
  1. 不同领域不同应用的物联网终端都能够统一的接入到通信骨干网,从而可以实现统一标准的传送网络。

    The application of different things in different areas of the terminal can access to the communications backbone , which can be achieved remote data collection .

  2. 首先,成功研制了一种多功能物联网监控终端,能实现物体信息感知与智能控制。

    Implementation of hardware and software is divided into four main parts containing terminal , network , gateway and application . First , a multifunctional monitoring terminal of the Internet Of Things has been successfully developed , which achieves the object of sensing information and intelligent control .

  3. 针对如上问题,为了在物联网应用上提供稳定良好的通道,有必要在行业应用客户与行业终端之间建设一个网络支撑平台,即物联网终端管理平台。

    For the problems mentioned above , in order to provide a stable and good channel for the application of Internet of Things , it is necessary to build a network supporting platform between terminals and industry applications , which is Internet of Things terminal management platform .

  4. 物联网业务的快速发展必须要有一个强有力的网管和业务支撑平台来提供保障,以加强对物联网业务和终端的管理,以此促进业务的推广。

    The rapid development of IOT business must have a strong network management and business support platform to provide protection .