
zhēn chá cuò shī
  • investigative measures
  1. 试论紧急性侦查措施的运行机制

    On the Operational Mechanisms for the Application of Urgent Investigative Measures

  2. 试论我国的秘密侦查措施

    On the Secret Investigative Measures in China

  3. 论我国强制性侦查措施司法审查制度之建构

    On Establishing Judicial Review System to Mandatory Investigation Measure in China

  4. 其次,从是强制性侦查措施抑或是任意性侦查措施出发,辨析了监听的性质。

    Secondly , differentiate and analyses know clearly interception property .

  5. 刑事强制措施和强制性侦查措施监督机制

    Criminal Coercive Measures and the Supervising Mechanism of the Coercive Detecting Measures

  6. 强化侦查措施和手段的运用;

    Strengthen the application of investigation measures and approaches ;

  7. 讯问犯罪嫌疑人是一种任意侦查措施,并不是强制性措施。

    Interrogation is not a coercive measures , but an arbitrary detection measures .

  8. 作为一种极易侵犯公民基本权利的侦查措施却未有法律对其作出明确而详尽的规定,此现象与我国建设法治国家的目标相悖。

    This phenomenon is not consistent with target of country ruled by law .

  9. 论我国秘密侦查措施立法的完善

    On Our Country Privacy Detection Measure Legislation Consummation

  10. 论对第三人实施强制侦查措施的限制

    Restriction of Compulsory Investigation on the Third Party

  11. 控制下交付这种侦查措施的创设和运用有着较为悠久的历史。

    The creation and use of delivery under control has a relatively long history .

  12. 强制性侦查措施探讨

    Discussion on the Compulsory Measures during Investigation

  13. 犯罪行为过程与侦查措施手段

    Crime-committing Process and Investigation Measures and Means

  14. 监听是一种新型侦查措施。

    Monitor is a new detection measures .

  15. 关于侦查措施分类的思考

    On the Sorting of Investigation Methods

  16. 法治视野下的职务犯罪特殊侦查措施研究

    On the Special Investigative Mechanism of Official Occupational Crime form the Perspective of Rule of Law

  17. 技术侦查措施论

    On the Technical Investigation Measures

  18. 勒索型绑架案件侦查措施的运用与人质解救策略

    The application of the investigation measure in the blackmail kidnapping case and the strategies of saving hostages

  19. 第二,进一步完善刑事程序法的修订,使现场指认措施及时得到合法性确认,使之成为真正法律意义上的侦查措施。

    Second , criminal procedure law is revised , which ensure the validity and significance of site identification .

  20. 只有在采用一般侦查措施难以达到侦查目的时,才能使用监听侦查措施。

    Only in the adoption of general investigation measures can reach can be used investigation purpose surveillance reconnaissance measures .

  21. 只有这样才能保障技术侦查措施的依法、规范适用。

    Only in this way can we guarantee measures of technical investigation in accordance with the law , norms applicable .

  22. 通缉作为一种强制性侦查措施一直在刑事侦查活动中广泛运用。

    As a measure of compelling criminal investigation , the Order for arresting a criminal at large has been widely used .

  23. 四是介绍了秘密侦查措施在实践中的运用现状以及制约其发展的因素。

    Fourth , a secret criminal investigative measures introduced in the Practice of current situation and the factors constraining their development .

  24. 作为一种简单易行、见效快的重要侦查措施,在我国,侦查讯问是侦查人员的最为常用的一种侦查措施。

    In our country , as a simple , effective investigative measure , investigation and interrogation is the most common measure .

  25. 询问证人是刑侦工作中普遍采用的一种侦查措施,在侦查破案中起到十分重要的作用。

    Investigating witnesses is a detection measure generally used in criminal investigation , it plays a very important role in the detection .

  26. 紧急性侦查措施作为刑侦部门同刑事犯罪斗争的重要侦缉手段,在案件侦查的过程中,紧急性侦查措施的运行机制主要有快速决策机制、警力资源合理配置机制和警用装备保障机制。

    Urgent investigative measures are an important means of investigation . Its operation requires mechanisms that enable fast response , reasonable manpower and equipment .

  27. 与传统的侦查措施相比,其具有很多优势,如技术性、秘密性、强制性等。

    Compared with the traditional investigative measures , it has many advantages , for example , technical , secrecy , mandatory and so on .

  28. 技术侦查措施主要包括电子侦听、电信监控、电子监控、密拍密录、网络侦查和数字化侦查等。

    Technical investigation measures mainly include electronic interception , telecommunications , electronic monitoring , monitoring dense film secret recording , network investigation and digital investigation .

  29. 面对这种情况,越来越多的严重侵犯公民隐私权的侦查措施被广泛地运用到案件侦查中,对公民的隐私权造成严重的威胁。

    In this situation , more and more investigative techniques , which violates privacy right seriously , are widely used , threatening citizens ' privacy severely .

  30. 搜查是一种重要的侦查措施,它直接威胁着公民的人身和财产利益,所以搜查必须受到限制。

    Search is an important investigating measure , but it directly threatens the life and property benefits of the people . So search should be restricted .