
  • 网络Associated system;correlation system;coherent system;interconnected system;MES.GIS
  1. 单调关联系统理论在结构强度可靠性中的应用

    Application of the Theory of Coherent System in Structural Strength Reliability

  2. 多态关联系统模型检验方法

    Method on Checking the Model of a Multistate Coherent System

  3. 非单调关联系统FTA定量分析的新方法

    A New Method of Quantitative Assessment in Non coherent System FTA

  4. 用矩阵法FTA进行非单调关联系统的早期不交化

    The Former Non-intersection of Non-coherent System with Matrix Method FTA

  5. 事件关联系统(eventcorrelationsystems)尝试去分析不同来源的审核数据,并将之互相联系起来。虽然事件关联系统试图填补这个角色空白,但它们经常只是制造出更多的误报。

    Event correlation systems that attempt to analyze and correlate audit data from disparate sources try to fill this role , but they often end up generating more false positives than anything else .

  6. 基于多挖掘方法和CPN的告警关联系统

    Alert correlation system based on aggregation and CPN

  7. 从那时起,BEC就成为研究强关联系统的各种量子多体效应的的平台。

    From then on , BECs have become a popularly investigated platform for various effects of quantum many-body interaction in strongly correlated systems .

  8. 针对一类不确定项具有数值界的变时滞不确定关联系统,主要运用线性矩阵不等式(LMI)方法对其分散鲁棒无记忆控制问题进行了研究。

    We use linear matrix inequality ( LMI ) approach to study the decentralized memoryless robust control problem for linear uncertain interconnected systems with time varying delays .

  9. 接着针对不确定变时滞关联系统,基于Lyapunov稳定性理论,讨论了强结构不确定性、矩阵多胞型结构不确定性和范数有界不确定性。

    Then in the research of uncertain interconnected systems with time-varying delays , high structured uncertainty , matrix polytope structured uncertainty and norm bounded uncertainty are discussed on the basis of Lyapunov stability theorem .

  10. 首先,针对一类仅含状态不确定性的关联系统,提出一种基于线性矩阵不等式(LMI)的分散H∞状态反馈控制的设计方法。

    The research consists of the following seven sections : Section 1 firstly proposes a design approach for decentralized H ∞ control using state feedback for large-scale uncertain system based on the linear matrix inequalities ( LMIs ) .

  11. 冲突和并发是Petri网的两种典型的行为,本文基于系统可靠性Petri网模型的逆模型和基于ECS的解冲突算法,得到一种新的求解单调关联系统最小割集的算法。

    Conflict and Concurrent are two typical actions in Petri nets . We provide a new method of calculating of minimal cut sets for monotone coherent systems based on reverse model and ECS based conflict resolution method .

  12. 自从玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚(BEC)在实验上实现以后,BEC就成为研究强关联系统的各种量子多体效应的平台,激发了许多新的研究领域。

    Since BEC was realized in experiments , it has become an investigated platform for various effects of quantum many-body interaction in strongly correlated systems and has stimulated many new research fields .

  13. 考虑构建定制的事件关联系统,用来扫描异常,或者考虑利用开源工具,比如Esper。

    Consider building custom event correlation systems to scan for anomalies , perhaps leveraging open source tools such as Esper .

  14. 产业关联系统等价由产业复杂网络来表达,这一问题转化为ICN关联指标的设计与应用问题。

    When industrial system is turned into Industry Complex Networks , this problem is transformed into the design and application of the ICN linkage indicators .

  15. 该控制器的设计是基于变结构控制器的设计方法,考虑了系统的不确定输入增益,同时用LMI方法讨论了线性时滞不确定关联系统的分散鲁棒控制问题。

    The design of controller is based on the method of design of variable structure controller , and considering the uncertain input plus of systems . At the end of this part , we study the problem of decentralized robust control of linear uncertain interconnected large-scale system with time delay .

  16. 总结了现有聚合与关联系统的体系结构;简要介绍了IDMEF标准数据格式以及它在报警关联中的作用;

    The architectures of all the existing aggregation and correlation systems , with emphasis on a brief introduction of the function of the intrusion detection message exchange format ( IDMEF ) on alert aggregation and correlation .

  17. 不确定关联系统分散鲁棒控制理论及其应用研究

    Decentralized Robust Control Theory and Its Application for Interconnected Uncertain Systems

  18. 设计了网络安全事件关联系统,并完成了原型系统的开发。

    We design and implement a system for security events correlation .

  19. 用重要性抽样法估计单调关联系统不可靠度

    Evaluate Unreliability of Monotonous Coherent Fault Tree Using Importance Sampling Plan

  20. 关联系统可靠镇定的开关分层控制法

    Reliable stabilization of interconnected systems using a switching multilayer control structure

  21. 非单调关联系统中概率重要度的新计算方法

    A New Method of Calculating B-P Probability Importance of Non-monotonic correlative System

  22. 基于模糊动态模型的关联系统重叠结构分解控制

    Overlapping Decomposition and Control for Interconnect System Based on Fuzzy Dynamic Model

  23. 时变不确定性关联系统的分散鲁棒自适应控制

    Decentralized robust adaptive control for interconnected systems with time-varying uncertainties

  24. 时滞线性系统及关联系统的鲁棒控制

    Robust Control of Linear System with Time - Delay and Interconnected Systems

  25. 同时,给出了关联系统的可靠性逻辑模型。

    Meanwhile , the reliability logic model of associated system was provided .

  26. 多状态单调关联系统元件重要度分析

    The Component Importance Analysis Method for Multistate Monotone Coherent System

  27. 特殊关联系统下寿命的封闭性

    Life distribution 's closure property of a special coherent system

  28. 一般灰色趋势关联系统及其分析方法研究

    General gray trend relational system and its analysis method

  29. 一类复杂关联系统的模糊控制

    Fuzzy Control for a Kind of Complicated Correlation System

  30. 多态关联系统可靠性分析是可靠性理论一个前沿研究课题。

    Multistate coherent system reliability analysis is a new problem of reliability theory .