
  • 网络solid preparation;solid dosage form
  1. 目的:研究半固体制剂复方解热凝胶的稳定性。

    Objective : To investigate stability of half solid preparation , compound antipyretic gel .

  2. 对中药固体制剂标准中制成量控制模式的探讨

    Discussion on the Controlling Mode of Amount of Finished Products on TCM Solid Preparation Standard

  3. 用途:本品主要用作药物固体制剂,全粉末直接压片的干燥粘合剂,胶囊填充剂,崩解剂,湿法造粒粘合剂和着色的延展剂。

    Use : That is a padhesive with the powder Diecty , Compress tablets and replenisher , Disinteante , adhesive of the capsula .

  4. 目的:溶出度试验(dissolutiontest)是一种模拟口服固体制剂在胃肠道中的崩解和溶出的体外试验法。

    Objective : Dissolution test is a method in vitro tests to simulate disintegration and dissolution of solid dosage forms in gastrointestinal tract .

  5. 按现行GMP规范的固体制剂混合技术的探讨

    Discussion of Solid Agent Blending Technique Conformed to Current GMP Code

  6. 目的介绍FDA关于普通口服固体制剂生物等效豁免的相关政策。

    Objective To introduce FDA 's biowaiver policy for IR solid oral dosage forms .

  7. 在不同品牌的银杏叶固体制剂中,由于GBE主要活性组分的溶解度差,溶出度和生物利用度存在差异大、重现性差等问题。

    The dissolution and bioavailability of the primary active components from the oral solid preparations of different Ginkgo biloba brands were obviously different and irreproducible , due to the lower solubility of the active components .

  8. 方法:分别采用连续动态的DDASS和桨法体外释放度实验,对黄芩苷三种不同固体制剂进行体外释放度研究。

    METHODS : To study their release features of three different baicalin solid preparations by using the DDASS methods and the oar methods , respectively .

  9. 固体制剂工艺对药物晶型的影响

    Effect of Manufacturing Processes of Solid Dosage Forms on Polymorphism of Drugs

  10. 中药固体制剂物料输送方式的选择

    Selection of Transport Method for Solid Chinese Traditional Medicine Preparation

  11. 粉体真空输送在固体制剂生产中的应用

    Application of Vacuum Powder Transportation in Production of Solid Agent

  12. 固体制剂因发酵基质不同其颜色不同。

    The solid one has different colors due to different fermentation substrates .

  13. 速释固体制剂主要辅料的流动性和吸水性测定

    Physical characterization of excipients used for rapid-release solid dosage forms

  14. 固体制剂车间空气净化研究

    The Research on Aero-purification Systems in Soild Preparation Shops

  15. 替硝唑固体制剂的溶出度比较

    Study of the dissolution rate of tinidazole solid preparations

  16. 固体制剂药品包装的选择与要求

    Selection and Main Points of Solid Preparation Packaging

  17. 口服固体制剂药用辅料的应用技术

    Application of Pharmaceutical Excipient In Oral Solid Preparations

  18. 改善口服固体制剂溶出度的方法

    Improvement in dissolution of solid oral dosage form

  19. 乳酸菌固体制剂计数方法研究

    Enumeration in solid Lactic acid bacteria preparation

  20. 中药固体制剂及其溶出度的研究概况

    General Situation of Studies in Solid preparations of Chinese Medicine and Their Dissolving - out Rate

  21. 中、美药典口服固体制剂溶出度标准的品种比较

    Comparison of the Varieties of Dissolution Standards of Oral Solid Preparations in Chinese and US Pharmacopoea

  22. 基于生物热活性评价中药固体制剂体外溶出度方法学研究

    Preliminary study of dissolution rate method in vitro of Chinese medicine solid preparations based on bio-thermal activity

  23. 在固体制剂的管理,可以书面谈判简短谈判小组。

    After solid preparation , the management may issue a written negotiation brief to the negotiation team .

  24. 我厂是专业生产一亚牌固体制剂制药设备的著名厂商。

    This factory is a famous manufacturer specialized in producing Yi Ya Brand pharmaceutical equipment for solid preparation .

  25. 从防潮角度对中药固体制剂的研究报道很少。

    From the perspective of hygroscopicity , the reports of solid preparation of traditional Chinese medicine are few .

  26. 它克服了有机溶媒包衣的诸多缺陷,而乙基纤维素是广泛用于固体制剂包衣的水不溶性聚合物之一。

    Ethylcellulose is one of the most widely used water insoluble polymers for the coating of solid dosage forms .

  27. 药物溶出/吸收仿生系统研究黄芩苷固体制剂的释放规律

    Evaluation on the release discipline of baicalin and its three solid preparations using a drug dissolution and absorption simulating system

  28. 利福平胶囊、硫酸亚铁缓释片等五种固体制剂溶出度/释放度的光纤化学传感过程分析

    The Dissolution and Release Rate Test by Fiber Optic Sensing Procession Analysis Apply to Five Kind of Solid Drugs Preparation

  29. 防止中药固体制剂吸湿潮解的方法主要有制粒工艺改进和采用包衣工艺。

    The methods of preventing hygroscopicity of Chinese medicine solid preparations mainly are improving granulation process and using coating process .

  30. 前言:目的:比较国内四个厂家生产的替硝唑固体制剂(片剂,胶囊剂)的体外溶出情况。

    OBJECTIVE : To study the dissolution rate in vitro of four tinidazole solid preparations produced by different domestic factories .