
  • 网络Resource Enterprise;mprc
  1. 我国再生资源企业布局省际差异分析

    Spatial Analysis on Differences of Recycling Enterprises Distribution Among China 's Provinces

  2. 在强制性政策下,铁矿资源企业的市场均衡产量会减少。

    Under the compulsory policy , the market equilibrium quantity for iron ore resources enterprises will reduce .

  3. 中国把非洲视为一个战略盟友,推动让更多非洲人在联合国任职,同时鼓励中国的基础设施和资源企业在非洲大陆投资。

    China sees Africa as a strategic ally and has push ­ ed for more African roles at the UN , while encouraging Chinese infrastructure and resources companies to invest in the continent .

  4. 经济全球化导致国内竞争日趋国际化,而技术的快速变化和市场需求的不确定性使企业经营环境更加动态多变,仅仅依靠独特资源企业已经无法维持持久的竞争优势。

    Enterprises have been unable to gain sustainable competitive advantage only relying on the unique resources , as the domestic competition becomes increasingly internationalized with economic globalization , and the business environment becomes more dynamic and changeable with the rapid technological change and the uncertainty of market demand .

  5. 如何发挥这些企业资产的潜在优势,充分利用已有的技术及应用资源,企业应用集成(EAI)应运而生。

    EAI comes into beings in order to deal with how to mine the enterprise potential superiority and to take the full advantage of the existed technology and application resources .

  6. 介绍了超效率模型(SE-DEA),比较了SE-DEA模型与传统数据包罗分析模型(DEA)的不同,论述了如何用SE-DEA模型评价资源开发企业的相对效率。

    This paper introduces the SE-DEA model , compares the SE-DEA model and the DEA model , and discusses how to use the SE-DEA model to evaluate the relative efficiency of resource development enterprise .

  7. 在市场日益竞争激烈的情况下,4P组合塑造品牌,品牌资源成为企业竞争的有力手段,但要长期维护品牌资源,带动企业经济发展,是理论界和企业中应该思考的问题。

    Under the situation of fierce market competition , famous brand resource has become forceful means of enterprise . It is a problem for theoretical circle and enterprises to think over how to protect brand resources and how to make enterprise economy develop .

  8. 现如今客户资源是企业最大的财富,企业管理的重心正从内部向外部扩展,从生产制造向客户关系管理转移:ERP-SCM-CRM;

    Now nowadays customer resource enterprise most heavy wealth , weight of business administration expand from inside to the outside , From manufacturing shifting to customer 's relation management : ERP-SCM-CRM ;

  9. 资源型企业核心竞争力评价方法研究

    Research on Evaluation Method of Core Competition Capacity for Resource-based Enterprises

  10. 提出了客户资源是企业的一项重要资产。

    This article proposes that the customer resource is an important capital .

  11. 视频网络应用于资源型企业的探索

    The application of video frequence network in a resource enterprise

  12. 济钢建设资源节约型企业的实践与探索

    Practice and Exploration of Constructing Resource Saving Enterprise in Jigang

  13. 人力资源是企业可持续发展的基本支持要素。

    Human resource is the foundation for the sustainable development of enterprises .

  14. 人力资源&企业发展之源

    Human Resource is the Source of the development of enterprises

  15. 试析企业道德资源是企业核心竞争资源

    Analysis of Enterprise Ethics as a Core Resources of Enterprise

  16. 如何看待这种差异性?人力资源之企业人员业绩考核

    How to Assess Individual Achievement of Enterprises ' Personnel on Human Resources

  17. 人力资源是企业兴业之本。

    The labour resources are regarded as an important capital for any enterprises .

  18. 浅谈基于资源的企业可持续竞争优势的建立

    On the Sustainable Competitive Advantage of the Resources-based Enterprises

  19. 这里包括企业介绍、企业的资源和企业的能力三个方面。

    This section include the instruction , resources and ability of the enterprise .

  20. 在市场,人力资源和企业事务

    In Marketing , Human Resources and Corporate Affairs

  21. 建立现代企业制度,改进资源性企业治理结构;

    Set up modern enterprise system , improve the resource enterprise 's administration structure ;

  22. 资源型企业信息化和信息资源集成管理&皖北煤电集团有限公司案例分析

    Energy-type Enterprise Informatization and Information Resources Integration Management

  23. 资源型企业社会责任的构建

    Research on constructing social responsibility of resource enterprise

  24. 全面开发人力资源是企业战略的重要组成部分。

    It is an important component of business strategy to exploit human resources comprehensively ?

  25. 无形资产和人力资源成为企业资产的重要组成部分;

    Intangible assets and the human resource became the significant components of the business assets .

  26. 脑力资源&企业发展的原动力

    Mental Resources-the Motivity of Business Development

  27. 核心资源与企业孵化器的创新

    Core Resource and Innovation of Incubator

  28. 推进绿色技术资源向企业转移的方法研究

    A Research on the Methods of Speeding Up the Diffusion of the Green Technique Resources foward Enterprises

  29. 资源型企业在资源富集地区具有空间集群现象。

    There is a phenomenon that resource-based enterprises cluster in the area which is rich in resources .

  30. 已有的研究表明,组织文化是重要的资源,企业利用这个资源可以增加竞争优势。

    Existing research shows that the organizational culture is an important resource for enhancing the corporate competitiveness .