
  1. 通过建立基础物料库,和基于规则的产品配置方法实现产品的快速配置。

    Through the establishment of the basis of library materials and the method of the rule-based product configuration to achieve quick configuration .

  2. 所有的仓库处理,如物料库位放置和移动,都执行在仓位号下。

    All warehouse procedures , such as stock placements and stock removals of materials , are always executed within a warehouse number .

  3. 在此基础上,引入活性污泥1号模型来建立相对应的物料平衡模型库。

    On above base , by introducing ASM1 , the corresponding material balance model library can be established .

  4. 本文提出了立式圆形多点流颗粒状物料均化库的基本原理,分析讨论了它的特点。

    This paper advances the principle of shaft circular multiple flow particle materials homogenizing silo , and analyzes its characteristic .

  5. 该系统主要包括生产计划,物料跟踪,钢坯库、成品库管理,质量控制和质量管理,轧辊管理,操作指导,生产报表,故障报警,设备监视及数据通信等应用功能。

    Main application functions in the system include production schedule , material tracking , billet yard and finished product yard management , quality control and management , roll data management , operation guidance , production report , fault alarm , equipment monitor and data communication etc.

  6. 系统通过对库存信息的深入管理,有效地对库存物料进行控制,并合理地制定安全储备,减少物料在库时间,从而达到降低企业库存成本的目的。

    By in-depth management on inventory information , the system can control the materials effectively , reduce the time on hand , and determine a reasonable safety inventory , so as to reduce the cost of inventories .