
  • 网络Resource Group;Vedanta Resources;MRCB;Hancock Timber Resource Group
  1. 矿业公司英美资源集团(AngloAmericanPLC)也考虑在华上马煤化工项目。

    Mining company Anglo American PLC is also looking at a coal-to-chemicals project .

  2. 多元化的资源集团公司中冶集团(chinametallurgical)正在筹划一场轰动市场的香港、上海两地上市。

    China Metallurgical , the diversified resources conglomerate , is preparing a blockbuster double stock market listing in Hong Kong and Shanghai .

  3. DealJournalAustralia栏目本月报道说,英美资源集团(AngloAmericanPLC)将宣布与澳大利亚黄金勘探企业BeadellResources进行合作。

    Anglo American PLC is about to announce a tie-up with Australian gold explorer Beadell Resources , Deal Journal Australia reported this month .

  4. 南非两家最受尊崇的矿业公司&GoldFields和伦敦上市的英美资源集团(AngloAmerican)目前都正在中国进行投资。

    Two of South Africa 's most venerable mining companies , Anglo American , the London-listed giant , and Gold Fields are both investing in China .

  5. 如果我有这些钱,我会这么做:购买英美资源集团(angloamerican)15%的股权,并在董事会中谋得一个席位。

    If I had all these billions I would do this : buy 15 per cent of Anglo-American and get a seat on the board .

  6. 正在研究与英美资源集团(angloamerican)进行对等合并的瑞士矿业公司斯特拉塔(xstrata),是一个十足的机会主义者。

    Xstrata , the Swiss miner now exploring a merger of equals with Anglo American , is nothing if not opportunistic .

  7. 不过,斯特拉塔首席执行官米克戴维斯(mickdavis)暗示,公司仍将关注英美资源集团。

    However , Mick Davis , chief executive of Xstrata , indicated that his company continued to eye Anglo .

  8. 据英格玛人力资源集团的调查,55.6%的HR更看重毕业生的能力而非专业知识。

    According to research done by Engma HR Co LTD , 55.6 percent of HR professionals say they value a graduate 's abilities over their specific area of expertise .

  9. 自英美资源集团2月份暂停年终股息以来,该集团首席执行官辛西娅卡罗尔(cynthiacarroll)一直受到股东的攻击。

    Cynthia Carroll , Anglo chief executive , has come under fire since it suspended its final dividend in February .

  10. 罗布爵士还是矿业集团英美资源集团(AngloAmerican)的高级独立董事。该集团董事会中有两名女性董事,其中包括首席执行官辛西娅•卡罗尔(CynthiaCarroll)。

    Sir Rob is also senior independent director at Anglo American , the mining group , which has two women on the board , including chief executive Cynthia Carroll .

  11. 比如,自2013年以来,力拓和英美资源集团(AngloAmerican)均在Pebble铜矿上打了退堂鼓。这座巨大的铜矿位于美国阿拉斯加州,因对当地渔场有潜在影响而备受争议。

    Since 2013 Rio and Anglo American have both given up on Pebble , a huge copper deposit in Alaska that is controversial for its potential effect on fisheries , for example .

  12. 英美资源集团(AngloAmerican)紧跟其它几家企业,宣布其位于昆士兰的5座矿山遭遇不可抗力&实际上是说,由于不可控事件,它将无法履行供应合约。

    Anglo American joined a string of companies and declared force majeure in five mines in Queensland – effectively saying that it would be unable to meet supply contracts because of events beyond its control .

  13. 英美资源集团由欧内斯特•奥本海默(ErnestOppenheimer)在1917年创建,此次出售交易标志着奥本海默家族在该集团的持股规模进一步缩减。

    The sale marks a further scaling-down of the Oppenheimer family 's links with Anglo American , the company Ernest Oppenheimer founded in 1917 .

  14. 英美资源集团董事长司徒慕德(MarkMoody-Stuart)昨日在北京参加一个采矿业大会时表示,新项目可能将于2009年启动。

    Mark Moody-Stuart , Anglo American chairman , said at a mining conference in Beijing yesterday that the new project could be launched in 2009 .

  15. 大宗商品市场10年来最糟糕的低迷昨日笼罩采矿业。业内最老牌的公司之一英美资源集团(AngloAmerican)暂停派发股息,并宣布将裁掉三分之二员工。

    The worst slump in commodity markets for a decade engulfed the mining sector yesterday after Anglo American , one of the industry 's most venerable names , shelved its dividend and said it would cut two-thirds of its workforce .

