
jì suàn jī fàn zuì
  • computer crime;crime committed with computer
  1. 我国计算机犯罪现状分析与技术防范VRML与JAVA在《安全技术防范》教学中的应用

    The Present Situation of Computer Crime in China and Its Technical Defense ; The Application of VRML and JAVA in Security and Protection Teaching

  2. Verizon有个叫做VerizonBusiness的部门,该部门拥有一个响应调研小组,专门研究计算机犯罪并向其移动电话与网络用户发出警告、提出建议。

    Verizon has a unit , Verizon Business , has an investigative-response team that studies computer crime and provides customers of their mobile phones and network with warnings and advice .

  3. 他们不在乎,直到去年还在担任FBI计算机犯罪调查部门最高长官的小罗伯特•E•安德逊•(RobertE.AndersonJr.)说道。

    They don 't care , said Robert E. Anderson Jr. , who until last year served as the F.B.I. " s most senior executive overseeing computer investigations .

  4. Surapak还将面临依据计算机犯罪法的相关指控。他也是自上月新政府组建以来因侮辱王室而被捕的第一人。

    Surapak , who also faces related charges under the Computer Crime Act , is one of the first people arrested for insulting the monarchy since a new government took power last month .

  5. 计算机犯罪是一个全社会普遍关注的问题。

    Computer crime has been the question concerned commonly by society .

  6. 计算机犯罪案件的侦查

    The Investigation into Computer Crimes Information Formulation in Investigating Kidnapping Cases

  7. 计算机犯罪已经成为严重社会问题。

    Computer Crime has become the serious problem of society today .

  8. 计算机犯罪及其对我国刑法的挑战

    Crime by Computer and its Challenge to the Traditional Penal Code

  9. 对增加新条文惩治计算机犯罪的思考

    Reflection on the Added Provisions of Cracking down on Computer Crimes

  10. 防范打击计算机犯罪的法律思考

    Legal Thoughts on How to Prevent and Strike Computer Crimes

  11. 计算机犯罪中的证据问题研究

    Study on the Problems of the Evidence in Computer Crimes

  12. 定义计算机犯罪也应采取这种方式。

    So defining computer crime should adopt this principle too .

  13. 计算机犯罪增长原因及治理策略

    The Cause of increasing Computer Crimes and the Harnessing Tactics

  14. 计算机犯罪的多因素分析与犯罪社会学的发展

    A Multi-factors Analysis of Computer Crime and the Development of Crime Sociology

  15. 计算机犯罪案件的侦查牵连犯研究

    The Investigation into Computer Crimes A Study on Implicated Offense

  16. 计算机犯罪证据的固定是计算机取证的第一步。

    The first step of Computer Forensic is solidification of suspect data .

  17. 只有这样才能从根本上遏制金融领域计算机犯罪的发生。

    Only can fundamentally keep within limits of the Financial Computer Crimes .

  18. 第二,计算机犯罪的罪过形态问题。

    The second problem is about the form of offence .

  19. 论计算机犯罪概念再论q-图

    On the Concept of Computer Crime FURTHER DISCUSSIONS ON q-GRAPHS

  20. 论计算机犯罪案件现场勘验和现场访问的实施及其注意事项

    On view of scene and spot coverage of the computer crime case

  21. 计算机犯罪取证主要围绕证据的获取和证据的分析。

    Computer crime forensics is mainly on the testimony gain and analysis .

  22. 数据恢复技术在计算机犯罪侦查中的应用

    The Application of Data Recovering in Investigations of Computer Crimes

  23. 计算机犯罪及电子证据问题证据价值论

    Discussion on the Evidence in Computer Crime Values of Evidence

  24. 论计算机犯罪对我国刑事法之冲击

    Computer-related Crimes ′ Impact on China ′ s Criminal Law

  25. 计算机犯罪成本与收益的一般理论

    Basic theory of computer crimes ' cost and revenue

  26. 然而它们引起的计算机犯罪却也达到了无孔不入的地步。

    However , it also made computer crimes reached to an all-pervasive proportions .

  27. 金融业计算机犯罪的特点及防范

    Prevention and Characters of Cyber Crime in Finance Operation

  28. 但是,计算机犯罪立法缺乏系统性和专业性,影响了计算机犯罪理论研究的进一步开展。

    But the lawmaking about computer crime is lack of systematization and specialization .

  29. 计算机犯罪在1983年首次成为头条新闻。

    Computer crime first made the headlines in 1983 .

  30. 计算机犯罪及其立法和理论之回应

    Computer Crimes and the Legislative and Theoretical Responses thereto