
  • 网络material function;Physical Function
  1. 由于这种文化的建构,使购物中心除了本身外显性的物质功能之外,还表现出特定的文化意义。

    Due to the cultural construction , the shopping mall also appears some cultural meaning expect its external material function .

  2. 随着社会经济的发展,景观雕塑的物质功能、精神功能及审美功能的重要性日益凸显。

    The importance of landscape sculpture in its material function and spiritual function is increasingly protruding with thedevelopment of social and economic development .

  3. ECs释放NO等血管活性物质功能正常。

    The ECs ' function of releasing NO and other active substances of blood vessels is normal .

  4. 结果:单因素分析提示,婚姻、受教育程度、生活质量(心理、社会、物质功能维度)、社会支持度在MCI和正常老年人组之间的差异有统计学意义(p0.05)。

    Results : But the factor analysis the level of education pointing out marriage , accepting , the quality of life ( mentality , society , matter function preserve degree ), society support degree between MCI and regular old people group difference has statistics meaning ( p 0.05 ) .

  5. 家具功能形态设计包括物质功能设计和精神功能设计。

    Furniture function forms contain physical function and mental function .

  6. 苏尼特驼乳营养成分与活性物质功能研究

    Studies on Nutritional Ingredient and Function of Active Substances in Sonid Camel Milk

  7. 物质功能形态语义主要从技术功能、使用功能、环境功能三个层面来表达。

    Semantics of Physical function express from technical features , functionality and environmental features .

  8. 大豆生理活性物质功能的研究进展

    Research Progress of Bioactive Substances in Soybean

  9. 馈赠礼物是人类交际的重要方式之一,具有物质功能和表意功能。

    Gift is an important way of human communication , which has material and expressive function .

  10. 设计可以看作是在实现产品物质功能的前提下,创造某种特定意象的行为,因此在意象的选取作了较为详细的研究分析;

    Design may be a behavior of creating imagoes on the precondition of realizing the physical functions .

  11. 因此,包装设计的重心也从物质功能设计转向精神功能设计。

    Therefore , the packaging design laid more emphasis on the mental function of aesthetic from material function .

  12. 虽然在其作为物质功能的使用价值上不及现代城市建筑。

    Although the traditional settlement functions less than the modern urban architecture as the practical use for people .

  13. 介绍了国外住宅建设的发展趋势及政策走向从物质功能需求、情感与精神需求论证居民参与的必要性及其积极意义。

    It demonstrates the necessity and positive significance of users ' participation in need of function , users ' emotion and mentality .

  14. 女性消费者的消费意识大大增强,由一般商品消费转向品牌消费,从商品的物质功能性需求转向精神需求。

    Female consumer awareness greatly enhanced along with the products consumer turning to branded consumer and the functional requirements turning to spiritual needs .

  15. 舟山市定海古城中、西大街的保护改造&对建筑物质功能整旧如旧的探讨

    Protection and Renovation of Middle Street and West Street in Dinghai of Zhoushan & Study on Regenerating the Architecture 's Material Function as what they had been

  16. 在我国,改革开放之后,随着经济的发展和国力的增强,我国人民居住条件不断改善,同时,人们对居住环境的要求也从过去满足物质功能需求向满足精神文化需求转变。

    After the reform and opening up of our country and along with the economical and national strength development , the dwelling of our people is continuously improved .

  17. 本文阐述了并校后多学科融合的研究型综合性大学图书馆在硬件建设方面的规划设计及新馆舍建筑的物质功能和精神功能。

    This paper discusses the design in hardware construction and the physical and mental function of the new library building of a multisubject research university after the union .

  18. 产品设计的重要方面就是对一定材料进行加工处理,最后成为既具有物质功能又具有精神功能的产品。

    One of the important aspects of product design is to carry on processing to certain material , finally has both the material function and the energetic function .

  19. 当代的设计审美创造要求设计在满足物质功能、技术质量还要满足人类精神和情感的需求。

    Design aesthetic creation at the present age demands design to satisfy not only substance function and technical quality , but also people 's requirement of spirit and emotion .

  20. 品牌文化蕴涵着品牌超越物质功能属性的价值理念、品位、情趣、情感抒发等精神元素,可以赋予品牌独特的内涵和个性,是品牌触动消费者心灵的关键所在。

    Brand culture includes spirit elements such as value idea , taste and interests , and it can give distinctive connotation and individuality to a brand , which is the key factor of moving consumers .

  21. 文章从自然科学和社会学角度对地下水资源的本质属性、功能进行研究,论述了地下水的自然、科学和社会等不同属性及其相应的物质功能、能量功能、调蓄功能和信息功能。

    This paper , based on the knowledge of ( natural ) sciences and sociology , studies these aspects of groundwater , analysing its natural and social attributes and its material , energy and reservation functions .

  22. 论文研究的重点有两个:一个是运用设计目标导向的方法,从技术条件目标、时间目标、物质功能目标、视觉感受目标和经济目标等五个方面来探讨设计项目实施过程的控制方法。

    One point is the usage of object-oriented design methods , including material and function design goals , time goals the visual experience goals , objectives and economic goals and technological conditions goals in the design projects .

  23. 多元回归分析表明:应激相关因素对综合生活质量以及躯体功能、心理功能、社会功能、物质功能4个维度的预测力分别为53.4%、32.6%、57.6%、46%、6.6%。

    Stress related factors can predict 53.4 % of the variance of general quality of life , 32.6 % of body function , 57.6 % of psychological function , 46 % of social function and 6.6 % of substance function .

  24. 组织、细胞中AGE的积累,影响蛋白质、脂类、核酸的结构,造成这些物质生物学功能的改变,是临床上老年性疾病的病理基础之一。

    AGEs slowly accumulates physiologically by aging , AGE accumulates in tissues and cells and thus directly damages the structure of proteins , lipids and nucleic acid , while results in the changes of their biology function .

  25. 海洋沉积物标准物质应用功能探析

    Discussion on expanding function of certificated reference material of marine sediment

  26. 绿豆生物活性物质及功能的研究进展

    Research Progress on the Biological Activities and Functions of Mung Beans

  27. 渤海湾潮间带湿地物质交换功能的历史比较

    Comparison of substance exchange function of the intertidal wetland in Bohai Bay

  28. 糖类化合物改性能够增加糖类物质的功能和应用范围。

    Modification of saccharide could in crease its function and application range .

  29. 荞麦生物活性物质及其功能研究进展

    Research Advance of Buckwheat Biological Active Substance and Fuction

  30. 物质与功能的统一体&略论气的二元涵义

    Unity of Substance and Function ── Preliminary Discussion on Dual Meaning of Qi