
  • 网络adverse event;AEs;ade
  1. 结果分析表明导致不良事件发生的因素主要为机体因素、器械因素、操作因素等。

    Result The main reasons of AEs are human body , device , manipulation factors and so on .

  2. 老年非心脏手术患者术前高敏C反应蛋白与术后心脏不良事件的相关性研究

    Study on the Correlation between Preoperative High-sensitivity C-reactive Protein and Postoperative Adverse Cardiac Events in Elderly Patients Underwent Noncardiac Surgery

  3. 早期应用他汀类药物对急性心肌梗死病人总胆固醇、高敏C反应蛋白及不良事件的影响

    Influence of early use of statins on the total cholesterol , hypersensitivity-c reactive protein and adverse event in patients acute myocardial infarction

  4. 评价治疗前后患者血清乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)DNA、HBV标志物、ALT变化,同时记录不良事件。

    Adverse events were recorded and evaluated .

  5. 因药物相关的不良事件而终止观察,3组分别为A组4例(12·9%),B组3例(9·4%),C组11例(45·8%)。

    Four cases in group A ( 12.9 % ), 3 in group B and 11 in group C had adverse reactions related to the medication .

  6. 结论:再灌注治疗可以降低急性ST段抬高心梗的住院死亡率,减少住院不良事件的发生。

    Conclusion : Reperfusion treatment may reduce the mortality of non-ST-elevation acute coronary infarction and the incidence of events in hospital .

  7. FDA称尚未发现这些药物的任何严重不良事件。

    The FDA said it was not aware of any significant adverse events arising from use of these products .

  8. Hartmann手术与术后不良事件的相关性研究

    Hartmann 's reversal is associated with high postoperative adverse events

  9. 各治疗组的妇科不良事件(AEs)发生率无显著差别。

    There were no significant differences between treatment groups when analysing for incidence of gynaecological adverse events ( AEs ) .

  10. 我适用哪些不良事件(MDR)文件或记录的建立和维护要求?

    What are the requirements for establishing and maintaining MDR files or records that apply to me ?

  11. 结论:PASS系统可有效地监测医嘱中的不合理用药,从而预防和减少药物不良事件的发生,值得临床推广应用。

    CONCLUSION : PASS can efficiently monitor the irrational drug use in medical order , hence prevent and reduce adverse drug reactions , therefore it should be widely used in clinic .

  12. 我适用哪些书面不良事件(MDR)程序的制定、维护及执行要求?

    What are the requirements for developing , maintaining , and implementing written MDR procedures that apply to me ?

  13. 严重心脏不良事件(MACE)1例(发生率3.8%)。

    MACE is one case ( 3.8 % ) .

  14. FDA正与其他政府部门合作以加强在接种2009H1N1型疫苗期间和之后的不良事件安全监测。

    The FDA is collaborating with other government agencies to enhance adverse event safety monitoring during and after the H1N12009 vaccination program .

  15. VDS是住院期间心脏不良事件发生的独立相关因素。

    VDS was an independent correlation factor of MACE during hospitalization .

  16. 不良事件发生:常规治疗组因心力衰竭加重需要门诊或住院治疗的不良事件明显多于美托洛尔组(32,12,P<0.01)。

    Occurrence of adverse events : The adverse events of treatment or hospitalization for aggravation of heart failure were obviously higher in the routine treatment group than in the metoprolol group ( 32 , 12 , P < 0.01 ) .

  17. 住院期间心脏不良事件(再发急性心肌梗死、心原性休克、急性肺水肿、发病30D内死亡)的患者发生率A组显著低于B组(0%比7.7%,P<0.01)。

    The incidence of in-hospital MACE was also significantly less in group A than in group B ( 0 vs. 7.7 % , P < 0.001 ) .

  18. 所谓的ADR信号指的是药品与不良事件间可能存在因果关系的报告信息,这种关系是未知的或者以前的文献资料不能充分证实的。

    The signal is denoted as possible causal relationship between drug and adverse event , which is unknown or can not be fully confirmed by the previous literature .

  19. 在构建的模型上示例考虑60种药物和40种不良事件,采用SAS软件模拟产生数据集进行各方法的信号检测效果比较。

    The model involving 60 kinds of drugs and 40 kinds of adverse events was constructed to compare various signal detection methods based on simulation database by SAS software .

  20. FDA对肌肉损伤风险的新信息的审查来自于临床试验,观测研究,不良事件报告和处方使用数据。

    FDA 's review of new information on the risk of muscle injury is derived from clinical trials , observational studies , adverse event reports , and prescription use data .

  21. 目前尚无数据说明RGV与不良事件率之间的联系。

    No data are available to support a correlation between RGV and adverse event rates .

  22. 的患者有不良事件发生,大部分与CLI或相伴疾病有关,并且不同组间没有不同。

    Adverse events occurred in86 % of the patients , most of which were related to CLI or comorbid conditions and were not different between groups .

  23. 根据2007年联邦法规的要求,FDA近期公布了一项对所有可能药物相关性不良事件的研究结果,今天公布的名单是今年季度报告中的第一个。

    A2007 federal law requires the FDA to disclose all its investigations into reports of possibly drug-related adverse events . Today 's list is the first of this series of quarterly reports .

  24. 目的探讨护理健康教育在提高老年冠心病患者对Hcy、叶酸、B族维生素等知识水平,减少冠心病不良事件发生中的作用。

    Objective To discuss the health education of nursing care about knowledge of homocysteine ( Hcy ), folate and Vitamins B for aged patients with coronary heart disease , and to reduce the ill event of coronary heart disease .

  25. 安全性评估结果无严重不良事件发生。MTX、LEF、MTX+LEF组与药物相关的不良反应发生率分别为38.5%、38.9%、35%,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

    There were no serious adverse reactions . In the MTX , LEF and MTX + LEF group the incidence of treatment related adverse events was 38.5 % , 38.9 % and 35 % , respectively .

  26. 目的:调查住院病人药物不良事件(ADE)发生率、因ADE而造成的医疗费用、延长的住院时间及ADE的可防范率。

    Objective : To assess existence and preventability of adverse drug events ( ADEs ) and to investigate excess length of stay and extra hospital charges of the ADEs .

  27. FDA没有收到任何关于喷射注射器注射流感疫苗的不良事件相关报道,也没有表示特定的安全问题,Burgess对医景医疗新闻说。

    The FDA has not received any reports of adverse events associated with jet-injected influenza vaccine , nor is it voicing specific safety concerns , Burgess told Medscape Medical News .

  28. 住院期间主要心脏不良事件(MACE,包括死亡、AMI、再次血管重建)发生率为1·4%(1/71)。

    In-hospital major adverse cardiac events ( MACE , death , AMI , revascularization ) rate was 1.4 % ( 1 / 71 ) . Six months follow-up was made in 16 patients .

  29. 在西罗莫司组中因不良事件而导致停药的也多于继续使用CNI治疗的患者。

    Drug discontinuation due to an adverse event was also more frequent in the sirolimus cohort compared to those patients continued on CNI .

  30. 目的探讨老年急性冠状动脉综合征(ACS)介入治疗患者的围术期护理方法,以期减少老年ACS患者心脏不良事件发生率,改善患者预后。

    Objective To investigate the perioperative nursing strategy of primary percutaneous coronary intervention ( PCI ) in the aged with acute coronary syndrome ( ACS ) for decreasing the adverse cardiovascular events and improving the prognosis .