
  • 网络finitely repeated game;Finite Repeated Games
  1. 运用博弈论中的有限次重复博弈和无限次重复博弈的理论分析了纺织出口企业沿用低价策略的后果;

    The aftermath that Chinese textile 's mills have been using low price actions is given applying the Finitely Repeated Games and Infinitely Repeated Games .

  2. 两发电集团竞价上网有限次重复博弈研究

    Study on Repeated Games for Bidding Model of Power Generation Group

  3. 商业银行&中小企业有限次重复博弈仿真

    Commercial Banks-SMES Finite Repeated Game Simulation under Complete Information

  4. 运用博弈论中重复博弈的原理,建立了电力市场两发电集团竞价上网有限次重复博弈模型,并对模型的纳什均衡解进行分析。

    The bidding model of power generation group is established by using the principle of repeated games in games theory .

  5. 另一方面通过违约成本的增加分析了对银行中小企业有限次重复博弈的影响,得出违约成本的增加,会使违约企业潜在收益下降的同时,其潜在的损失不断增大。

    On the other hand , there is a notable effect of increasing default cost on the repeating game between banks and SMEs in limited times , that is when default cost increases , the potential profits of default enterprises will fall while the potential loss will increase .

  6. 研究结果表明:两投标商在有限次重复博弈中,如果每个投标商都具有大于零的概率是非理性的,那么不论这种概率是多么小,只要博弈重复的次数足够大,合作均衡就会出现。

    The research results show that if the probability of every tenderer being irrational is positive , no matter how small the probability is , the cooperative will be equilibrium in finite repeat games between two tenderers if the number of repeat games is large enough . 5 .