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  1. 这儿有姓马的住户吗?

    Is there anyone named Ma living here ?

  2. 你们班上有姓林的吗?

    Do you have classmate whose surname is Lin ?

  3. 每个人都有姓,有名。

    A surname is your family name .

  4. 您们的行李都有姓名牌吗?

    And your baggage is name-tagged ?

  5. 在我们这片土地上,唯一必须有姓的两大民族是印第安人和黑人。

    The only two large groups that have actually had to take family names while on our soil are the Indians and the Negroes .

  6. 古代,卫国有个姓东的人,对世界上的万事万物都不感兴趣,唯独爱好养猫。

    In ancient times , a man surnamed Dong in the State of Wei was interested in nothing but keeping cats .

  7. 齐国有个姓“国”的富人,宋国有个姓“向”的穷人。

    There lived a rich man named Guo in the State of Qi and a poor man named Xiang in the State of Song .

  8. 本文给出了Hardy-Littlewood极大算子的BMO有界姓的一个新证明。

    In this paper , I give a new proof of BMO-boundedness of Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator .

  9. 他们知不知道你应该有个姓?

    Don 't they know you 're supposed to have a last name ?

  10. 有位姓德贝维尔的有钱夫人住在特兰里奇那边

    A great rich old lady by the name of D'Urberville , out by Trantridge .

  11. 只要有几个姓胡的人在一起,就能够成立。

    So long as there are several persons whose surname is Hu together , can establish .

  12. 您好,我有一个姓高的名字的预定。

    Hi , I have a reservation under the name Gao .

  13. 门上有两块姓名牌。

    There were two name plates on the door .

  14. 有一位姓魏的先生想报名参加一个活动。

    A man surnamed Wei would like to sign up for an activity .

  15. 这儿有三位姓铃木的。

    There would continually be three Suzukis here .

  16. 我们这儿有3位姓法利的。

    There are three people here named fraley .

  17. 相传几千年前有一户姓方的人家。

    Legend has it that thousands of years ago , there was a Fang family .

  18. 根据官方机构挪威统计局的数字,挪威共有35位姓萨斯的人。

    According to the state agency Statistics Norway , there are 35 Sars in Norway .

  19. 如果有一个姓你认识的不止一个,那就圈两次。

    If you know more than one person with the same last name , circle it twice .

  20. “我不知道姓德北菲尔德的;但是有一个姓德贝维尔的,住在苍鹭。”第二个邮差说。

    I know no name of Durbeyfield ; but there is the name of d'Urberville at The Herons , 'said the second .

  21. 波特并不是一个稀有的姓,肯定有许多人姓波特,而且有儿子叫哈利。

    Potter wasn 't such an unusual name . He was sure there were lots of people called Potter who had a son called Harry .

  22. 但是有一位姓陈的“慷慨”的母亲,甘愿为了他的女儿能够在高考中良好而花重金租用豪华婚车接送女儿高考。

    But one generous mother surnamed Zhen wanted to rent a lavish wedding car for her daughter as an incentive to perform well in the examinations .

  23. 对于走马楼吴简的研究统计,可以反映出孙吴时期长沙郡吏民有将两姓合并表示婚姻的取名风俗。

    Statistical research of Zoumaluo Bamboo Slips show that the people of Changsa prefecture had custom of naming by combining two surnames to mark their marriages in Sun Wu period .

  24. 澳大利亚女士索尼娅·麦尔发现了一张提兰和其他女人的照片,这女人和他有同样的姓。当时索尼娅·麦尔在闪电恋爱后怀上了提兰的孩子。

    Austrian woman Sonja Maier found an image of Tijan with another woman , with the same surname , when she was pregnant with his child after a whirlwind romance .

  25. 有一个姓克利普斯普林格的男人在那儿次数又多时间又长,后来人家就称他为“房客”了我怀疑他根本就没别的家。

    A man named klipspringer was there so often and so long that he became known as " the boarder . " & I doubt if he had any other home .

  26. 你过去能把一个叫约翰史密斯的孩子的母亲叫作史密斯太太,但是时代在变,现在母亲、父亲和孩子常有不同的姓。

    You used to be able to call the mother of a child called John Smith Mrs Smith automatically , but times are changing and now mothers , fathers and children often have different surnames .

  27. 德·女孩你怎么会有这么奇怪的姓啊?

    De Girl , why do they call you De Girl ?

  28. 听起来有点像你姓福吗?

    Sounds a bit like is your last name Fu ?

  29. 书封上有您的族姓。

    It has your family name in it .

  30. 俺有一个师兄姓庖名丁,每日要做“解牛”的工作,也就是说是个屠夫。

    I have a co-worker named Paoding .