
  1. 刑事诉讼中的不告不理原则论

    On Principle of No Trial without Complaint in Criminal Proceedings

  2. 当事人处分原则与法院的释明义务&兼论不告不理原则的立法完善

    The Principle of the Parties ' Treatment and the Court 's Unpuzzling Obligation

  3. 起诉制约裁判,是现代不告不理原则的基本体现。

    Prosecution restricts judgement , which embodies the principle of'no trial without complaint ' .

  4. 笔者认为法院在一定限度内变更控诉不仅是必要的,而且体现了不告不理原则的精髓。

    So far as the author concerned , it is not only necessary for the court to alter accusation within certain limit , but it reflects the essence of the principle of no trial without complaint .

  5. 同时法院对罪名的变更行为是与我国诉审同一原则、不告不理原则等诉讼基本原理相违背的。

    At the same time , the court convicted the change of behavior is the same with our v-trial principles , do not ignore the principles of both the basic principles of action runs counter to .

  6. 刑事再审程序是一事不再理原则的例外,其启动应受启动理由严格性、有利于被告、不告不理等原则限制。

    The criminal retrial procedure is an exception to the " double jeopardy " principle , and it should only be started under such restrictions as strict reasonableness , preferential to the prosecuted , no trial without complaint , etc.