
Bounded Rational Hypothesis of Research on Nonlinear Mechanism of Stock Market
Secretary Problem Study Based on Bounded Rationality Hypothesis
Empirical Study on the Job Performance of the Knowledge Process Project Member Based on Bounded Rationality
Firstly , the paper introduces the background of behavioral finance and outlines on their study in the investment field .
The hypothesis of economic man and limited reason is the basic premise of the analysis of human nature about market economy .
The assumption that mental cost is positive was put forward in this paper through criticizing the assumption that mental cost is zero .
Under the hypothesis of bounded rationality , using the replicator dynamics model , this paper analyzed the evolutionarily stable strategy of knowledge-type staff .
First introduces the basic assumptions of New Institutional Economics : Economic Man assumptions , incomplete information assumptions , bounded rationality assumptions and opportunism hypothesis .
This article is based on rational assumptions of postgraduate limited basis , the use of game theory prisoners dilemma and repeat the game some perspective , a model for analysis .
Based on the hypothesis of heterogeneous and bounded rationality , this dissertation discusses the evolutionary problem of noise traders in long run through classics hawk-dove model in evolutionary game theory .
The irrationality and the finite rationality based on behavioral finance more accord with the practical investment behavior of the noise trader , thereby the noise trade theory has become a important ramification of the behavioral finance .
According with the fact of finance market , limited rationality hypothesis of this theory is more suitable than the entire one in traditional theory , and marketing phenomenon can be explained by it to a large extent .
Under the hypothesis of limited reasonableness , the economic behavior target of the poor peasant household have dual because of two kinds of function attributes of the poor peasant household 's economic organization and the family safety guarantee .
I make the research conclusion to be more close to the real world through taking the Behavior Economic as the research angle of view and the supposition of " the limited rationality " as the premise innovatively ; Secondly , the research method is innovative .
Based on " the limited rational person " premise , it reveals the behavior of value investment .
Based on the players with bounded rationality , the game model is built to analyze a nonlinear duopoly game with heterogeneous players and different functions of cost .
Provided bounded rationality of the firms , the dynamic mechanism on how heterogeneity of demand pulls the evolution of emerging technology is analyzed using the computer simulation and microeconomic analysis .
Based on the players with bounded rationality , the paper used mechanism of " replicator dynamics " in cultural evolution to simulate players ' learning and strategic adjustment process in two groups in monomorphic population 3 × 3 evolutionary game . It 's replicator dynamics system is established .
On the EL Acquisition in a Perspective of Bounded Rationality Economic Man Hypothesis
In this paper , Event-Study Methodology of the performance got during the merger of Chinese securities market is made by using a rule , which is on condition that rational people are limited .
The most fatal flaw of the classic Cournot oligarch model and the related oligarch output-making competition model at present is that the assumption for the goal of oligarch , the assumption for time-order and the assumption for bounded rationality and bounded knowledge are all badly different from reality .