
  • 网络investigative interrogation;Interrogation
  1. 对侦查讯问合法性、公正性的思考

    Reflections on the Legality and Justice of Investigative Interrogation

  2. 侦查讯问中语言运用的探讨

    Probe into the language application in investigative interrogation

  3. 论侦查讯问录音录像制度的保障机制

    On the Protection Mechanism of Recording and Videotaping System in Interrogation

  4. 关于建立侦查讯问中律师在场制度的尝试与思考

    To Establish the Counsel - Present System in Interrogating Suspects

  5. 侦查讯问中使用证据方法的分类探析

    Study on the Class of Applying Evidence Methods during Inquest

  6. 侦查讯问主要理论研究述评

    A comment on the research of the main theories on scouting interrogation

  7. 我国侦查讯问制度的设计缺陷及其完善

    The Defects in the Design of Investigative and Interrogative Systems in China

  8. 在目前我国侦查讯问中,心理战的观念和理论尚未成形。

    The idea and theory of psychological fight has not been formed .

  9. 论侦查讯问言语听解的艺术

    On the Art of the Paraphrase of Language in the Criminal Interrogation

  10. 侦查讯问教学中运用多媒体技术的思考

    The thinking of the multimedia technology used in investigation and interrogation teaching

  11. 常见不规范侦查讯问行为及其程序性处置调查分析

    Analysis of The Most Common Non-standard Investigation And Procedural Disposal

  12. 侦查讯问的性质和任务决定了侦查讯问活动的对抗性。

    The character and task of interrogation determine the antagonism of interrogative activity .

  13. 关于侦查讯问中强化证据意识的几个问题

    Issues in Strengthening Evidence Awareness during Investigation and Interrogation

  14. 并对我国侦查讯问程序存在的问题进行进一步分析。

    And make the further analysis of problems of investigation and interrogation procedures .

  15. 因此侦查讯问必须讲求谋略。

    Therefore , emphasis must be laid Interrogation strategy .

  16. 不矛盾律在侦查讯问中的运用

    The Application of Law of Contradiction in Criminal Interrogation

  17. 侦查讯问是一项政策性、原则性、法律性很强的工作。

    The investigation is a work full of policy , principle and law .

  18. 侦查讯问教学中对学员五个意识的培养

    Cultivation of the five-awareness in investigation and interrogation teaching

  19. 侦查讯问学考试改革探微

    Examination Reform of Science of Investigation and Interrogation

  20. 侦查讯问中犯罪嫌疑人陈述自愿的制度保障

    Talking about the system guarantee of the suspect voluntary state in investigation and interrogation

  21. 侦查讯问是法定的重要的侦查措施和取证手段。

    Investigation and inquiry is an important legal method of investigation in obtaining evidence .

  22. 第三部分,我国侦查讯问程序的完善建议。

    The third part is some recommendations in improving our investigation and interrogation process .

  23. 谁是非法讯问的受益者?&侦查讯问的博弈分析

    Who is the Beneficiary of Illegal Interrogation ? & Game Theory Analyses on Investigative Interrogation

  24. 介绍了当今世界的两大法系国家典型的侦查讯问制度及其融合趋势。

    It introduces two typical kinds of present investigating interrogation system models and their fusion .

  25. 简论侦查讯问教学内容的构建

    On the construction of the content of the teaching in the inquest of the investigation

  26. 论侦查讯问中的暗示方法

    Suggestive Methods in Investigation and Interrogation

  27. 侦查讯问问题研究

    Research on Problems of Investigational Interrogation

  28. 侦查讯问的博弈性探究

    An Inquiry into Game of Interrogation

  29. 侦查讯问沟通双方应互为主客体。

    Both linguistic and nonlinguistic intercommunion must be resorted to to communicate information in detective interrogation .

  30. 论侦讯双方的人际交往关系对侦查讯问的影响

    On the Influence of Interpersonal Relations of Both Sides in Investigative Interrogation on the Investigative Interrogation