
  1. 研究证券市场非线性机制的有限理性假设

    Bounded Rational Hypothesis of Research on Nonlinear Mechanism of Stock Market

  2. 基于有限理性假设的秘书问题研究

    Secretary Problem Study Based on Bounded Rationality Hypothesis

  3. 基于有限理性假设的知识型项目成员工作绩效实证研究

    Empirical Study on the Job Performance of the Knowledge Process Project Member Based on Bounded Rationality

  4. 首先介绍了有限理性假设的提出和行为金融学兴起的背景并概括了行为金融学在投资领域的应用研究。

    Firstly , the paper introduces the background of behavioral finance and outlines on their study in the investment field .

  5. 经济人假设和有限理性假设是市场经济人性分析的逻辑假设和基本前提。

    The hypothesis of economic man and limited reason is the basic premise of the analysis of human nature about market economy .

  6. 论文通过批判新古典经济学心智成本为零假设,在有限理性假设的基础上提出了心智成本为正的假设。有限理性说明心智是一种稀缺资源。

    The assumption that mental cost is positive was put forward in this paper through criticizing the assumption that mental cost is zero .

  7. 在有限理性假设下,运用进化博弈论的模仿者动态模型,分析了组织内隐性知识共享过程中,知识型员工的进化稳定战略。

    Under the hypothesis of bounded rationality , using the replicator dynamics model , this paper analyzed the evolutionarily stable strategy of knowledge-type staff .

  8. 首先介绍了新制度经济学的基本假设:经济人假设、不完全信息假设、有限理性假设和机会主义假设。

    First introduces the basic assumptions of New Institutional Economics : Economic Man assumptions , incomplete information assumptions , bounded rationality assumptions and opportunism hypothesis .

  9. 本文基于对研究生有限理性假设的基础上,站在博弈理论中囚徒困境以及重复博弈等部分视角构建模型,进行分析。

    This article is based on rational assumptions of postgraduate limited basis , the use of game theory prisoners dilemma and repeat the game some perspective , a model for analysis .

  10. 在投资者异质性和有限理性假设基础上,基于进化博弈理论的经典模型-鹰鸽博弈模型,对证券投资者行为的进化均衡问题进行了探讨。

    Based on the hypothesis of heterogeneous and bounded rationality , this dissertation discusses the evolutionary problem of noise traders in long run through classics hawk-dove model in evolutionary game theory .

  11. 行为金融的非理性或有限理性假设,更加符合噪声交易者现实的投资行为特征,因此金融噪声交易理论也就成为了行为金融学的重要分支。

    The irrationality and the finite rationality based on behavioral finance more accord with the practical investment behavior of the noise trader , thereby the noise trade theory has become a important ramification of the behavioral finance .

  12. 该理论的有限理性假设比传统金融理论的完全理性假设更符合金融市场或经济现象的真实情况,在很大程度上解释了传统金融学所不能解释的市场现象。

    According with the fact of finance market , limited rationality hypothesis of this theory is more suitable than the entire one in traditional theory , and marketing phenomenon can be explained by it to a large extent .

  13. 在有限理性假设下,认为由于贫困农户具有的经济组织和家庭安全保障两种功能属性,使得贫困农户的经济行为目标具有双重性。作为农户,她有追求成本最小化,收益最大化的理性;

    Under the hypothesis of limited reasonableness , the economic behavior target of the poor peasant household have dual because of two kinds of function attributes of the poor peasant household 's economic organization and the family safety guarantee .

  14. 本文创新性地以行为经济学为研究视角,以有限理性假设为前提,使研究结论更加贴近真实世界;第二,在研究方法方面的探索。

    I make the research conclusion to be more close to the real world through taking the Behavior Economic as the research angle of view and the supposition of " the limited rationality " as the premise innovatively ; Secondly , the research method is innovative .

  15. 以有限理性人为假设前提,揭示了价值投资的行为基础。

    Based on " the limited rational person " premise , it reveals the behavior of value investment .

  16. 基于有限理性的假设,通过构建模型,对一个不同理性、不同结构成本函数的双寡头博弈进行分析。

    Based on the players with bounded rationality , the game model is built to analyze a nonlinear duopoly game with heterogeneous players and different functions of cost .

  17. 并进一步通过微观经济分析和计算机仿真的方法,在企业有限理性的假设之下,研究了需求多样性推动新兴技术演化的动力机制。

    Provided bounded rationality of the firms , the dynamic mechanism on how heterogeneity of demand pulls the evolution of emerging technology is analyzed using the computer simulation and microeconomic analysis .

  18. 基于博弈方有限理性的假设,运用生物进化的复制动态机制对同质两群体3×3对称博弈中博弈方的学习和策略动态调整进行模拟,建立了其复制动态系统。

    Based on the players with bounded rationality , the paper used mechanism of " replicator dynamics " in cultural evolution to simulate players ' learning and strategic adjustment process in two groups in monomorphic population 3 × 3 evolutionary game . It 's replicator dynamics system is established .

  19. 从有限理性经济人假设视角看英语语言习得

    On the EL Acquisition in a Perspective of Bounded Rationality Economic Man Hypothesis

  20. 本文使用以有限理性人为前提假设的事件研究法,对我国证券市场的并购绩效作以定量研究。

    In this paper , Event-Study Methodology of the performance got during the merger of Chinese securities market is made by using a rule , which is on condition that rational people are limited .

  21. 经典古诺寡头模型以及目前相关的寡头定产竞争模型最致命的缺陷是对寡头博弈目标的假设、时序假设、有限理性与知识的假设与现实严重不符。

    The most fatal flaw of the classic Cournot oligarch model and the related oligarch output-making competition model at present is that the assumption for the goal of oligarch , the assumption for time-order and the assumption for bounded rationality and bounded knowledge are all badly different from reality .