
  1. 此外,世界各地的穷人还要缴纳一种噪音税:他们很少居住在十分安静的地方。

    The poor everywhere also pay a sort of noise tax : they rarely live in perfect silence .

  2. 开征新的环境税税种应该包括:水污染税、大气污染税、垃圾税、噪音税等。

    The introduction of new environmental taxes should include : tax water pollution , air pollution tax , garbage tax , noise tax .

  3. 20世纪70年代以来,西方国家开征了诸如污染税、能源税、水税、噪音税等绿色税收进行环境管理。

    Since the 1970s , the Western country has begun levying green taxes such as pollution tax , energy tax , water tax and noise tax to carry on the environmental management .

  4. 现阶段建议调整税法中与环境保护的税种,开征如大气污染税、水污染税、固体废弃物税、噪音税等环境税的新税种:确定税收优惠政策等方面来完善我国环境税立法。

    At present proposal to adjust tax system and environmental protection of imposing taxes , such as air pollution tax , water pollution tax , solid wastes , the tax a tax for environmental assessment of the new taxes , to determine the policies to improve our environment tax legislation .