
  • 网络Resource Protection Law;conservation law
  1. 论自然资源保护法体系的完善

    On Perfection of the System of Natural Resource Protection Law

  2. 自然资源保护法是环境保护法的一个组成部分。

    Natural Resources Protection Law is an integral part of the Environmental Protection Law .

  3. 其次,加强《环境与资源保护法》对乡村旅游环境的保护。

    Second , protection strengthening of rural tourism environment through Environment and Resources Protection Law .

  4. 试论自然资源保护法

    On the Natural Resources Protection Law

  5. 虽然环境法早己不仅仅限于污染防治法,自然资源保护法日益成为与其并驾齐驱的内容。但环境污染问题依然是环境问题中最尖锐、最突出的部分。

    Although environmental law is not limited to the law on the prevention and control of pollution , the environmental pollution is the most pungent and outstanding problem .

  6. 本文顺应环境与资源保护法的发展趋势,选择生态系统管理方式同法律的联结点作为突破口,探索海岸带生态系统管理法律。

    Ecosystem management is regarded as the direction of international environmental law . This paper keeps up with this trend , coupling the idea of ecosystem management to legislation .

  7. 笔者还从法理学、立法法及环境与资源保护法的角度出发,对我国生物质能源基本法进行了建构。

    The author also from the perspective of jurisprudence 、 the legislative law 、 environmental and resources protection law gives some suggestions on building the basic legislation structure of biomass energy in China .

  8. 仅依靠末端治理的环保立法理念,不能满足现实的需要与可持续发展的要求,要依《宪法》和《环境与资源保护法》为准绳,构建循环经济法律体系。

    Only depends upon the environmental legislation idea & " the terminal administer " cannot satisfy the reality needs and the request of sustainable development . So we must take the constitution and environmental protection law as the criterion , and foundation the legal system of circulative economical .

  9. 在环境立法历史的考察中,作者认为,人类环境立法的演变经历了从早期的自然资源保护法时期发展到后来的污染控制法时期,再进而发展到现在的可持续环境立法时期。

    In studying the history of environmental legislation , the author holds the view that environmental legislation of mankind developed from an earlier stage of protection laws of natural resources to a later period of laws of controlling environmental pollution , and then to the days of sustainable environmental laws .

  10. 概述了旨在分析制定我国气候资源保护单行法的必要性与可行性,提出制定我国气候资源保护单行法的基本构想。主要运用了实证分析、价值分析、经济分析和历史分析等研究方法。

    The necessity and feasibility of legislating climate resources protection single law were summarized in this paper , and the basic ideas of this single law were formed in terms of the empirical analysis , value analysis , economic analysis and historical analysis methods .

  11. 但目前有关于生态补偿的法律规定只是散见于一些环境资源保护单行法的个别法条,对于补偿对象、补偿形式以及补偿额度的确定等方面缺乏具体的可操作性的规定。

    But the legal provision concerning the eco-environmental benefits compensation currently is just constituted in the individual legal article of implemented law separately of some environment laws and lacks of special maneuverability provision of about compensated object , compensated form and compensated limit etc. lacks concrete .

  12. 许多州都已经针对《资源保护和恢复法》和《综合性环境反应、赔偿与责任法案》制定了他们各自的实施细则

    Many states have enacted their own counterparts to RCRA and CERCLA .

  13. 论国际淡水资源利用和保护法的发展

    On the Development of International Water Protection Law

  14. 目前,国际淡水资源利用和保护法中的许多习惯法规则的形成,也在很大程度上归功于相关的司法判例和国际软法。

    Relevant international judicial cases and soft laws have formed a lot of international custom rules .

  15. 在《资源保护和恢复法》之前,多达90%的危险废物都处理得不当。

    Prior to regulation under RCRA , up to 90 percent of all hazardous wastes probably were disposed of improperly .

  16. 国际淡水资源利用和保护法的发展表明,司法判例和国际软法文件在国际环境法的发展中将起着重要的作用。

    The development of international water protection law shows that the international judicial cases and soft laws play important roles in the development of international environmental law .

  17. 采矿权的研究涉及多个领域,包括民商法、自然资源和环境保护法、行政法、资源经济等学科。

    Many disciplines are involved in the research of mining right , such as civil and commercial law , natural resources and environmental protection law , administrative law , resource economics .

  18. 自然资源法与环境保护法的比较

    A comparison between law of natural resources and law of environmental protection

  19. 这些应用还会链接通过有关专家及其他资源加强野生动物保护法的相关人士。

    The apps also link people attempting to enforce wildlife laws with relevant experts and other resources .

  20. 自然资源法和环境保护法在我国目前是两个不同的法律体系,他们既有联系又有一定的区别。

    Aw of natural resources and law of environmental protection are two different legal systems , which are connected naturally .

  21. 水资源及水环境保护是水法(环境资源保护法)规制的主要对象。

    Speculation Upon the Management Regulations of Water Resources Basin in Water Law of China ;

  22. 二是要完善和旅游资源保护相关立法,特别是应当制定旅游基本法、旅游资源保护法、世界遗产保护法、生态旅游法,完善环境保护法。

    The second is to improve resource protection and tourism related legislation , in particular , the Basic Law should be developed tourism , Tourism Resources Protection Act , World Heritage protection , eco-tourism law , improve the environmental laws .