
  • 网络BoM;Bill of Material;mbom
  1. 针对物料清单手工编制容易出错这一问题,进行了基于SolidWorks平台的BOM表自动生产技术研究,利用API技术实现ERP系统与CAD系统集成,从而实现系统物料清单的自动生成。

    For the manual input BOM error-prone issue , study BOM automatic generation technology based on SolidWorks platform , using API technology link ERP systems and CAD systems , achieve the system automatically generated BOM .

  2. 基于品质物料清单的全面质量数字化管理模式的研究

    Research on digital total quality management mode based on quality BOM

  3. 产品物料清单(BillOfMaterials)是企业信息化过程中一个十分关键的部分。

    Bill of materials is a key point in the enterprise informationization .

  4. ERP环境下物料清单的数据结构研究

    Research on the data structure of bill of material in ERP system

  5. ERP环境下物料清单适应性问题研究

    Reasearch on Adaptability of BOM in ERP Environment

  6. 物料清单(BillOfMaterial,BOM)是中小型制造企业信息系统的核心基础数据。

    Bill of Material ( BOM ) is a core part information system of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises .

  7. MRPⅡ中物料清单树型结构的分析与实现

    Analysis and Implement of BOM on Tree-Type Structure in MRP ⅱ

  8. 但是,人们在研究ERP系统的同时,却忽视了ERP的底层建设&物料清单(BillOfMaterial)表。

    But , when people study the system of ERP , the basic layer of ERP & the Bill of Material was ignored .

  9. 单层物料清单(BOM)及多视图映射

    A single - layer BOM and multi - views mapping

  10. 物料清单(BOM)是ERP系统中极其重要的部分。

    The Bill of Materials ( BOM ) plays a very important role in ERP system .

  11. 物料清单BOM是目前ERP系统中的研究热点之一。

    BOM ( Bill of Material ) is one of the research hotspot in ERP system .

  12. 药业企业MRPⅡ/ERP物料清单重构研究

    BOM Reconstruction MRP ⅱ / ERP of Pharmacy Corporation

  13. 在现有理论成果的基础上,分析物料清单(BOM)与标准成本核算的关系。

    Analyzed the relation between BOM and standard costing on the base of theory .

  14. 提出了基于BOM(物料清单)的集成产品开发环境的框架,指出了集成产品开发的几种集成方案。

    The frame and schemes of integrated product development based on BOM are brought forward .

  15. 提出了物料清单(BillOfMaterial,简称为BOM)在流程工业下向成本BOM的建模与设计方法。

    The modeling and design method of the cost Bill of Material ( BOM ) in the process industry were put forward in this article .

  16. 简介了物料清单(BOM)的特点,给出了BOM的基本结构图。

    The features of bill of materials ( BOM ) were introduced and basal structure of BOM was described .

  17. 算法中综合考虑了库存状态、生产批量、车间在制、采购在途和物料清单(BOM)等众多信息对生产计划编制的影响。

    The algorithms have considered much information such as storage status , product batch , workshop produce , and BOM .

  18. 为技术对象或设备建立的第一个物料清单,没有定义技术类型和简单结构,这称为简单BOM。

    The first BOM you create for a technical object or material has no defined technical category and a simple structure .

  19. 因此,对ERP环境中的物料清单管理以及对BOM系统实施要点进行分析的研究具有重要意义。

    Therefore , it is significant to research the management of material listing in ERP environment and the analyses of implementing cruces of BOM system .

  20. 随着制造业对生产效率的追逐,自上世纪中后期开始,信息系统和物料清单(BillOfMaterials,BOM)逐渐开始应用于生产和管理中。

    As the manufacturing industries pursuing the producing efficiency , since late last century , information systems and Bill Of Materials ( BOM ) are gradually used in the production and management .

  21. COATS会将订单流“翻译”为制造材料列表(物料清单,BillofMaterials)和其他指令,这些内容通常被转发到全球相应的IBM制造工厂。

    COATS " translates " the flow of orders into manufacturing material lists ( Bill of Materials ) and other instructions , which are then forwarded to appropriate IBM manufacturing plants worldwide .

  22. 文中首先讨论了客户化大量生产给传统的企业资源计划(ERP)系统带来的新问题,尤其是对物料清单(BOM)的新要求。

    Some new problems and requirements arisen from mass customization production in the traditional ERP system , especially in the BOM of ERP , are discussed firstly .

  23. 物料清单是ERP系统中的基础数据,物料清单的构造方法对于ERP系统的实施与运行的效率有着直接的影响。

    The Bill of Materials ( BOM ) is the basic data in ERP system , the method of BOM structure is addressed in order to ensure ERP system running efficiently .

  24. 从两个方面实现了PDM和ERP的信息集成:(1)物料清单(BOM)在PDM端和ERP端的相互转化。

    The ultimately function in the integration of PDM and ERP are as following : ( 1 ) Transformation of the bill of material in the PDM and ERP .

  25. 进行新产品BOM(物料清单)表的建立与维护,根据工程变更或相关部门要求进行更新。

    Built and maintain BOM ( bill of material ) for new product and update it in case of engineering change or other requirement by related dept.

  26. 基于Windchill的多物料清单管理技术研究

    Multi-bill-of-material management technique based on Windchill

  27. 在制造领域的产品开发设计过程中,不同使用部门和产品全生命周期的不同阶段要求不同的物料清单BOM表数据。

    The thesis researches on the BOM multi-view technology to resolve the need of different BOM data during the different phase of the product life cycle and different departments using BOM .

  28. 实现MRP的关键技术就是物料清单BOM(BillOfMaterial),按照产品BOM展开和工艺流程逐级推演,得到在一般平稳生产条件下可以应用的主生产计划(MPS)。

    The key technology of MRP is BOM ( bill of material ) . In accordance with the BOM and process , the products are deducted zone-by-zone to get MPS in general and stable production conditions .

  29. 同时构造了物料清单的生成过程模型,并结合Z公司具体的产品结构树和实际情况,生成了Z公司的PDM和ERP系统中的主要物料清单。

    Then a structure model of BOM has been constructed . According to the product structure tree and the realistic condition in Z company , the main BOM of PDM and ERP in Z company was also constructed .

  30. 根据可扩展标记语言(XML)的基本理论,以劈柴机为实例对其物料清单数据结构进行了分析,给出了该产品的XML信息模型并进行了网络验证。

    The data structure of bill of material of wood-split machine as a example was analysed on the basis of basic theory of extensible makeup language ( XML ) . The information model of XML was established . The model was tested and verified in Internet .