  16. 最近完成《周一不再有》的作者,还有,执行官调查公司人力资源集团创建者SteveHayes告诉人们如何能建立起长久职业稳定性的改变。

    Miller , who recently wrote " No More Mondays ," and Steve Hayes , founder of executive search firm Human Capital Group , tell IBD how to make changes that build long-term career security .

  17. 陕西省煤田地质局(ShaanxiCoalfieldGeologyBureau)总工程师王国柱昨日表示,尚未决定合资企业生产何种煤炭产品。陕西省煤田地质局是陕西省政府下属部门,也是英美资源集团在当地的合作伙伴。

    Wang Guozhu , chief engineer at Shaanxi Coalfield Geology Bureau , an arm of the provincial government and Anglo American 's local partner , said yesterday no decision had been made on what coal products might be produced by the venture .

  18. 瑞士矿商斯特拉塔(xstrata)已经向竞争对手英美资源集团(angloamerican)提出“对等合并”的计划,此举可能会引发国际采矿业的又一波整合浪潮。

    Xstrata , the Swiss-based miner , has proposed a " merger of equals " with its rival , Anglo American , in a move that could set off another wave of consolidation in the international mining industry .

  19. 据悉,斯特拉塔首席执行官米克戴维斯(MickDavis)根据两家公司大致相等的市值、企业价值和利润,向英美资源集团提出了无溢价的全股票交易。

    Mick Davis , Xstrata chief executive , was understood to have offered Anglo a nil premium all-share deal , based on the company 's roughly similar market values , enterprise values and earnings .

  20. 卡罗尔现为加拿大铝业(Alcan)旗下原生金属集团的首席执行官。她承认,对英美资源集团的某些人而言,自己的到来或许是一个冲击。

    Ms Carroll , chief executive of the primary metal group at Alcan , the Canadian aluminium company , conceded that her arrival might come as a shock to some at Anglo .

  21. 该行业超过一半的原钻从比利时进口,并与国际钻石集团戴比尔斯(debeers)、俄罗斯钻石开采商alrosa和资源集团必和必拓(bhpbilliton)关系密切。

    The industry imports more than half of its rough diamonds from Belgium and has strong links with De Beers , the global diamond group , Alrosa , the Russian diamond producer , and BHP Billiton , the resources group .

  22. Codelco积极参与了此次救援;另外还有英美资源集团等公司,它们出借了卫星电话、一辆卡车、还有1.5万升燃油。

    Codelco was prominently involved in the rescue efforts alongside companies such as Anglo American , which lent satellite phones , a truck and 15,000 litres of fuel .

  23. 此笔交易应能使英美资源集团完全控制minas-rio铁矿石项目,并持有巴西amapa项目70%的股权。

    The deal should leave Anglo in full control of the minas-rio iron ore project , and holding 70 per cent of the Amapa project in Brazil .

  24. 毕业生信息企业Hobsons在今年夏季对2.6万名英国毕业生进行的调查中,将人力资源集团SHL准备的一系列问题纳入问卷。

    In a recent study , Hobsons , the graduate information business , included within its summer survey of 26,000 UK graduates a set of questions prepared by SHL , the human resources group .

  25. 不过,英美资源集团首席执行官辛西娅卡罗尔(CynthiaCarroll)自2月份减少股息后,就一直面临为股东创造价值的巨大压力。减少股息的举措令该公司核心业务所在地南非的股东感到尤其愤怒。

    However , Cynthia Carroll , Anglo 's chief executive , has been under fierce pressure to create value for shareholders since cutting Anglo 's dividend in February , a move that especially infuriated shareholders in South Africa , where it has the core of its operations .

  26. 斯特拉塔急于率先启动下一轮全球矿业整合,因此乐于公开自己的交易兴趣,包括与英美资源集团合并,以及可能会重启收购铂金生产商lonmin的计划。

    Xstrata is keen to lead the next round of global mining consolidation and has been open about its interest in combining with Anglo as well as possibly reviving its bid for lonmin , the platinum miner .

  27. 去年10月,英美资源集团推出了一项旨在提振其股价的重组计划,包括剥离纸业及包装业务mondi,和出售所持南非黄金分公司英美黄金(anglogoldashanti)的股份。

    Last October , Anglo unveiled a restructuring plan designed to boost its stock , including the demerger of Mondi , its paper and packaging business , and the sale of shares in AngloGold Ashanti , its South African gold division .

  28. 英美资源集团能否重振全球钻石企业的龙头老大?

    Can Anglo American revive the world 's leading diamond miner ?

  29. 论电子信息资源集团采购体系的构建

    On the System Construction of Institutional Purchase of Electronic Information Resources

  30. 英美资源集团2006年实现利润创历史新高

    Anglo American Group realized profit reached a post-revaluation high in 2006