
  • 网络property investment
  1. 度假物业投资分析

    The Analyse of the Resort Property Investment

  2. 胡宁,现任平安信托物业投资部高级投资执行总监。

    Francis Hu , Senior Executive Director of Property Investment of Ping An Trust & Investment Co.

  3. 亏损来自于以下一些物业投资:如欧洲央行(ECB)在法兰克福的总部、东京的一处地产开发项目,以及欧洲各地的洲际酒店(InterContinental)等。

    The losses are based on investments in properties such as the European Central Bank 's Frankfurt headquarters , a development in Tokyo and InterContinental hotels across Europe .

  4. 物业投资会带来盈利。

    Property investments will payoff .

  5. 一项提供上海物业投资机会的计划,吸引了伦敦金融城数以百计的银行家、分析师和交易员。

    A scheme which offers the opportunity to invest in Shanghai has attracted hundreds of City bankers , analysts and traders .

  6. “命运非洲”项目已经获得批准,它坐落在花园大道上的437公顷土地上,是一个史无前例的发展与物业投资机会的组合。

    With approvals already secured , Destiny Africa packages a mix of developmental and property investment opportunities without parallel and without precedent .

  7. 增元国际投资关博仁表示,他们通常的房地产投资基金更愿意与稳定的租金收益率的商业物业投资。

    Guan Boren of ZY International Investment said normally the real estate investment funds prefer the commercial properties with stable rental yields .

  8. 统一规划建设、统一运营管理,项目物业投资收益可观。

    With unified planning , construction , operation and management , there will be considerable yield from the investment on real property .

  9. 目前中国度假物业投资市场需要的是如何根据度假物业的特点进行合理的投资分析。

    At present , what the Chinese resort investment market needs is the reasonable investment analysis according to the characteristics of the resort property .

  10. 中粮物业投资部是一家以商业地产开发、物业经营管理为主的业务单元,目前正处于房地产和物业管理业务的高速发展期。

    The Strategic Study of the COFCO Commercial Property Invest Division is an enterprise being engaged on the development of real estate and property management which has developed many real estate items such as Beijing COFCO plaza .

  11. 接着本文在分析度假物业投资风险的基础上运用不确定性分析方法说明影响度假物业投资分析的关键影响因素。

    Furthermore , make sure the key influence factors , which are on the basic of the risk analysis , to the resort property investment as the result of using the indetermination analysis and the rate analysis method .

  12. 如何避免商用物业投资开发的盲目性,商用物业如何规划与经营定位,采用什么策略来进行招商与销售,都是商用物业开发中必须解决的问题。

    These issue , such as how to avoid feckless developing commercial real estate , how to planning and positioning , and take what strategies to rent and sale in marketing , are to be solved before the development of commercial properties .

  13. 与之相适应,为商品流通服务的商用物业的投资与开发也将成为我国房地产市场的一个重要组成部分。

    According , the developing of commercial real estate used by Commodity-circulation is to be an important part of civil property market .

  14. 本课程是介绍商业物业资产投资与财务决策上所需用到的一些主要的概念、原则、分析方法、和工具。

    This course presents some of the major concepts , principles , analytical methods and tools useful for making investment and finance decisions regarding commercial real estate assets .

  15. 有些人还赞同这一理论,温州团体股票的市场选择物业作为投资工具,比股票市场投资没有什么不同。

    Some also subscribe to the theory that the Wenzhou groups only select property as an investment tool , which is no different than investing in the stock market .

  16. 现在,通过房地产代理商购买国际物业已成为投资的一种主要方式。

    Now buying international property through real estate agents has become a major way of investment .

  17. 您可将保安系统安装成本视为物业增值及投资的一部份。

    The cost of a security system should be thought of as a property value added item or investment .

  18. 年内住宅按揭贷款温和增长,建造业及物业发展与投资方面的贷款则轻微下降。

    Residential mortgage loans grew modestly during the year , while loans for building , construction , property development and investment contracted moderately .

  19. 高纬物业的伦敦西区投资主管迈克特里梅因(MikeTremayne)表示,他认为这些趋势将持续下去:2014年前景非常乐观。

    Mike Tremayne , head of West End investment at Cushman & Wakefield , said he believes these trends will continue : The outlook for 2014 is very positive .

  20. 房地产评估:适用于经营性物业的转让、投资、租赁、抵押等目的的评估。

    Real estate valuation : it is frequently used for real estate valuation in connection with transferring , investment , lease , mortgage business activities .

  21. 在这种存在第三方的结构中,往往是董事长通过名下物业从你想要投资的公司中抽走资金,注入完全无关的另一家企业。

    Many of these third party structures involve the chairman owning real estate which is draining cash out of the company you want to invest in to a different business which is completely unrelated .