
cái chǎn shōu rù
  • Property income;income from property
  1. 所有的财产收入可被分为所得或资本。出售剩余财产的收入

    All receipts of revenue can be classified as either of income or capital . proceeds from the sale of surplus property

  2. 战后,他要求控制其财产收入的第三国归还财产。

    After the war , he sought return of his property from the third party now in control of its proceeds .

  3. 平静的对待你的财产收入,你要知道当你给予,你便腾出了接收的空间。

    Be at peace with your money supply , knowing that as you give , you also make room to receive .

  4. “我们发现意外的财产收入与之后一年内较高的满足感以及更好的精神状况有十分密切的联系,”奥斯瓦德说。

    " We find a very strong link between cash falling on you and higher contentment and better mental health in the following year ," said Oswald .

  5. 作者没有下来,一首流行指南,财产收入,辩称,有很多收入来源是必要的平衡和控制自己的财务未来。

    The author of NOTHING DOWN , one of the first popular guidebooks on income property , argues that many sources of income are necessary for balance and control of one 's financial future .

  6. 分析表明,城乡工资收入比、城乡经营收入比、城乡转移和财产收入比四项指标是城乡居民收入差距的主要影响因素。

    The analysis indicates that four targets are the major effect factors of the income disparity , such as wage income proportion , management income proportion , transformation income proportion and poverty income proportion between city and country .

  7. 在国外,公职人员财产收入申报法之所以成为防止腐败的一道不可逾越的法律屏障,是因为该制度有一道铁关:“阳光曝晒”。

    In foreign countries , laws related to the property declaration of civil servants have become an impassable legal protective screen against corruption because this system has a firm barrier - " exposure to the sun ", viz .

  8. 针对上述问题,文章最后提出了保护农民土地权利,提高农民土地财产收入,以及增加农业收入和兼业收入的相关政策和建议。

    Aiming at the above-mentioned problems , this paper gives some corresponding policies and advices which includes protecting famers ' rights , increasing famers ' income from the land assets , enhancing their agricultural income and part-time-job income in non-agricultural field .

  9. 第三是部分农民还有财产性收入。

    And third , some farmers also receive property income .

  10. 增加群众财产性收入的伦理意蕴探析

    Discussion on Ethics Implication of " Increasing the Masses Property Income "

  11. 多渠道增加居民财产性收入。

    We should increase proprietary individual income through multiple channels .

  12. 但是,目前我国居民财产性收入在不断增长的同时其差距急速扩大。

    However , property income has the rapid expansion of the gap .

  13. 共同属于夫妻的财产和收入。

    Property and income belonging jointly to a married couple .

  14. 现阶段我国农民财产性收入问题研究

    Study on Chinese Farmers ' Property Income at the Stage

  15. 从群众拥有财产性收入变化看社会价值观的变迁

    Social Values from Property Income Changes That the Populace Have

  16. 增加我国居民财产性收入的理论探析

    The Theoretical Exploration on Increasing the Property Income of Our Country 's Residents

  17. 三是部分农民有财产性收入。

    And third , some farmers receive property income .

  18. 增进财产性收入,推动社会保障改革

    Enhancing Property Income and Promoting the Social Security Reform

  19. 创造条件让更多群众拥有财产性收入。

    We will create conditions for more people to earn income from property .

  20. 股票投资理应成为居民财产性收入的重要来源之一。

    Stock investment is supposed to be a prime source of property income .

  21. 财产性收入和转移性收入对贫困的影响较小。

    Property income and transferred income have played little role in reducing poverty .

  22. 中国居民财产性收入理论与实践研究

    A Study on the Theory and Practice of Residents Property Income in China

  23. 股票投资对增加居民财产性收入影响的研究

    Effects of Stock Investment on Property Income Growth

  24. 随着经济的发展,财产性收入越来越成为我国居民收入的一个重要来源。

    With economic development , property income increasingly become an important source of income .

  25. 深化收入分配制度改革,保障低收入群体的财产性收入

    Deepen the Reform of Income Distribution System , Protecting Low-income Groups in the Property Income

  26. 出售剩余财产的收入

    Proceeds from the sale of surplus property

  27. 我国居民财产性收入增加的途径及条件的研究

    A Research on the Ways and Conditions of Chinese Residents ' Increasing in Property Income

  28. 财产保险收入的动态预测

    TRENDS Development forecasting of property insurance

  29. 由此总结归纳出财产性收入对我国经济发展,对社会稳定的必要性和意义。

    Sums up necessary and Significance in property income for development our economy and stabilize society .

  30. 财产性收入的增长,从侧面反映了居民持有财富的增加。

    Property income growth , from the reflection of the increase of wealth held by residents .