
  1. 基于SOA的机械企业物流信息管理系统

    Logistics information management system for mechanical enterprises based on SOA

  2. 最后,以物流信息管理系统为应用背景,搭建了基于语义Web服务的原型系统,并对系统进行了调试及用例分析。

    After executing the synthetic service , a result can be returned to user . Finally , a Semantic Web Services based prototype system is built taking a Logistics Management Information System as its application background .

  3. 本课题依托于上海赛晨物流信息管理系统的表现层开发过程中,通过对市场上同类产品,和各种实现技术的研究,设计了基于VISUALSTUDIO。

    After doing the research of the similar products and new technologies in the market , we developed the tool of customized and dynamic Logistics forms generation , which is based on the platform of Visual Studio .

  4. 融合了多种技术的GPS接入服务器(GAS:GPSAccessServer)是GPS物流信息管理系统的核心,其性能的高低决定了系统的优劣乃至运营的成本。

    Integration of a variety of technology GPS access server ( GAS : GPS Access Server ) is " GPS Logistics Information Management System ," the core , the performance of the system determine the level of the pros and operating costs .

  5. 介绍物流信息管理系统的分析与设计,实现了对Sybase数据库的操作控制及自动化立体仓库库位的优化算法。

    This paper introduces the analysis and design of the information management system of the logistics , the realization of the control of Sybase Database and the optimization algorithm of automatic warehouse .

  6. 构建电子物流信息管理系统的思考

    The Consideration of Constructing the Electronic System of Logistics Information Administration

  7. 第三方物流信息管理系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Reality of the third Part Logistics Management Information System

  8. 制造企业物流信息管理系统分析与研究

    The Research on the Logistics of the Manufacturing Enterprise

  9. 计算机物流信息管理系统的实施与应用

    Practice and Application of Computer-based Material-flow Information Management System

  10. 农产品企业物流信息管理系统解决方案设计

    Project Design of Farm Product Logistics Information Management System

  11. 构建现代物流信息管理系统

    Construct Modern Logistics Information Management System

  12. 文章结合适用于我国中小军工企业的物流信息管理系统,对网络化制造环境下的库存信息管理系统进行了重点的设计与开发。

    The article designs system for networked inventory information management , and it is suit for medium-sized military enterprises .

  13. 现场操作人员将数据即时地发送到服务器,远程操作人员通过农产品物流信息管理系统软件更新数据,管理数据库。

    The site operators send the data instantly to the server , the remote operator update data and manage the database through by the agricultural products logistics information system software .

  14. 在此基础上,本文运用物流信息管理系统和作业成本法的理论知识,首先对物流信息管理系统所具备功能和系统程序的应用进行了描述和介绍。

    This paper , employing theories of Logistic Information Management System and Work Cost Mechanism , at first , described and instructed the functions and appliance of Logistic Information Management System .

  15. 物流信息管理系统是专门用于企业的物流管理(包括第三方物流)的信息管理系统,是计算机管理信息系统在物流领域的应用。

    Logistics Information Management System is information management system specifically designed for using in enterprise logistics management ( including third-party logistics ), it is the computer management information system applications in the field of logistics .

  16. 结合计算机技术以及数据库技术,对装甲装备物流信息管理系统进行开发,实现了综合信息查询子系统、仓储管理子系统、运输管理子系统及相关辅助子系统的开发,并对系统功能进行演示。

    Combined computer technology and database technology , the armored equipment logistics information management system has been designed and implemented , and the comprehensive information inquiring subsystem , warehousing management subsystem , transport management subsystem and related auxiliary subsystems have been developed .

  17. 文中还在所述数字图像技术的基础上综合采用视频数据处理技术、计算机网络和软件开发技术,基于系统集成和规模优化原则,研制和实施了石家庄钢铁有限公司称重计量物流信息管理系统。

    Base on the digital video technique the paper has been referred , we developed remote digital video weighting and monitoring system based on principle of system integration and scale optimizing , and integrated with techniques of video data processing , computer networking and software development .

  18. 该模型可为设计、建立军事物流资源信息管理系统提供技术支撑。

    The model offers technical support for designing and building up information management system of military logistics resources .

  19. 本论文所要完成的工作是:对第三方物流运输信息管理系统进行分析与设计,为第三方物流企业提供一个关于运输管理的解决方案。

    The work of this thesis is to be : analyze and design the Transport Information Management System of Third Party Logistics , offer one solution of transport management for Third Party Logistics enterprise .

  20. 研究与设计的以B/S结构为基础的物流企业信息管理系统应用系统,在物流企业管理中调试取得了成功,获得了良好效果,达到了预期的要求。

    Research and design to B / S structure-based logistics management system for enterprise information application systems in logistics in the debugging of corporate success , and obtained good results , to achieve the desired requirements .

  21. 企业物流信息化研究及其信息管理系统的设计

    Enterprise Logistics Informatization Research and the Design of Its Management Information System

  22. 建立物流配送中心的信息管理系统;

    Build in for mation management systems for its logistics supplying centers ;

  23. 物流信息采集作为物流信息进入物流信息管理系统的入口,其速度和准确度如何,成为制约物流信息管理和物流管理的重要一环。

    Logistics information collection as the entrance for logistics information into logistics information management system , its speed and accuracy become an important part for the constraints of logistics information management and logistics management .

  24. 针对第三方物流企业的管理特点,设计和实现了基于B/S结构的物流信息管理系统。

    According to the management method of the third-party logistics , the paper introduces the design and implementation of third-party logistics information system based on B / S structure .

  25. 本文详细介绍了邮政物流的业务、功能以及应用,详细描述了基于J2EE架构的邮政物流信息管理系统的开发过程,其中重点介绍了配送管理子系统。

    In this paper , author introduced the operation , function and application of Post Logistics , and particularly described the developing procedure of J2EE-Based Post Logistics Information System , and mostly described the Admeasure Management System .

  26. 现代物流是一个相当复杂的社会大系统工程,其良性运作需要一个与之相适应的物流信息管理系统。

    Modern logistics is a quite complicated society systems engineering , its function needs an adaptive logistics information management system .

  27. 在当代物流管理理论的基础上,提出了本课题属于对企业生产物流信息管理的研究,并给出了制造企业生产物流信息管理系统的基本信息流程框架。

    Based on the theory of modern logistics management , bring forward that this task belong to the research on information management of enterprise logistics management in process , and show the basic information flow frame of information management system for manufacturing enterprise logistics management in process .