
  • 网络Physics Crisis;crisis in physics
  1. 本文在考察了物理学危机的产生及物理学家对危机反应的基础上,着重论述了物理学危机的实质。

    On the basis of inspecting emergence of the crisis of Physics and response of Physicist to it , the treatise mainly discusses substance of the crisis of Physics .

  2. 分析了科学家在物理学危机中的沉浮,反思自然观、科学观方面的研究和修养对于科学家的重要意义。

    By analyzing the ups and downs of scientists in the physics crisis , we conclude that it is of significance for scientists to cultivate reasonable notions on nature and science .

  3. 分析了马克思主义哲学的传播期与20世纪初的科学革命的关系,一方面马克思主义哲学对指导自然科学研究跨越物理学危机所造成的认识论障碍具有实际意义;

    The paper analyzes the relationship between the propagation period of Marxist Philosophy and the scientific revolution in the early 20th century . Marxist Philosophy has practical significance in guiding natural science to surmount epistemological barriers caused by physical crisis .