
  • 网络organic soil
  1. 日光温室甜椒有机土壤栽培试验研究

    Experimental study on organic soil cultivation of sweet pepper in solar greenhouse

  2. 有机土壤改良剂和施用方式对番茄早疫病的防治效果

    Effects of controlling tomato early with organic soil amendment

  3. 温度变化导致的土壤冻结和冻融循环对土壤动物群落施加强烈作用,显著影响了动物群落的结构和功能以及相关土壤生化特性,这在有机土壤层表现的更为明显。

    These freeze-thaw cycles showed significant effects on the structure and function of soil fauna communities , especially which in soil organic soil layer .

  4. 《巴黎手稿》作为马克思哲学的真正诞生地和秘密所在,孕育着马克思科学实践观丰富的理论生长点和有机土壤。

    The book , Paris Manuscripts , as the real birthplace and charm source of Marx 's philosophy , gave birth to the rich theoretical origin and " organic soil " of Marx 's scientific practice viewpoint .

  5. 因而,CAT可作为有机污染土壤植物毒害的敏感指标。

    Therefore , CAT can be used as organic pollution sensitive indicator to the plant .

  6. 估算有机化合物土壤吸着系数Koc的片段常数法

    Fragment constant model for Koc estimation

  7. 通过考察影响PNP降解效果因素,探索针-板式电极放电低温等离子体修复PNP污染土壤可行性,为低温等离子体修复有机污染土壤提供研究依据,对后续研究工作的开展起到参考作用。

    The aim of this study is to investigate the impact factors on PNP degradation , exploring the feasibility of needles-plate electrode discharge plasma to repair PNP contaminated soil , as a reference role for following research work .

  8. 有机农业土壤氮素流失与防止措施

    Nitrogen Loss in Soil of Organic Agriculture and Its Control Procedure

  9. 论土壤污染与有机农业土壤保护的生态学原理

    Ecological Principle of Soil Pollution and Organic Agricultural Soil Protection

  10. 有机农业土壤培肥和肥料使用的规范要求

    Requirement in Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer use of Organic Agriculture

  11. 有机质土壤速效磷脱色方法的分析探讨

    Study on different decolor determination methods of available phosphorus in organic soil

  12. 有机磷土壤杀虫剂应用研究进展

    Advances in the application of soil organophosphorus insecticides to control soil insect pests

  13. 有机污染土壤通风去污技术研究进展

    Soil vapor extraction technology for soil pollution of organic compounds and its research advances

  14. 地下环境中有机污染物土壤-水分配系数的经验估计方法

    The Empirical Estimation of the Water-soil Partition Coefficient of Organic Contaminants in Subsurface Environment

  15. 稻秸覆盖对有机茶园土壤生态环境影响的研究

    Effects of rice straw mulch on ecological environment of soil in organic tea plantation

  16. 重金属及有机污染土壤转基因植物修复研究进展

    Application of Transgenic Plants in Phytoremediation for Contaminated Soil by Heavy Metals and Organic Pollutants

  17. 有机污染土壤植物修复机理的研究现状

    Mechanism of Phytoremediation for Organic Contaminated Soil

  18. 有机农业土壤培肥的理论与方法

    Soil Fertilization of Organic Agriculture

  19. 研究结果为矿物油污染土壤的菌根生物修复提供了理论指导和科学依据,为菌根技术在有机污染土壤生物修复中的应用提供了借鉴。

    The results provided basis for the application of mycorrhizal technology to bioremediation of mineral oil contaminated soil .

  20. 五种不同类型土壤中有机化合物土壤吸附系数的预测

    Prediction of Soil Adsorption Coefficients of Organic Compounds in a Wide Range of Soil Types by Soil Column Liquid Chromatography

  21. 综述了国内外有机污染土壤植物修复机理的研究现状,并从植物直接修复和植物增强的根际修复两方面具体介绍了植物修复有机污染土壤的机理。

    The existing status on phytoremediation mechanism of organic contaminated soil was reviewed , including direct phytoremediation and enhanced degradation by plant in rhizosphere .

  22. 因此在选择合适的表面活性剂进行有机污染土壤修复和治理时,考虑土壤的特性和表面活性剂的结构是非常重要的。

    The results above indicated that the soil characteristics and the structure of surfactants are important factors in selecting the appropriate surfactants for recovering organic contaminated soil .

  23. 土壤气体抽排净化技术是一种安全、高效、经济的有机污染土壤治理技术。

    Soil vapor extraction ( SVE ) is an acceptable remediation technology for soil contaminated by organic compounds , it holds security , high efficiency and economy properties .

  24. 结果表明,不同有机化土壤处理均有促进甜椒生长,提高甜椒座果数而增产的效应,有机土壤栽培还可明显提早甜椒成熟期及提高甜椒产量。

    The results showed that organic soil culture was better than soil culture in earlier maturity and higher yield , and different organic soil treatments had effects on improving the growth and increasing fruit numbers .

  25. 综述了有机污染土壤植物修复的基本类型,修复机理及研究进展,分析了植物修复的优势存在问题及发展前景。

    The article summarizes the basic types of plant restoration of organic polluted soil , and restoration mechanism , and research advances , and it also analyzes the superiority of plant restoration and present problems and development prospects .

  26. 因此,研究有机物料土壤有机碳的积累、变化规律具有重要的意义,本文主要通过对黑土进行连续三年有机物料施用量的不同处理,比较各处理条件下土壤有机碳的积累、变化规律。

    So , it was significance to study the effect of organic material on soil organic carbon accumulation and changing rule . This paper studied the effect of organic material different application amount on black organic carbon accumulation and changing rule during three years incubation .

  27. 掺入有机物料处理土壤有机P各组分含量均有所增加;

    The contents of organic phosphorus fractions in the treatments mixed with organic materials increased ;

  28. 动物源有机肥料对土壤N、P、K动态变化的影响

    Influence of Animal Manure on Dynamic Changes of N , P , K in Soil

  29. pH和有机质对土壤中镉和锌生物有效性影响研究

    Effect of pH and Organic Matter on the Bioavailability Cd and Zn in Soil

  30. 不同有机物料对土壤N2O排放的影响与调控

    Influence and control of paper waste and plant residual on N_2O emission from soil