
zhēn chá cè lüè
  • investigative tactics
  1. 论侦查策略的认识论和逻辑学原理

    On Theory of Knowledge and Logic in the Criminal Investigative Tactics

  2. 本章接着对英、美、德三个国家常见侦查策略的运用情况及其正当性标准进行了考察。

    Then the paper examines the application and the legitimate standards of common investigative tactics in the UK , the US and Germany .

  3. 在此基础上区分了侦查策略与侦查措施。

    On this basis , a distinction between investigative strategies and detection measures .

  4. 对侦查策略理论中几个基本问题的探索

    A Few Basic Questions about Theory of Investigative Strategy

  5. 在科学评价标准方面,侦查策略应当具有有效性经济性。

    In the scientific evaluation standards , the investigation should have effective economic strategies .

  6. 在法律界限方面,侦查策略的设计和运用需要满足主体合法、手段合法。

    The legal limit , the detection strategy , design and application need to meet the main legal and legitimate means .

  7. 但侦查策略与欺骗的界限并不是一成不变的,侦查策略在实施过程中仍有可能产生异化,而走向反面遭到否定性评价。因此,对侦查策略要从启动、实施和结果三方面入手进行完善。

    But the strategy of investigation still possibly had the disassimilation , therefore it should be improved in the begining , the implementation and the result .

  8. 侦查策略是指侦查主体为实现侦查目标根据需要采取的灵活的方式、方法。

    The strategy of investigation is refers to the detectors for the realization detection goal according to the nimble way , the method which needs to adopt .

  9. 该部分从分析侦查策略的概念入手,分析了侦查策略的基本特征,界定侦查策略的内涵。

    That part of the investigation from the analysis of the concept of strategy analyzes the basic characteristics of detection strategy , to define the meaning investigative tactics .

  10. 本文分五个部分:第一部分分析了贪污贿赂犯罪侦查策略在侦查中的地位以及其作用。

    This paper is divided into five parts : The first part of the analysis of corruption and bribery investigation strategy in the investigation of the status and its role .

  11. 这几种侦查策略在实践中广泛运用,并且合法性的判断争议大,没有统一的标准,具有典型性,有必要分别进行研究。

    These types of investigative tactics widely used in practice , and to determine the legality of controversial large , there is no uniform standard , typical , it is necessary to study separately .

  12. 侦查策略上,宋代沿用了五声听狱讼的方法,同时对诈谲之术和钩距之法进行了详细的分析。

    Investigative strategy , followed the Song Dynasty " Five sound to listen to the prison litigation " approach , while the art of deceitful fraud offenders of the law and copy a detailed analysis .

  13. 本章首先就侦查策略的心理学机制进行了扼要探讨,指出侦查策略通过运用相对人的趋利避害心理、错觉心理和对立情绪,能够促使相对人放弃对抗心理,作出有利于侦查的行为选择。

    Firstly , this chapter outlines the psychological mechanism of investigative tactics , pointing out that the choice which is helpful to investigation may be made by the relative person by applying mentality and emotion of the relative person .

  14. 勒索型绑架案件侦办的首要任务是保护人质安全,内紧外松的侦查策略要坚决执行综合保密原则,采取多种侦查措施。

    It is primary task to protect hostage 's security in the investigation of the blackmail kidnapping case . The tight inside but loose outside investigation tactics carry out the comprehensive secret principle firmly , and take many kinds of investigation measure .

  15. 通信信号调制方式的识别是对敌方通信进行干扰或侦听的前提,一旦知道了调制类型,就可以估计调制参数,从而有针对性地制定侦查和反侦察策略。

    Communication signals modulation recognition is the precondition of disturbing or intercepting the enemy communication .

  16. 论侦查信息和侦查策略

    On the Investigation Information and Strategies

  17. 秘密侦查在策划时往往需要运用侦查策略。

    Investigative tactics are generally used in planning covert investigation .

  18. 该侦查方法便于侦查人员直接获取犯罪信息,在侦查策略和侦查模式上具有较高价值。

    This investigative method renders us easy to obtain criminal information and it is of high value in investigative tactics and investigative moulds .

  19. 在侦查理论上主要论述了五声听狱讼的起源发展,在侦查策略上主要分析了钩距的原始运用,并选择了一些典型案例进行详细分析。

    Discusses the theory in the investigation of the " Integrated listen to prison suit ," the origin and development , the main strategy in the investigation of the hook from the original application , and select some typical cases in detail .

  20. 对于商业贿赂犯罪,单一的预防和侦查效果都不太理想,应将宏观的制度性防控措施和微观的侦查策略性措施结合在一起去考虑。

    At last the relevant systems and investigative measures are discussed to prevent and combat commercial bribery .

  21. 沉默权问题与侦查讯问是紧密相关的,沉默权制度的实施将直接影响到侦查人员和犯罪嫌疑人在侦查讯问中行为策略的实施和利益的分配。

    The right to silence links tightly with interrogation , and the administration of this system will have direct effect on strategy and allocation of profit of police and suspect under interrogation .

  22. 完善立法,加强侦查方法和程序的研究,强化侦查协作,重视对网络化传统型犯罪的预防是网络化传统犯罪侦查的基本策略与措施。

    The basic measure is to put Emphasis on the precaution of network traditional crime by perfecting relevant legal issues , strengthening investigative methods and procedure , and reinforcing investigative cooperation .