
cái jīng
  • finance and economics
财经 [cái jīng]
  • [finance and economics] 财政与经济

财经[cái jīng]
  1. 财经类高等院校MPA教育发展研究

    Development of MPA Education in Universities of Finance and Economics

  2. 随着中国加入WTO,财经期刊得到了更大的发展空间,但其面对的竞争也更加激烈。

    As China joining WTO , finance and economics periodical get heavy development space , but its competition that faces is fiercer too .

  3. 我们的财经记者詹姆斯·摩根刚刚从德国回来。

    Our economics correspondent , James Morgan , is just back from Germany

  4. 稍后是1点45分的财经新闻和天气预报。

    Still to come , the financial news and the weather at a quarter to two .

  5. 以此类推,人口增长率缓慢下来时就会给社会安全基金的财经带来压力

    Analogously , the slowdown in population growth puts pressure on Social Security finances .

  6. 加入WTO中国高等财经教育的应对措施

    Countermeasures of Financial and Economic Education of Chinese Universities after Entering WTO

  7. 财经Web站点,例如银行或投资机构的站点,您用于监视自己的金融投资组合

    A financial Web site , like that of a bank or investment institution , to monitor your financial portfolio

  8. •富士康推行机器人技术【第一财经日报(CBNDaily)】

    • a shift to robotic production by Foxconn ( CBN daily )

  9. 这一被标为绝密的指示由上海市委宣传部发出,并由《第一财经日报》母公司上海文广集团(ShanghaiMediaGroup)的主管签字。

    The directive , which was marked top secret , was sent by the Shanghai propaganda ministry and signed by executives at Shanghai Media Group , the parent company of China Business News .

  10. 美国财经网站24/7WallSt.在总统日发布的一份报告中披露了美国历史上最富有的十大总统榜单。

    A 24 / 7 Wall St. report , out for President 's Day , reveals the country 's 10 wealthiest presidents in history .

  11. 一位曾在普林斯顿大学(PrincetonUniversity)研究古代宗教的32岁男士,身穿一件印有其雇主(一家财经网站)名称的T恤衫;

    A 32-year-old man who had studied ancient religion at Princeton wore a T-shirt emblazoned with the name of his employer , a finance website ;

  12. 但前不久,美国财经网站Quartz在一篇文章中指出,设备与物联网的连接成本高且难度大。

    But until recently , explains an article on Quartz . com , connecting a device to the Internet of Things was expensive and difficult .

  13. 主力品牌“CBN财经资讯”&中国首选决策参考信息系统,第一时间,权威渠道,精确分析。

    " CBN financial information " is the main CBN brand for accurate analyses in decision-making references .

  14. 财经媒体巨头福布斯(Forbes)正在挂牌待沽,据称要价4亿美元,德意志银行(DeutscheBank)正在搜寻买主。

    Financial media giant Forbes is on the block for a reported $ 400 million , with Deutsche Bank ( DB ) beating the bushes for a buyer .

  15. 根据CNN财经频道,你找的房子房价应该是你年薪的2.5倍。

    According to CNN Money , you should try to find a home that is two and a half times your yearly salary .

  16. 事实上,上海财经大学(shanghaiuniversityoffinanceandeconomics)近期调查显示,仅有6%的受访者认为股市会进一步下跌,而27%的受访者对股市目前水平感到满意。

    Indeed , according to a recent survey by the Shanghai University of Finance and economics , only six per cent of respondents thought that the market would fall further and 27 per cent were happy with its current level .

  17. 在去年的情况下,我们给学生提供一些,能用来写程序跟雅虎财经的免费网站交互的代码,即finance。yahoo。com,一个免费的网站。

    In the case of last year we did hand students some code with which they could write programs that talked to Yahoo Finance , finance . yahoo . com , free website .

