManagedSet中的每个设备,您可以设置适当的固件版本。

    For each compatible device in a ManagedSet , you can set the appropriate firmware version .

  3. 硬件状态MIB包括有关硬件状态的信息,如温度、日期、固件版本、正常运行时间等等。

    The hardware status MIB includes information about the state of the hardware , such as temperatures , date and time , firmware version , uptime , and so on .

  4. 要检查以太网适配器的驱动程序和固件版本,请运行ethtool

    To examine the driver and firmware versions of your Ethernet adapter , run ethtool

  5. 根据NI-VISA开发出仪器的驱动,然后根据仪器的固件版本,通过VISA的API接口,对仪器进行控制,以及GUI的再次开发,满足不同测量需求。

    It is developed according to the NI-VISA instrument driver , and the firmware version of the instrument via the VISA API interface , instrument control , as well as the GUI re-developed to meet different measurement needs .

  6. 此变体可配有前述的固件版本。

    This variant might be supplied with a previous firmware version .

  7. 这是一个表格位置占位符,用于将来的固件版本。

    OLxxx & This is a table place holder for future firmware revisions .

  8. 您会看到相机的固件版本。

    You 'll see your camera 's firmware version .

  9. 确保所有节点都使用正确的固件版本和相同的驱动程序版本。

    Verify that all nodes are using correct firmware versions and same driver versions .

  10. 固件版本:对本单位安装的固件的版本号。

    Firmware version : The current version number of the firmware installed on this unit .

  11. 检测到固件版本不一致。

    Firmware version inconsistency was detected .

  12. 配置页上会在产品信息板块中显示当前固件版本。

    The configuration page will display the current firmware revision in the Product information block , Firmware Datecode : 20061014 .

  13. 有些指标是描述单个数据点的标量对象,如设备的当前固件版本。

    Some metrics are scalar objects describing a single data point , such as the current firmware version on the appliance .

  14. 集群的资产清单:固件版本、型号、序号、集群中的节点数量、处理器类型、内存。

    Inventory of cluster : Firmware versions , models , serial numbers , number of nodes in cluster , processor type , memory .

  15. 你跟我一起分享固件版本上运行,使我们可以进行进一步的测试,使产品比现在更好的型号和规格的路由器?

    Do you mind sharing with me the model and specs of your router along with the firmware version running on it so that we can conduct further tests and make the product better than it already is ?

  16. 确保您至少已经上传了安装在计划的主设备上的一个固件的版本。

    Ensure that you have uploaded at the very least , a version of the firmware that is installed on the planned master appliance .

  17. 该Toolkit在一个数据存储库中存储这些固件的所有版本镜像。

    The Toolkit stores all these firmware version images in a single data repository .

  18. 其次,硬件很少会发生变化,像是电视与机顶盒等硬件很少会更新固件来引入新版本。

    Secondly , hardware tends to change slowly over time , as TVs and set top boxes rarely update firmware to introduce new versions .

  19. Sophos建议感染了这种病毒的iPhone/iPodtouch用户最好将手机的固件还原成苹果最新发布的固件版本。

    Sophos recommends that people with infected iPhones and iPod Touch devices restore them back to Apple 's most recent firmware update .

  20. 在这种情况下,嵌入式固件中存在问题不可避免,而且为了更好的服务客户,赢得市场,各种固件版本不断推出。

    In this case , some problems are inevitable in the embedded firmware , and in order to give customers better service and win market , a variety of firmware version has been introduced .