
  • 网络relational model;Relationship Model;relational data model
  1. XML表达关系模型中m:n联系的方法

    Methods of Using XML to Represent m : n Relationship in Relational Model

  2. 偏序关系模型(PartialRelationalModel)是对关系数据模型在序领域中的推广。

    Partial relational model is the extension of the relational data model in data domains .

  3. 研究Rice信道下天线阵列的相位关系模型,总结Rice因子估计的可行方法;

    Model of phase relation between antenna array elements under Rice channel is researched , and the feasible methods of estimating the Rice K factor are summarized ;

  4. 文章通过Granger因果关系模型,检验了我国稳定货币政策的有效性。

    This article tested the effectiveness of china prudent monetary policy by granger causality model .

  5. 借助GIS,SPSS软件所建立的人类居住场所的选择与自然环境之间的定量关系模型表明,人类居住场所的选择与地貌、水文等自然环境密切相关。

    The quantitative relation model based on GIS and SPSS shows that the choice of settlement sites is closely related with natural conditions such as geomorphology and hydrology .

  6. 为了实现这些,我们使用了公用EA模型,例如业务过程模型以及实体-关系模型。

    To do so , common EA models used in this organization have been used , i.e. , business process models and entity-relationship models .

  7. 由于渔业资源评估中补充量的剧烈变动、亲体量的测量误差以及时间序列的偏差常常使亲体补充量(SR)关系模型的确定存在很大偏差问题。

    Variations in environmental variables and measurement errors often result in large and heterogeneous deviations in fitting fish stock-recruitment ( SR ) data to an SR statistical model .

  8. 本文介绍了数据库转换的概念和方法,并介绍了一个数据库转换系统,该系统将数据库及应用程序从层次模型的IMS系统转换到关系模型的ORACLE系统。

    In this paper , we introduce the concept and several methods of database conversion . Then we present a database conversion system , which converts information system from IMS to ORACLE .

  9. 之后,利用基于关系模型的数据库建模方法E&R(Entity-Relation)模型对给水管网属性数据进行数据库结构的建模。

    Constituted water distribution network database model based on relational model E-R ( Entity-Relation ) .

  10. 通过数据结构映射(表结构映射和表联系映射)和数据完整性映射(实体完整性映射和参照完整性映射)的研究,详细地讨论了XML与关系模型之间的映射规则。

    With the research of data structure mapping ( table structure mapping and table relation mapping ) and data integrity constraint mapping ( entity integrity mapping and reference integrity mapping ), the mapping rules between XML documents and relational model are detailed discussed .

  11. 在确定FRP、钢筋和核心混凝土在单调应力以及往复应力作用下的应力-应变关系模型的基础上,采用纤维模型法对FRP约束圆钢筋混凝土柱的M-φ和P-?

    Based on the stress-strain models of FRP , steel bar and the confined concrete under monotonic and cyclic conditions , theoretical model for the analysis of moment-curvature and load-deflection relationship was put forward .

  12. 通过面向对象的分析,提出了CFD计算对象及其层次关系模型,它合理地组织了CFD中复杂的计算关系,提高了CFD程序的可维护、可重用性。

    By using the Object Oriented method , the CFD object and hierarchy model were brought up . It can reasonable organize complex relations in CFD and advance the maintainability and reusability of CFD programs .

  13. 建立了土壤有机质含量和CEC与土壤Cu2+吸附量的关系模型。

    Based on the findings , a model is established to illuminate the relationship of Cu ~ ( 2 + ) adsorption with organic matter content and CEC .

  14. 首先根据miniPACS所处理数据的特性和DICOM服务所规定的实体关系模型构建了数据库。

    Firstly the paper builds up a database according to the characteristics of data processed by miniPACS and the the entity-relation model described in DICOM ;

  15. 关系模型与ADABAS

    Relational Model and ADABAS

  16. 本文介绍一种新的多维数据模型&后关系模型,以及基于此模型的后关系型数据库Caché。

    In this thesis , a new multidimensional model Post-Relation Model is introduced , and Post-Relation database Cach é based on this model .

  17. 在均匀涂层发射率与厚度关系模型的基础上,结合Maxwell-Garnett理论,建立了复合涂层发射率与厚度的理论关系模型。

    Based on Maxwell-Garnett theory , a new theoretical model about the relationship between emissivity and thickness of composite coatings is established .

  18. 在系统设计阶段,进行总体设计,并按照MOF规范建立一系列系统的设计模型,主要包括实体关系模型、值对象模型、活动图模型等。

    In the system design phase , the overall design , and in accordance with the MOF to establish a system design specification model , including entity-relationship models , the value object models and activity diagram models .

  19. 介绍了高温后CFSST中钢材和混凝土的本构关系模型;

    A constitutive relation model between steel and concrete in CFSST after high temperature is introduced .

  20. 在上述烃类样本中加入衍生物种类,分别建立了烃类及其衍生物闪点和沸点的B-MLR和SVM的两种构效关系模型。

    A series of derivatives were joined in the above sample of hydrocarbons . Then the B-MLR and SVM models were built for predicting the flash point and boiling point of hydrocarbon and its derivatives .

  21. 除此之外,本文还建立了RTS噪声特征参数与器件端口偏置关系模型,模型使用的参数都是一些可以很容易获得和测量的参数,方便在陷阱分析中使用。

    Besides , models describing the relations of RTS noise and device bias are also established , in which all the parameters used are easy to be acquired or measured , as makes the model more adaptable in real application of defects analysis .

  22. 结合因子指标与底层指标的定量关系模型,最终得出了浙江地区企业声誉定量评价模型,即:浙江地区企业声誉指数(ZCRI)模型。

    Integrating with the quantitative relationship of key indexes with bottom indexes , we built the quantitative-evaluated model of Zhejiang corporate reputation & Zhejiang Corporate Reputation Index ( ZCRI ) .

  23. 在调查数据的基础上建立了基于Bromilow模型的工期-造价关系模型,该模型具有较高的精度,具有工程应用和推广价值。

    On the basis of investigation data , a time-cost relationship model has been built , which is based on Bromilow model . This model has the high precision , and has the values of engineering application and dissemination .

  24. 对象关系模型中关联对象的连接算法分析

    Study on join algorithm of relational objects in object relational model

  25. 倾销与损害因果关系模型中理论价格的方法研究

    Theory price method for the causation model of dumping and injury

  26. 部分变量含误差的多重线性统计关系模型

    A Multivariate Linear Statistical Relationship Model with Error in Some Variables

  27. 伪装指数与生存能力的关系模型及求解

    The Relation Model and its Solution for Camouflage Index and Survivability

  28. 组织运行状态评价的制约关系模型构建研究

    Research on constructing restriction relation model of organization operational status evaluation

  29. 股价分析与网点观测函数关系模型

    Stock Price Analysis and Net point Observation Functional Relationship Model

  30. 青少年人格、人口学变量与主观幸福感的关系模型

    The Structural Relationship Among Big Five Personality , Demography Variable and SWB