
  • 网络Econometric Approach;econometric method
  1. 关于开展农村消费信贷的可行性,本文通过计量经济学方法,包括对GDP的弹性、滞后期以及协整检验,给予实证证明消费信贷的优越性。

    As to the feasibility of consumer credit in rural areas , by econometric methods , including the flexibility of the GDP , lags and co-integration tests , this paper gives evidence to prove the superiority of consumer credit .

  2. 第二节各阶层人均公共支出利益归宿公平性测度,利用计量经济学方法找出导致不公平的主要因素。

    Section ⅱ Measurement on public expenditure equity among estates , finds out the main factor resulting in the unfairness by econometric methods .

  3. 第三,采用先进的计量经济学方法平行数据(Paneldata)方法建立相关的检验模型。

    Thirdly , drawing on the method of econometric analysis-panel - data estimation establish the tested model .

  4. 定量分析方法采取的是现代计量经济学方法&ADF单位根检验、Granger因果关系检验法和最小二乘法。

    Quantitative methods include ADF , Granger causality test and ordinary least squares .

  5. 第四章通过对数据进行整理,并运用计量经济学方法,从多个方面对固定资产投资与GDP进行数量分析,并检验了固定资产投资时间序列的回复特征。

    The fourth chapter is the empirical analysis of the effects of fixed investment to economic growth , which is surely the kernel part of this paper .

  6. 其中所运用的统计学和计量经济学方法主要有因子分析、线性回归、Granger因果关系检验、协整技术和基于协整技术的误差修正技术等。

    Statistics and econometrics method that this chapter uses have factor analysis mainly , linear regression , Granger causality test , Co-integrated and Error correct model etc. .

  7. 本文采取理论分析与实证研究相结合的研究方法,首先对FDI和国际贸易的关系进行理论综述,然后以详尽的经济贸易数据,运用计量经济学方法,论证了FDI对我国对外贸易的影响。

    In research methodology the theoretic analysis and empirical study are both used , first to sum up the theory about relationship between FDI and International Trade , then to examine the relationship between FDI and Chinese International Trade with the method of empirical analysis with elaborate data .

  8. 运用计量经济学方法,对国际旅行社与国际旅游收入、入境旅游人数之间的关系进行Granger因果检验和协整分析,检验结果表明三变量间为正的因果增长反馈环。

    The Granger causality test and the cointegration analysis were used for the international travel agency and international tourism income , the number of inbound tourism by econometric methods . The test results show that the three variables for growth is a causal feedback loop .

  9. 这种方法(类似计量经济学方法)有其局限性。

    This approach – like the econometric one – has its limits .

  10. 本研究运用计量经济学方法,对影响我国国防支出的因素进行实证分析。

    This dissertation makes use of econometric methods to make empirical analysis .

  11. 计量经济学方法是传统的预测汇率的方法。

    Econometrics methods are the traditional tools for exchange forecasting .

  12. 一个计量经济学方法教学软件的开发

    Development of a Method Software of Econometrics for Teaching

  13. 主要研究和教学领域:资产定价,实证金融,计量经济学方法,金融衍生产品市场。

    Research and teaching : asset pricing , empirical finance , econometric methods , and derivative markets .

  14. 以房地产统计数据为基础,采用计量经济学方法和统计分析方法,主要从实证角度分析各因素对房价的影响。

    It is based on econometric and statistic theories and applies practical analysis methods to the research .

  15. 本文运用计量经济学方法,进行实证分析,以此对金融系统资金运作效率作出评价。

    This paper uses econometric method and empirical analysis to evaluate financial system 's efficiency in fund application .

  16. 在研究中,本文将金融计量经济学方法作为研究的基本方法。

    The fundamental methods in this dissertation are the techniques from the financial econometrics and the guiding modeling methodology .

  17. 多传感器系统噪声统计辨识的一种相关方法计量经济学方法是传统的预测汇率的方法。

    Correlation Approach of Noise Statistics Identification for Multisensor Systems Econometrics methods are the traditional tools for exchange forecasting .

  18. 实证分析中将运用计量经济学方法进行分析中国直接投资对老挝经济增长的影响。

    Empirical analysis using econometric methods to study motivation of Chinese direct investment effected to Laos domestic economic growth .

  19. 本文以中国12个二位数制造业为研究对象,在西方较成熟的集聚理论的指导下,主要运用现代计量经济学方法,对制造业集聚进行了实证性检验。

    Under the guidance of western agglomeration theory , using modern econometrics method , the paper studies manufacturing industrial agglomeration empirically .

  20. 并且用运用描述统计学,多变量分析和空间计量经济学方法验证了这种关系。

    Furthermore , this relationship has been validated by applying with the methods of descriptive statistics , multi-variable analysis and Spatial Econometrics .

  21. 运用计量经济学方法,对我国财政收支与经济增长中的有关问题进行了实证分析。

    The problems about the growth of our financial income and expenses and economic growth are analyzed with the method of econometric .

  22. 计量经济学方法已被广泛地应用于经济研究的各个领域,理论、方法、数据是计量经济研究的三大基本要素。

    Econometrics method , widely applied in every domain in economic research , possesses three basic factors : theory , methodology and data .

  23. 通过相关计量经济学方法,使用反映人力资本和社会资本等变量,综合分析需求面移民的就业效应。

    A related econometric methods , and use reflect human capital and social capital related variables , comprehensive analysis of demand side immigrant employment effect .

  24. 上市公司能否通过制定合适的股利政策,达到提高公司价值的目的?本文利用深市上市公司2001年度与2002年度分红派息数据,运用计量经济学方法,验证了股利的信号传递理论。

    Using econometrical methods and listed companies ' dividend data of 2001-2002 from Shenzhen stock market , empirical analysis is fulfilled to testify the signaling theory .

  25. 价格是影响用水的最主要因素之一。本文应用入户调查的数据,应用计量经济学方法分析了深圳市城镇居民生活用水的价格弹性和收入弹性;

    The price elasticity and income elasticity of urban household water demand in Shenzhen are analyzed by applying econometric method according to the in-house investigation data .

  26. 早期研究者应用调查法和计量经济学方法,综合分析了东道国税收激励对外资区位选择的影响;

    Using survey of investors and econometric analysis , early researchers aggregately analyzed how the host - county tax incentives affected the location of foreign investment ;

  27. 利用计量经济学方法建立了基于交通运输信息的高速公路交通管理系统用户满意度指数模型,并对测评方法进行了研究。

    This paper presented the customer satisfaction index of estimation model for FTMS based on transportation information by economic method , and researched on its evaluation method .

  28. 目的通过计量经济学方法分析上海市各区(县)精神卫生服务政府支出比例的影响因素,为完善上海市精神疾病防治的财政保障机制提供参考。

    Objective To explore the influencing factors of district government investment in mental health service in Shanghai , and provide referrences for financing mechanism of mental health service .

  29. 接着运用计量经济学方法就重庆市产业结构对城镇化的影响进行实证分析。

    Subsequently , by means of econometric method and the empirical analysis , this paper studies the impact of Chungking city industrial structure on the development on urbanization .

  30. 以东亚经济体作为研究对象,使用现代计量经济学方法对1993-2003年东亚地区货币市场与美国货币市场的一体化程度进行实证估计。

    Empirical tests are presented for major markets in East Asia , using 1993-2003 monthly data to estimate the degree of money markets ' integrating into the world market .