
zhēn chá xínɡ wéi
  • Investigation behavior;act of investigation
  1. 侦查行为研究

    Research on the Act of Investigation

  2. 试论强制侦查行为的司法审查

    The Research on the Judicial Domination of the Mandatory Investigation Act

  3. 反侦查行为的界定及其分类

    On the Definition of Anti - investigation and Its Classification

  4. 第四部分为主要侦查行为隐私权保护的域外考察。

    Part Four , Researching on Overseas Privacy Protection in Investigative Acts .

  5. 刑事沉默权与刑事侦查行为同属刑事侦查工作的两个方面。

    Criminal silence right and criminal detection behavior belong to criminal detection work .

  6. 对侦查行为进行经济分析的最终目的是要实现侦查资源的合理配置。

    Its ultimate goal is the realization of reasonable distribution of investigative resources .

  7. 反侦查行为的法律规制

    On the Rule by Law and the Legal System Legal Rule of Anti-investigation

  8. 第二节分析了我国侦查行为侵权司法救济制度缺位的原因。

    Paragraph II analyzes the reasons of the domestic judicial relief system absence .

  9. 侦查行为中需要谋略要求侦查主体必须提升自己的谋略素养。

    The investigative behavior requires the investigative subject to improve their strategic accomplishment .

  10. 建立违法侦查行为的调查机制

    On Establishment of the Investigatory Mechanism Concerning Illegal Investigation

  11. 秘密侦查行为的实施方式灵活多变。

    Ways of covert investigation are flexible and varied .

  12. 系列谋财杀人案件中的反侦查行为很具有代表性。

    Anti-detection acts are representative in the series of robbery and murder cases .

  13. 首先是侦查行为科技化。

    First , the investigation of acts of technology-driven .

  14. 反侦查行为导论

    An Introduction to the Behaviour of Counter Investigation

  15. 论侦查行为法治原则&兼谈我国侦查程序改革

    On Rule - by-Law Principle of Investigation Act

  16. 侦查行为经济效益探析

    An Analysis on Economic Benefits of Investigative Acts

  17. 第三章系对侦查行为侵权司法救济的功能分析。

    Chapter III illustrates the functions of the judicial relief of investigation behaviors infringement .

  18. 第五,防止非法取证,规范侦查行为的必要。

    Fifth , to prevent the illegal collection of evidence , standard investigation necessary .

  19. 同样,谋略对于侦查行为也发挥着巨大的作用。

    As well , the strategy also plays an important role in the investigative activities .

  20. 侦查行为若干问题思考

    Probe into some questions of investigation behavior

  21. 犯罪分子的反侦查行为突出地表现在犯罪现场构成的各个要素之中。

    Thecounter-investigation deeds are to be found in all the components of the crime scene .

  22. 在法治的条件下,规范侦查行为,是侦查法制建设的需要。

    So it is the requirement of legal construction to standardize the activities of investigation .

  23. 反侦查行为的类型初探(二)&消极性反侦查行为与积极性反侦查行为

    On the Classification of Anti-investigation Behaviors

  24. 试论诱惑侦查行为的类型

    On Types of Investigation by Temptation

  25. 我国对侦查行为的审查方式是内部审查、监督审查和法庭审查。

    In China , there are three main inspection modes : internal , supervision and court .

  26. 侦查行为的成立及评价

    Establishment and Value of Detective Behaviors

  27. 侦查行为的经济分析

    Economic Analysis of Investigative Action

  28. 从侦查行为的方式看,分为强制性侦查和任意性侦查。

    According to the method of investigative action , there are both compulsory measure and arbitrary measure .

  29. 接着介绍了犯罪嫌疑人、证人和相关单位实施的反侦查行为及其表现形式。

    Then introduced the anti-investigation of criminal suspects , witnesses and the relevant units and their manifestations .

  30. 由于资料所限,笔者未能对历史上的秘密侦查行为进行剖析。

    Because data limit , the writer can not investigate the behavior of the historical secret investigation power .