  18. 科技媒体很快指出,此事令数字货币比特币2015年开局不利,财经新闻网站QUARTZ曾称比特币为2014年最糟糕的投资。

    As the tech press were quick to point out , it was a worrisome start to the year for a digital currency that Quartz had already declared the worst investment of 2014 .

  19. 根据SPCapitalIQ(财经信息提供商)提供的资料,标普500公司里面只有40家在其2014年年报中披露中国地区的具体销售额,中国平均在整体销售额中占16.3%。

    According to SP Capital IQ , only 40 SP 500 companies disclosed specific figures on China sales in their fiscal 2014 annual reports , with the average proportion of full-year revenue at 16.3 % .

  20. 一月份,卡尔•伊坎与比尔•阿克曼本应该在美国全国广播公司财经频道(CNBC)就康宝莱公司(Herbalife)进行辩论。

    In January , Carl Icahn and bill ackman went on CNBC supposedly to debate Herbalife ( HLF ) .

  21. 9月份他重申了这一观点,在接受CNBC电视财经频道采访时表示,Twitter“希望、同时也相信自己能成为一家成功的独立公司。”

    He echoed that sentiment in September , telling CNBC in an interview that Twitter has " every hope and belief that we will be a successful independent company . "

  22. 早稻田大学的财经教授YukioNoguchi表示丰田的问题是其取得了多年的国际成就之后骄傲自大的恶果。

    Waseda University Finance Professor Yukio Noguchi says Toyota 's problems are a sign of arrogance , after years of global success .

  23. 莱德。塞俩目说IFQ将会对整个财经领域形成积极的影响。

    For his part , Riad Salame said that the IFQ would have positive effects across the financial sector .

  24. 纽约市长麦克尔・彭博(MichaelBloomberg)之女&乔治娜・彭博(GeorginaBloomberg)位列第四。其父是财经资讯公司彭博通讯社的大股东,身价高达115亿美元。

    Georgina Bloomberg , daughter of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg majority owner of Bloomberg LP financial news and data company and estimated to be worth $ 11.5 billion comes in at No.4 .

  25. 上周,在有关李亦非行踪的问号出现之际,中国当局加大了对其他知名人士的调查力度,其中包括中信证券(CiticSecurities)四名高管、一位受人尊敬的财经记者、以及中国证监会(CSRC)的一名官员。

    Questions over Ms Li 's whereabouts emerged last week as Chinese authorities turned up the heat on other prominent figures including four senior executives of Citic Securities , a respected financial journalist and a China Securities Regulatory Commission official .

  26. 总结了西南财经大学图书馆重点学科导航库的建设历程,重点描述了在建设CALIS理论经济学导航库实践中的一些体会,并提出了理论经济学导航库今后的发展方向。

    This article generalizes the construction process of the key discipline navigation database , puts emphasis on some insights into the construction of CALIS theoretical economics navigation data base , and forecasts the prospects of it .

  27. 看看每天出现在CNBC(财经频道)上的高管队伍,或是顺便参与一个高层会议,你就会疑惑,是不是克隆技术比科学家们所研究的先进的多。

    Watch the parade of chief executives who appear on CNBC every day , or drop in to a high-powered conference , and you begin to wonder whether cloning is more advanced than scientists are letting on .

  28. 我们在航空、工业产品和财经领域的强大品牌如贝尔直升机、赛斯纳飞机、莱康明飞机引擎、考泰斯汽车油箱、E-Z-GO高尔夫球车和格林利工具等都在我们的客户群中享有盛誉。

    Textron is an industry leader with powerful brands in aviation , industrial and financial fields such as Bell Helicopter , Cessna Aircraft , Lycoming , Kautex , E-Z-GO and Greenlee , among others .

  29. 投资组合保险策略在企业财经管理中的实际应用

    Practical Application of Portfolio Insurance Strategy to Financial Management of Enterprises

  30. 财经类院校信息管理与信息系统专业建设和人才培养研究

    Research on the Construction of Information Management System and Talents Training